Thursday, January 11, 2007

No longer a concern to me

I was so having a great morning. I mean, I got up and everything, straight cooked eggs and corned beef (yum). You can never go wrong w/ that. And I actually had all errands done today. Just lil stuff you know. Go to the bank, return "The Break-up" and go to work.

Things at work even went smooth. It was a lil busy but not too bad. I was still able to do the mail and get time off the phone. So today Aaron said that its better that I get all my referrals in before 10 since SNME goes down by that time, and after 10ish its good to be off the phone and do the mail. Hey, that totally works for me. So I have to stretch out my times now. I mean, I'll probably do the usual with picking things up when I get there and doing my rounds throughout the center..I just have to get my refs in and closures as much as possible and later in the evening time to work but off the phone.

So far, I think I've been doing really good with things at work. I got my first QA, level just as long as I maintain that it's all good! I still miss my old sups: bestest ever Dennis, 2nd best: Stephanie and of course there's Zoe!! Those are the best ones to work under. But I gotta tell you Aaron really isn't bad. I mean, just like Elisa told me cause she's been w/ Wells forever!!! (16 years!!) You just go w/ the flow w/ the sup that you get and just stay on their good side. I mean there's certain sups who like to have a lot of conversation and like to get to know you. There's others who just want you to say hi to them and others that don't even know that you're there. That's were the whole diversity issue falls into play. But I'm happy w/ things right now. I hoping though to go to HV. We shall see.

The only thing that totally killed my day..well it was just before I went to work when someone was being a lil to concerned about their stuff. I mean, I dont wanna bitch just cause that's drama. I have so many other things to think about that I'll be the bigger person and just vent to Bubbs. They totally thought I was using their stuff. Umm no! and if I even considered, I'm polite enough to ask first thank you very much!! I guess, after things are all honky dory (not sure if that's a word) on the other side of the fence, it's okay to change your attitude. I don't know. I guess our help isn't needed much anymore not until something else comes up. But whatever. I just want their things out. At first I thought there would be some slight changes this year, but of course not. Things are the same. I just don't wanna hear it. I know its just bs, but really, why even go there. Whatever! They can have their change of heart and attitude just as long as its not here at the house. I mean, all I have to say is that when you try to be nice to someone when there's drama, then when the drama settles..I don't think its okay to have a different attitude. Maybe I'm just blowing this out of porportion, but oh well. The least that I expected was them thinking I'd even touch their stuff.

(sigh) So that was what I needed to vent about today. I'm off tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to my nail appointment in the morning and just spending time w/ AJ. I was thinking, instead of going to the park to take him to McDonalds and let him play in the play area. Cause tomorrow it's suppose to be really cold tomorrow. Oh yea, and I'm planning on going to Ross, we shall see.

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