Friday, September 26, 2008


It's now 7:00 AM and yes I am awake and having breakfast! I was up at 4:40 AM and went to the gym. Yup! I sure did! I am so sad that I let myself get out of shape this bad. I mean, I'm glad I'm not all hella sore from running which is good right. Although, I know tomorrow my arms will be hella sore!
Like today, I did free weights and I swear..when I was in decent shape way back when I was able to do 5 or 6 sets of 10. Now when I'm just getting to the 3rd or 4th set I'm all struggling. Ugh! Well, I gotta work my way back up there. I'll get there...and trust me I will be skinny again. uahahahaha. No but are my goals with joining the gym:

  1. Get back into size 5/6 jeans/pants
  2. Eat healthy
  3. Run a 5K by July 2009
  4. Get my shirts to fit right size SMALL (yes)
  5. Stay fit

I'm glad Tuan and I joined. I know we've been married for 5 years, and we gained mad weight (aww love..haha) but it's time!

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