Saturday, January 27, 2007

Event J

Okay, Event J is coming up! Jason's bday is coming up this coming thursday, and I'm soooo glad I was able to get the day off for next Saturday. I swapped w/ Ignacio, so I work this Monday 3:00 to 11:30, so I have to remember to leave at like 2:00 to make sure I have parking.
I don't know what to plan yet. I know it'll be dinner than a bar/club or something just to hang out and drink.

I'm soo looking forward to this coming weekend. I think its much needed. Just to go out and chill w/ everyone. I don't think everyones going to make it though, I just got confirmation from Lori that she won't be coming. I hoping Dru can come out to hang out, but we'll see. Leia and her are sick, so :(. Hope you guys get better. I still have to look for a restaurant to eat. I know I have to send out the evite by tomorrow or no later than Monday (early morning) just so we can get a head count for dinner. I have to check to if the restaurant has reservations so that I can call on Thursday to reserve the place. I know that Ay-Ay and I (haha that rhymes) talked about sushi and then we would have to figure out what to do from there. Well, Jason's coming over later so we'll get a guest list then. But for now, gotta get an outfit woohoo..can't spend to much but you know gotta look nice!

I still can't believe I'm up right now. I sleep really late last night. For some reason I just couldn't get any sleep. Lotsa things seem to be running in my head lately so that may be the cause. All I know is that in the end things will work out, right? If not, then my mind will go into pieces. (but not literally).

Other events:
*Okay so I have to look at my planner to see when I can set up an appt for Antioch in March for Kat and I, and even Tuan and I. I think I may just do the one for Tuan and I this month for Valentines day because in March things will be hard to schedule for the business. I have to take a look. But I think I should plan it for like a Fri, since his days off change to F, Sat, Sun. So maybe a swap for a weekend or something.
*Valentines day..a day I love, but dont think I have anything planned yet. Its in two weeks so we'll see. Dinner? Movie? any suggestions?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

HV position

So I didn't get the HV position...that's okay. It's not my time yet. It was based on my MPP, so I just have to get that up. My QAs are really good, its just compliance, and ATC. AHT was a lil low, but that wasn't the big deal. I didn't know that I ended the year at a high level 2 uggh!
So next time I know what to say for the interview and what to improve on.
Like I said, this year, I have to get things done and get things right. I have to move on.
Other than that my points haven't been fixed yet, I'm hoping that they'll be taken care of tomorrow or soon.

oh my some people really have the guts to get on TV and just blow!! I mean, who really told you that you can sing. Forreal!! It's pretty hilaire though haha. There was this one girl who was crying cause her dad didn't want her to go on AI and wanted to do something else. She made that's good. I only like watching the tryouts and the ending. I stopped watching the whole season. Oh and this one chick, straight drama..haha they said day's of our american idol lives hahaha..she's hella begging about not understanding why she can't make it!!! (sniff sniff) some people forreals!

AJ's got his appointments w/ his OT and PT. Other than that I gotta jet to the Golden 1 and take care of some things. Oh my..don't ever get a car loan thru them. I have them on straight recurring bill pay and they keep applying my payments to the wrong account. It's soooo frustrating!!! So I have to print out something to show it's been inconvenient!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Busy Weekend

Oh my what a weekend!!! Tiring but well worth it..First off, I wanna say:
"HAPPY 30th BDAY JO!!!"
Well we went down to Tahoe Fri night and then stayed over until Sat night. It was pretty fun!! Not to many people, but enough to have a great time. Pictures have been uploaded. On Sat, we kinda just hung out and chilled, which was good to just relax and not spend money. We didn't go snowboarding, or snow mobiling, just hung out. It's funny cause only 2 people ended up going. Jo and his coworker Rob. Then drank a lil bit, ate a lot (oh mun!! garlic noddle and dungeonus crab, yum!) just had a great time. More details later!!

Sun: Leia's Baptism @ Saint Anne's Church 10AM mass..followed by the reception @ Hilton in Fremont
Lotta food consumed this weekend! That means, more running and movement this week!!
That was pretty cool too. I was soo tired though driving home. And on Sun night..still had time to watch "The Protector". Good movie, bad director!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


So I had my HV interview today w/ Scott and Mike, OPs. I think I did "ok" the end I totally thought I sooo could have done better. But we'll see. **cross your fingers**
I was soooo freagin nervous forreal! I know I shouldn't have, but just the interview thing man. I mean, I can soo talk in front of a group of people but interviews they just make my palms sweat.
I think I got more nervous cause Mike was there. I was so just expecting only Scott..but it's okay. I asked Scott how I did, and he said I did fine.

I got some word from D though. I love D dude..he gets info for me! He said that Scott wants to hire me, they just need to fix the whole points issue. So I'm hoping something gets worked out before the end of next week. There's suppose to be a total of 6 people who applied, and I believe three positions are open. I'm really hoping I get this. If not, then I know that I just have to work harder at it. But, we'll see what happens, gotta stay positive. D said that Scott told him I did real well, but I just thought I kept rambling and I didn't give the "right" answer. The only other thing they have to look over is MPP and compare it with other people who applied. D put in a good word for me and that's sooo appreciated. He mentioned to me that he knows that I work hard when I'm at work and that I put in the extra mile for the customer. Things like that are great to hear :)

Work stuff-I almost didn't make my deadline for the correspondce today, but I completed everything exactly at 11:58 (skills, skills!) I just wanted to get things done and sent out to not affect the customer, plus I won't be back until next Tues. I'm looking forward to this weekend.
Until then, I got a lot of errands to do tomorrow (today). Errands aren't always fun, but I'll be able to relax at home tomorrow night. Movie night maybe..oh wait, Grey's Anatomy!!! Gotta love Thursdays!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Okay, so her blogg is officially created!! i had everything setup but i've been forgetting to get her the info!! so there you go ashely...i hope you like it!! we can soooo gossip on this thing uahahaha!
I really hope you like the template I choose for you..I emailed you all the info.

aww mun, it's freakin 2:54 and i'm still awake. I seriously figured out that i function better at night. I'm such a night owl! i just finished doing bills through BP cause I gotta get that taken care of before this weekend. woohoo..Jo's Bday coming up!!! Can't wait. Pictures to post soon. Speaking of which I have some from this weekend when I went to see my godson Brandon, he is so freagin adorable. Bubba helped Jason move stuff, well I did later on in the afternoon/evening while AJ was w/ grandma and grandpa..and I got to hang out w/ Ay-ay. It was nice to just relax for a bit you know what I mean.

hmm..brief stuff..
I applied for the HV dept and I have an interview tomorrow @ 4:00 w/ Scott. **cross your fingers for me** I think I'll do okay, I'm just nervous. I have to figure out what to wear tomorrow oh my! I gotta make an impression. I just need to get out of complex that's all. I'm hoping to stay nights though. So that's the other issue. Well, I've been a lil stressed at work since things changed to the point system and that time I took off last month is killin me. I just don't want to come to work then have to ask to leave. I know things will work out, but for now I gotta concentrate on the interview tomorrow.
I finished almost all my AIMS. You'll be getting two shortly Ashley..I'm going to start doing one each week for certain people, becaus now I was told there isn't a limit on how many you can give someone because it's recognition. So keep those GC's comin!!!

Happy Belated Bday to Philip (my bro)!

It's been freezing cold!! there's ice on the grass!! The last time I checked we were in Elk Grove!! It's been like 23 degrees overnight..poor pets that sleep outside. Aibo has a heater and everything! Speaking of dogs..Kylie is in heat!! Let's hope this time she gives me a puppy!! Do your thang Duke haha!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


So Monday is the last day to send our AIMS to be counted for 4th quarter. AIMS are recognitions that we send out to either agents or supervisors, and with the AIMS you receive a $25 gift card. They have a list of merchants where you can use the gift cards, and they range from restuarants like Olive Garden, Red Lobster; to bookstores Barnes and Noble, Borders; to just retail stores Coach, Macys, Sears, Target etc. I have like I think 10 people to do tomorrow. I've completed some today but didn't get to finish since I moved to sit next to Elisa.

Here's my list of people:
Elisa-almost completed

I think that's all I have. I have to look at my calendar on my desk tomorrow. I really wanna finish them now, but I'm gonna catch my Zz's tonight cause I have to wake up early to go to the bank and do some errands. So far, I've gotten I think that's what $175.00 woohoo..I'm hoping to get more. I'll have to remind people tomorrow. I know Doug will do another one for me and so will Wayne. Bubba said to just put it all to one place, which I think is a great idea. I was gonna save it all for Xmas shopping this year. I know that's hella long from now, but if you think about it..we won't have to spend any money. Cause lets just say I got a total of $300.00+ then that would totally pay for a lot of friends that we didn't get to give gifts this year. The kids, they're easy so I don't have to worry much about them. I'll try to do them first thing tomorrow. I wanna do them while AJ's asleep cause it'll help me concentrate. I feel a lil brain dead since I didn't get much sleep last night.

I was sooo irritated at work earlier that I just wanted to go home. Well, there's a new guy named Ignacio..and when you're new on the floor, I understand that you have the pressures of making sure you don't put the customer on hold to long and that you provide great service yadayada.
But he asked for my help regarding some miscellaneous adjustment on a cust accnt, so I logged off the phone to help him. I told him to give me a minute so I can try to find out why it happened. I even went to Eric. He looked up and you know when you put your pointer finger up to say wait..he freagin thought I was flipping him off. Seriously! And when I came to tell him what it was he was already calling the 4 queue. I know I thought out loud cause I told him, you have no patience and that's so not good. That was errkin. If you don't want my help, then I won't bother. It's my peet peeve I guess. So I'm soo not helping him anymore, if anything he can ask the 4 queue. He's not getting an AIM from me. uuhahaha!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Mission complete

So I told myself today that for now on Thursdays would be the days where I would do house cleaning and run as many errands as I can before 5. So, its really not my day off. No more naps for me.

Well we started the day off real early. Got up around 7ish and then went back to sleep after Bubba left to go to work. But then woke up at 9:00 to go to my nail appointment. Man, it was frrreeezing this morning. It's suppose to be really cold the next two mornings and especially overnight. It's suppose to be in the mid 20s. Anyway, got my nails done. Thanks Timmy!! Then right after went home and figured out what I needed to get as far as if I was gonna do the groceries today, etc. Well, I didn't cook today cause we ate at Cheesecake Factory.
Not bad I guess. I don't recall eating at the one in the city, I just remember getting some drinks before the club w/ Michelle like hella days ago.

AJ and I ate at Oly's Burger..its soo yum. I kinda like there burger better then Nations. It's not that expensive either for its size. After that went to Staples and got some things for the office/AJ's room. I just completed my project of reorganizing. I know its like really early in the morning, but I'll be okay cause I can sleep in a lil bit tomorrow. I was determined to finish clearing the papers that were on the desk and filing some things. Plus, I wanted to put up my letter trays. I also put some stuff on Bubba's desk in the guest room. Since I reorganized the bed and desk around in the guest room, I wanted to make his desk look more like a work area.
Then, after Staples, went home and cleaned house. Had dinner w/ Rob and Lisa at Cheesecake got home around 10ish and now it's time to catch my Zzzs. Just put the dogs in the laundry room...poor things, they were shivering in the garage. I wish I could give them a bath inside but they move to dang much. Well the next two nights they'll be inside, kinda, sorta but not really.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Verizon Wireless

Okay so there's three phones that I'm comparing. I'm really eyeing the one that's a lil more over-priced but I've never really gotten a nice phone. I've always gotten the low cheap model, cause I wasn't into all the extras until now.

So there's the:
LG VX8300
Which Bubba has. It has the bluetooth feature, Vcast, text to speech enabled, etc.
It's $49.99 (online price) reg $99.99 and it's a pretty cute phone. Not my number 1 choice but I can settle for it. I just dont want the same phone like all three of them have. Glo and Ning have the same phone too.

Nokia 6315i
I would totally get this one. It's different. Bluetooth capable (that's like a really important feature, cause I love having headsets), Vcast, photo cam (well all three have cams) and it allows you to get 25 ring tones. Not like I'm going to DL that many.
It's 129.99 retail and online price its $79.99. Still not bad. I like the look of it too. It's the one I would pick but..

The one I really want is:
LG VX8600
Okay so this one's pricey for me but it's totally cute!! It's 179.99 (i think that's a lot for a cell phone, but that's just me) online price $129.99 not much of a discount. It's black, blue tooth capable, Vcast, photo cam, removable memory (all three have this feature) and its really professional looking. But we'll see.

I think I'll just get the one that's 79.99. I have to see what happens before the trip to Tahoe. All I know is Metro will not be paid for this month. So I'm kinda hoping to get the phone before the trip. I just have to see what the deal is on if Bubba is gonna pay Lisa before we leave or after. Cause he has to pay his first months bill. And you know the first month is always the one that's the most expensive. Cause of the whole activation fees etc. I'm hoping that she can just add a line to Tuan's just so I can be in the same network.

Plan wise:
I dont want to be in the family plan. I would do the $59.99-900 monthly minutes and have the $10.00 unlimited text messaging. I use text a lot cause of communicating w/ folks at work plus w/ other fam. The unlimited text isn't bad, cause I get 500 plus texts to non VW customers. What's nice too is that I can change my plan down to $39.99 if I notice I dont use the phone too often. Which I usually don't but I would start w/ the $59.99 just to be on the safer side.
We'll I hope to get a new phone before gotta work that OT and get paid!

No longer a concern to me

I was so having a great morning. I mean, I got up and everything, straight cooked eggs and corned beef (yum). You can never go wrong w/ that. And I actually had all errands done today. Just lil stuff you know. Go to the bank, return "The Break-up" and go to work.

Things at work even went smooth. It was a lil busy but not too bad. I was still able to do the mail and get time off the phone. So today Aaron said that its better that I get all my referrals in before 10 since SNME goes down by that time, and after 10ish its good to be off the phone and do the mail. Hey, that totally works for me. So I have to stretch out my times now. I mean, I'll probably do the usual with picking things up when I get there and doing my rounds throughout the center..I just have to get my refs in and closures as much as possible and later in the evening time to work but off the phone.

So far, I think I've been doing really good with things at work. I got my first QA, level just as long as I maintain that it's all good! I still miss my old sups: bestest ever Dennis, 2nd best: Stephanie and of course there's Zoe!! Those are the best ones to work under. But I gotta tell you Aaron really isn't bad. I mean, just like Elisa told me cause she's been w/ Wells forever!!! (16 years!!) You just go w/ the flow w/ the sup that you get and just stay on their good side. I mean there's certain sups who like to have a lot of conversation and like to get to know you. There's others who just want you to say hi to them and others that don't even know that you're there. That's were the whole diversity issue falls into play. But I'm happy w/ things right now. I hoping though to go to HV. We shall see.

The only thing that totally killed my day..well it was just before I went to work when someone was being a lil to concerned about their stuff. I mean, I dont wanna bitch just cause that's drama. I have so many other things to think about that I'll be the bigger person and just vent to Bubbs. They totally thought I was using their stuff. Umm no! and if I even considered, I'm polite enough to ask first thank you very much!! I guess, after things are all honky dory (not sure if that's a word) on the other side of the fence, it's okay to change your attitude. I don't know. I guess our help isn't needed much anymore not until something else comes up. But whatever. I just want their things out. At first I thought there would be some slight changes this year, but of course not. Things are the same. I just don't wanna hear it. I know its just bs, but really, why even go there. Whatever! They can have their change of heart and attitude just as long as its not here at the house. I mean, all I have to say is that when you try to be nice to someone when there's drama, then when the drama settles..I don't think its okay to have a different attitude. Maybe I'm just blowing this out of porportion, but oh well. The least that I expected was them thinking I'd even touch their stuff.

(sigh) So that was what I needed to vent about today. I'm off tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to my nail appointment in the morning and just spending time w/ AJ. I was thinking, instead of going to the park to take him to McDonalds and let him play in the play area. Cause tomorrow it's suppose to be really cold tomorrow. Oh yea, and I'm planning on going to Ross, we shall see.

Jason in HTML format

Yay!! Jason is now a blogger!! I initiated him. Welcome!!! uhahaha. Its the best place to vent and put your thoughts. Plus its easier to type than to write. Well, I'll be lookin forward to your posts buddy. plus we can so comment one another. its sooo great. ask Ay-Ay. And pics oh mun!!
With that weekend coming up can't wait to take pics and post em!! woohoo!!

Speaking of venting..oh my..that's another blog though. Just thought I'd post a welcome to blogger to Jason. It's really easy Jay, just as long as you have a gmail account.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Things being done

So I've had a lot of things done within the past few days. I got the info to Joe and finally moved all our stuff to WAMU. I'm really gonna start using bill pay cause I know its soo much easier. Great thing about it is that it's free. I mean I had it thru Wells, but it's only free cause I'm a team member. So I set up all the payees just now, so I'm excited. We get to start off the new year organized and ready to go.

Bubb just got a new phone thru Nextel for his business and its all snazzhy. I like it. So we figured he's gonna get me a nextel too but not until March. And I'm just going to have the walkie talkie version so we can talk to each other that way. And I'm gonna get a Verizon for personal use. I'm not gonna pay my Metro this month, so I'm hoping to get the Verizon phone by the 23rd. We'll see. I'm not planning on spending really when we go to Tahoe, cause we're not going boarding. I know we just have to pay $50 a person.
But back to the phone..I already have a ring tone planned for Verizon. Lame I know but I can't help it haha. I really love that song by TI Why You Wanna. I love him..he's so freagin hot!! I'm still debating on the phone I want. I might just end up w/ the same phone as Bubba, but there's a different phone that I was looking at. I mean, I don't wanna spend an arm and a leg, but I want a decent phone. One w/ bluetooth and w/ pics and stuff.

Well, tomorrow I have to remember to return The Break-up at Blockbuster. I did all the errands that I needed to do today except that. I even took the time to go to Bel-Air to see if they had the peppermint that I want for my coffee. So I have to do that tomorrow.
Movie review: I liked it. It's a chick flick I'll admit. But there's a lot of things that were said by Jennifer Aniston that brought up stupid lil fights that Tuan and I have had. But you live and learn. Communication is the key to a great relationship. I know it sounds so cliche but it's soo true!

I also gotta make a few phone calls. I gotta call that guy Doug about the SAFE issue. I was gonna sign up for OT tomorrow but I'mma see how I'm feeling in the morning. I know I have to wake up early cause AJ is gonna be up. So we figured that he shouldn't take a nap anymore like around 5ish cause that's what's causing him to be awake forever. He's gotten use to sleeping at 12ish so if he doesn't take a nap later in the afternoon he'll be tired when they get home at night and he sleeps early. Hey that works for me. As long as he takes his noon nap when I'm getting ready for work!

Okay...I also have to make my nail appt w/ Timmy (yes, I go to the guy, cause he does them as good as Anna) tomorrow. I'm really sad that Anna went, cause she did my nails perfect. I swear that nail shop's like a sweat shop sometimes. It seems like the ones that I like end up leaving. I really liked how she filed my nails and everything. I also gotta send out some emails tomorrow to schedule certain things. So much stuff to do!!! Well, I'm gonna just check my email and catch some Zzz's.

High Value Position Open

So I applied today for the position. I actually applied at the supervisor Scott's desk. It's pretty cool, cause I inquired about it the other week and I kept telling myself that I sooo need to get out of Complex. I need change. But I will definetly go as long as I can keep my diff. I have to stay nights cause of the whole business opening in like two months.
I already talked to Scott and mentioned to him that I'm looking for M-F 4-10pm which would work out perfect!! He had mentioned to me as of why I didn't ask him before cause I would have already been on his team now. But I was out on bereavement and all the other things that were going on. So I pretty much have in..just as long as he does the interview. He told me today that they were really looking for M-F 8-5, but he asked Mike C. if there were shifts open for the evenings and he confirmed that there were. Woohoo!! I'm really excited. I know that the app closes like on the 15th..and it just opened today. *cross your fingers*
There was another dept w/ an opening, which is Multicard, but I think they're looking for day people. I really can't do days. I'm so not a morning person either. Heck, look at me right now all online bloggin at 1:45 in the morning. haha. So I'll find out soon when I get the interview and all. I gotta go over the questions in Teamworks tomorrow. I gotta look it up.

So that's been the big thing so far this week. Oh, and I found someone to swap w/ me for the 20th. Thank goodness!!! I still have to look into the whole bereavement thing, cause I think I have one more day and I need to use it for the 19th. I'll find out tomorrow how that whole thing works. Thanks Marcos for the swap. Hey, at least he gets a three day weekend!!

It was a pretty steady day today. Not to busy. I did get a lil irrate w/ a few customers. There was a guy who called cause his card wasn't fully activated. I apologized (of course, customer service) and I told him that the debit portion was activated and not the credit portion that's why he couldn't use the card. He was all bitchy about his card not working. Agggh! I swear, its like okay so there was an error in the system. There wasn't anyone who intentionally said don't activate his card all the way!

Aaron brought some healthy food today. Carrots, broccoli, celery w/ dip and some sausages in bbq sauce and some chips. I really liked the dip that he brought. Pretty good stuff. I'm really trying to eat healthy. I have to really lose this weight I'm tellin you.
Well, that's pretty much work stuff.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Women Necessities

Juicy Couture (Neiman Marcus) $425.00. Really Cute..But it looks kinda small for its price.

Juicy Couture: from Neiman Marcus $350.00 Gotta love Pink..even the brown would do.

Kate Spade: $395.00 Isn't it so freagin cute!!
there are some purses that I'm aiming for this year. Okay, I know I shouldn't even be looking, but I'm a girl what do you expect here are some that I'm soo aiming to get this year. Gotta have.. its my weakness I know.

Okay, so I soooo have to go to Ross if we're gonna go to Jo's Bday thing. I need to look for some tops. I mean, yea I have sweaters and stuff...but I wanna look for other things. I have a budget so I should do good. I know what to look for and what not to get. Cause I know I'll look over at the shoes, then clothes for AJ. But this time..I just wanna get some nice long sleeves maybe, and even some shirts. Like nothing fancy but some nice tops to wear. Plus I can wear them to work. Hey I wanna look nice to you know.

Banana Spring Rolls

What a nite!!

Okay, we'll things are a lot better now. I've rekindled w/ an old friend. Not like its been ages or anything, but I just had to go thru the drama first and now everythings all good. Huh Kat?!?
I guess that's how friendships work. You go through things, good times which are always great. But bad times is what makes the challenge. We had a great time though. P.F. Changs..yummy!! And that Asian Pear Mojito..heeeeaaaay!! With that lettuce wrap, and some Singapore Noodles. Yum.
Although the noodles did taste like pancit, but hey it was good. And I got my Xmas gift today. You really didn't have to gurl! I love it. Tannish Gold Nine West purse..heeeaaaay! you know I love them bags!! I thought that it was really thoughtful. OH..the best part was the Banana Spring Rolls. I just wanna go back just for that. I mean, its pretty much toron..but the bananas much softer, w/ coconut ice cream and fruits. Oh my!!! I was in Heaven forreal!
It was great to just laugh and joke. We totally reminisced about Folsom Lake Outlets uhahaha. Oh mun! Well I'm really glad things are great now. And we'll be in touch. Although we now have different schedules..I'll make the effort.

Anyways, Munchkin is okay. Just sleeping as he should. And Bubba's all knocked out on the couch. We've got a lot of things planned this month though.
There's Jo's Bday in Tahoe, Leia's Baptism coming up, and Bubba's run. I'm not sure if he'll make it to his run though cause he's workin. We'll see. I'm excited for Jo's Bday. I mean, they're gonna go boarding and stuff while we look around. Which works, cause we get to sleep in on Saturday woohoo!! I have to make sure that guy Scott will do the swap with me. I need that Sat off forreal! I think its better that we leave after I get off work on Fri. I know Jo and Eileen and all of them won't get there until late anyway. Plus Tahoe is only like an hour and a half, okay maybe two hours at most. Not bad. It's like a drive to the city.

I finally started taking all Xmas stuff down. :( I have to take the tree down, I haven't done so yet, but will do tomorrow. All the ornaments are in their boxes :( and I just gotta vacuum around the fire place. I know Xmas comes only once a year, but its really the "most wonderful time of the year". Well gotta catch them Z's got church bright and early tomorrow, or better yet today.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy Birthday Mama

Happy Birthday Mama!! Today is Anthony's mom birthday. I really wish I had the opportunity to have met her. She had pasted away in the PI when Bubba was 13. I've heard really great things about her, like how she was so different from their dad. Even Rob had nice things to say about her when she was alive. Anthony mentioned how he would get in trouble by papa and Mama was always there to protect him. I've heard that she was a humble person whom was kind and always lookBubba was also a mama's boy. Well, what do you except considering that he is the only boy in the family.

I just wanted to take the time to say Happy Birthday to her. We'll be saying a prayer later on tonight. May you rest in peace. We love you and you're missed dearly.

AY-AY Welcome to Blogger!!!

I know I totally got Ning and Glo on blogger..and yay, Ay-Ay's on it now. How exciting. Totally corny I know. But its great to have this thing. Its like a diary all over again, I mean, you still need a PW and all so it's kind of your lock. But you get to decide who can read it. Everyone or just a certain amount of people. Things on the internet, and HTML format, isn't it great!

Adobo never tasted soo good

Oh munnnn..what a day at work. Well, it started off okay, except everyone was moved around cause they moved certain departments. Like the PAL que is over on the same side of the building now but still far away from Complex agents. And HV (well at least Scott P) is where Steph use to sit. It's pretty hectic everywhere. I had to pack my stuff and move my things to my new desk. Its kinda cool, cause now I have a corner desk versus being in the isle.
I get to sit by loud Shawn again. I sat right across from him when I first started swing. Man that was like 2 years ago. How time flies!!

Then, when it came to my lunch time I was sooo bummed out. I brought some crackers, and some of Lisa's cheese ball that she made. Its soo yum! It had green onions, and I think pastrami all balled up together and mixed w/ cream cheese. I put it in the small break room because you have to refrigerate it or it'll just be gross. And when I went to get it, it was gone!! Aggh!! I know they clean out the fridge at 7:30 but I think they came in early this time. I was sooo sad. I was soo looking forward to eating them. So I was like starving until I got home. I know I sooo shouldn't be eating, but water was not helping me at all. So I just heated up some adobo w/ a lil bit of rice. And yummmmy!! Adobo never tasted sooo freakin good! haha

Okay back to work stuff. So we have a new OPs and a new Sup. Aaron is our new Sup and Chris is our new OPs. Its cool so far. I guess, Aaron wants us to stay w/ the swing of things on our projects that we've been working on. He asked us to fill out a "getting to know you form" which I think is a pretty smart thing to do when you get a new team. I guess he's meeting w/ four people a day to talk about things you do on the team and things you like and stuff like that. And he actually gives exception time. We have to meet SLAs at 85% for the day, but he prefers 86% which works. I mean, I think he knows its different at night, then days. Two totally different worlds. I think that's why I can't go to days. But so far so good. I was able to move my stuff and kinda decorate my desk before leaving work today. I just share w/ someone who has ERGO so I just have to adjust the screen and the desktop section. Works for me. I'm just glad I can still do center mail..heck I've been doing it for almost 3 years kinda hard to take that project away from me.
Thing is w/ tax season on its way, I'm not looking forward to the busy nights ahead w/ customers wanting statements from back in the day. And you won't believe how many people still haven't filed their taxes from 2005.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Our Family Picture

If only AJ looked and smiled at the camera..maybe this year.. :)

New Years Eve Slumber Party

It was pretty fun having everyone over at Lisas and just hanging out. My parents even made it and they usually like stay home and do nothin. So I was really glad to have had them there. We played it safe and stayed over at Lisa's house. Had a few drinks. We finally opened the tequila from Puerto Villarta and it was yum!! Pretty smooth...probably as good as Don or Patron. But haven't had those in a while, so we'll see when we get another bottle.

Ning had Alvin over and he even got to sleep over. Poor thing, he had to hear Tuan snore up a storm!! haha. Our weekend really started off when I slept over Lisa's house on Sat after work. Glo and I hella stayed up..just like a slumber party. We got to talkin about all kinds of stuff!! That's why I cherish my relationship w/ them sooo much. Cause I never had sisters you know. We even played w/ make-up totally girly. And tried out some nail polish, lip gloss but didnt do any eye face stuff cause we had our over nighter face thingys on. haha.
Then we went to church, Bubba was at Jason's house so he was able to make it. He was a lil late, but it was all good. Had breakfast here at the house and then went to moms for a lil bit.

Mom made some Casava cake, and that was soooo good!! I love her deserts. Then we left AJ w/ her just so we knew that she would come and bring him back. So it was nice to have it just be us. And Rachel and Mia-Mae came over too. We all slept over. Ning is sooo funny...kinda tipsy hahaha...Enjoy the pics.
Then came breakfast on New Years Day. It was coo cause it was pretty kick back. We didnt go anywhere but home to clean up and ended back at Lisa's house for left over dinner and watched Miami Vice. It was SOOOOO WEAK!!! I was disappointed. There was more sex scenes that it was pretty much a love story..booo! I was looking to see fighting action and cool stuff like from the movie Bad Boys. Oh well!

Holiday Pictures Uploaded

Well, here are the pics from the Holidays. I didnt realize that I took that many pictures..I seriously need to upgrade our camera! Hmm..I was thinking of a Nikon or a Samsung. Since I'm totally the photographer at all our events haha.

Christmas Eve 2006 with Corpuz Family
Well, Thanks to everyone who was there during the holidays. Like I stated it's great to have shared it w/ friends and family. Till Next Christmas..or actually who's bday is next??
Here are the pics from New Years Eve..

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007!!!

New Years Resolutions??

Here are my GOALS for 2007:

1. Lose weight!!! I plan to lose max of 50 lbs by September, min of 40 lbs.
(I'm in Nina's wedding and I'm not about to be the fat cousin forreal!)

2. Grow my hair out.
I've always had short hair or layered hair and the longest its been is right at my mid back, I'd love to have it a lil we'll see if I can stand it during the hot summer days.

3. Try 5 different restuarants that both Tuan and I haven't been to.

4. Start playing w/ chalk and create a few pieces.
I've always painted w/ oils or acrylics but never tried the chalk b/c I know how messy it can be.

5. Read and complete 10 books. (inspirational, motivational, non fiction, bio etc)
Gotta look back at my books to purchase for the year..and I've ran into a few since Xmas that I would love to buy!! Keep my mind working

6. Reorganize my scrapbook things and start creating three different kinds.
(1) AJ growing up
(2) The family..holidays, picnics etc
(3) Lanie and Anthony..4 years going strong!!

7. Purchase Disney DVDs that are going in the volt, and others on my DVD Collection
Mainly Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, and Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe ( I have until the 31st of this month, so I should get that accomplished)

8. Take a summer class, or if I can register late take a class to get into the swing of going back to school

9. Start having "date nights"
Our schedules conflict and sometimes we're just tired and dont have time for each other. I wanna start having just one day a week, or something to just spend time together. I've heard it totally helps the relationship and we bond w/ one another so much more.

10. Shop for new clothes.
Okay I know this is so materialistic of me to put on here..But I haven't really gotten a lot of things for myself within the year. I'm really determined to lose this weight and get back into a certain size. I'm not going to aim for something I know I can't a size 3-5 but I would LOOOOOVE to be the same size when Tuan and I got married, 7/8.

11. Get the business going and accomplish a good list of clientele.
Great Customer Service is what keeps the customer and referrals coming back!

12. Possibly purchase house #2, for investment. (this is a tough one)

13. Start AJ's library of Childrens books
If you have any good ideas of books to read to your children, let me know!

14. Landscape the backyard

15. Take the kids and go w/ the fam to an amusement park, the snow, the Zoo and Camping

Well, that's it for now. I know there's probably more. I wish everyone a Happy New Year. Create many memories w/ people you love. I wish everyone good health, happiness, and prosperity!!!