Thursday, December 14, 2006

Well Rested

AJ slept over Katie's yesterday and it was nice to feel well rested last night. It was a rough night but it was a relaxing morning so far. I actually have to get him soon because of his OT and PT appt.
To get through the night Bubba and I watched the movie "Accepted." It was alright. It was stupid funny but it was alright. I wouldn't buy it full price though. I'd buy it when its in the Walmart pile of $5.50 or $7.50. I think today I'm gonna take it easy. Its my day off and the only thing that needs to be done is vacuum and to put away clean laundry. I know that can be done later. Other than that I think I'm gonna kick back and relax and watch Pirates of the Caribbean. (my boot leg version) yup yup. Maybe even watch Oprah haha. I know I need to start reading again. I may even start reading the book that Glo gave me Willa Cather My Antonia.
Just some thoughts to do for the day. I think this day is worth being able to just take it easy. Plus it's raining and cold.

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