Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years Eve Slumber Party

It was pretty fun having everyone over at Lisas and just hanging out. My parents even made it and they usually like stay home and do nothin. So I was really glad to have had them there. We played it safe and stayed over at Lisa's house. Had a few drinks. We finally opened the tequila from Puerto Villarta and it was yum!! Pretty smooth...probably as good as Don or Patron. But haven't had those in a while, so we'll see when we get another bottle.

Ning had Alvin over and he even got to sleep over. Poor thing, he had to hear Tuan snore up a storm!! haha. Our weekend really started off when I slept over Lisa's house on Sat after work. Glo and I hella stayed up..just like a slumber party. We got to talkin about all kinds of stuff!! That's why I cherish my relationship w/ them sooo much. Cause I never had sisters you know. We even played w/ make-up totally girly. And tried out some nail polish, lip gloss but didnt do any eye face stuff cause we had our over nighter face thingys on. haha.
Then we went to church, Bubba was at Jason's house so he was able to make it. He was a lil late, but it was all good. Had breakfast here at the house and then went to moms for a lil bit.

Mom made some Casava cake, and that was soooo good!! I love her deserts. Then we left AJ w/ her just so we knew that she would come and bring him back. So it was nice to have it just be us. And Rachel and Mia-Mae came over too. We all slept over. Ning is sooo funny...kinda tipsy hahaha...Enjoy the pics.
Then came breakfast on New Years Day. It was coo cause it was pretty kick back. We didnt go anywhere but home to clean up and ended back at Lisa's house for left over dinner and watched Miami Vice. It was SOOOOO WEAK!!! I was disappointed. There was more sex scenes that it was pretty much a love story..booo! I was looking to see fighting action and cool stuff like from the movie Bad Boys. Oh well!

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