Wednesday, January 10, 2007

High Value Position Open

So I applied today for the position. I actually applied at the supervisor Scott's desk. It's pretty cool, cause I inquired about it the other week and I kept telling myself that I sooo need to get out of Complex. I need change. But I will definetly go as long as I can keep my diff. I have to stay nights cause of the whole business opening in like two months.
I already talked to Scott and mentioned to him that I'm looking for M-F 4-10pm which would work out perfect!! He had mentioned to me as of why I didn't ask him before cause I would have already been on his team now. But I was out on bereavement and all the other things that were going on. So I pretty much have in..just as long as he does the interview. He told me today that they were really looking for M-F 8-5, but he asked Mike C. if there were shifts open for the evenings and he confirmed that there were. Woohoo!! I'm really excited. I know that the app closes like on the 15th..and it just opened today. *cross your fingers*
There was another dept w/ an opening, which is Multicard, but I think they're looking for day people. I really can't do days. I'm so not a morning person either. Heck, look at me right now all online bloggin at 1:45 in the morning. haha. So I'll find out soon when I get the interview and all. I gotta go over the questions in Teamworks tomorrow. I gotta look it up.

So that's been the big thing so far this week. Oh, and I found someone to swap w/ me for the 20th. Thank goodness!!! I still have to look into the whole bereavement thing, cause I think I have one more day and I need to use it for the 19th. I'll find out tomorrow how that whole thing works. Thanks Marcos for the swap. Hey, at least he gets a three day weekend!!

It was a pretty steady day today. Not to busy. I did get a lil irrate w/ a few customers. There was a guy who called cause his card wasn't fully activated. I apologized (of course, customer service) and I told him that the debit portion was activated and not the credit portion that's why he couldn't use the card. He was all bitchy about his card not working. Agggh! I swear, its like okay so there was an error in the system. There wasn't anyone who intentionally said don't activate his card all the way!

Aaron brought some healthy food today. Carrots, broccoli, celery w/ dip and some sausages in bbq sauce and some chips. I really liked the dip that he brought. Pretty good stuff. I'm really trying to eat healthy. I have to really lose this weight I'm tellin you.
Well, that's pretty much work stuff.

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