Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunflower seeds + Mountain Dew = Long Drive ahead

Well, its been a good three days being home after the long trip to Vegas and I'm still exhausted. That drive never seemed so long since on the way back. On the way there we stop a lot too. Rob just got off work, and when we hit the 15 Bubba noticed that he was falling behind a lot. So he volunteered to drive since Ate was working on Bubs business plan. There was like no one on the road, and thank goodness it wasn't raining. Glo and I were hella chatting on the way there.
We got scared though cause on 15 and it was like only our two cars on the road (like no one else) you couldn't even see the other car behind it cause they were so far. Bubba and Lisa called us and were like there's a blue light in the car dashing back and forth. At first Glo and I were like that's the cell phone. And then they were like unplug everything..then we did and they kept saying that it was moving. I got scared and Glo said "its Ed" ohh man!! But as soon as I said I was scared they said the light was gone.

We left around 9ish and arrived around 5 in the morning. Then woke up around 8ish to get ready to go to Uncle Jim and Steves house since the viewing was at noon. I was sooo tired and I know everyone else was too.

The viewing was sad as would any viewing would be. Bubba broke down when we were leaving. I know that its hard for him, Lisa and the ones most close to him. He was a great man. I actually have a eulougy that i'll post shortly. I cried also, since it was wierd cause we just saw him about three weeks ago. When you see someone alive so recent then suddenly the same person you see lying in a coffin was very emotional for me.

Then the drive home...oh muuun! Bubba drove first and I was so tired that I tried my best to stay awake with him. I of course had to ask if it was okay for me to close my eyes cause I know that he was tired too. I shut my eyes after the 15 on the 58 and remember waking up a lil bit cause he stopped to stand up and walk around at Bakersfield Harley Davidson. He said he was still okay to drive, then he woke me up. The thing is I was struggling to stay awake. You know how you're in a deep sleep, I felt like that but I mean, if I had to drive I had to drive. AJ got up for a lil bit too then he started watching his Cars DVD. As if he's never seen it, I swear he watched that movie like 2 1/2 times on the way there and on the way back! No other movies. Although we brought Backyardigans and Finding Nemo, nope watched Cars.

What sucked the most is around 5ish there was an area where there was just mad people on 99. I knew it was commute time but dayam! Hecca folks then it cleared up again. I was hecca singing to myself (haha) just to stay awake, had my mountain dew or my water. Yup yup! You know that when you have a long drive you have to have that!! It keeps you awake and busy other then the radio and cds. We were playin some old skool too!! RBL Posse, Tupac, Serenade (some from the CD), Xmas songs..all kindsa stuff.

Until now though I'm sooo tired! Back to work tomorrow..not something I'm looking forward too.

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