Thursday, January 18, 2007


So I had my HV interview today w/ Scott and Mike, OPs. I think I did "ok" the end I totally thought I sooo could have done better. But we'll see. **cross your fingers**
I was soooo freagin nervous forreal! I know I shouldn't have, but just the interview thing man. I mean, I can soo talk in front of a group of people but interviews they just make my palms sweat.
I think I got more nervous cause Mike was there. I was so just expecting only Scott..but it's okay. I asked Scott how I did, and he said I did fine.

I got some word from D though. I love D dude..he gets info for me! He said that Scott wants to hire me, they just need to fix the whole points issue. So I'm hoping something gets worked out before the end of next week. There's suppose to be a total of 6 people who applied, and I believe three positions are open. I'm really hoping I get this. If not, then I know that I just have to work harder at it. But, we'll see what happens, gotta stay positive. D said that Scott told him I did real well, but I just thought I kept rambling and I didn't give the "right" answer. The only other thing they have to look over is MPP and compare it with other people who applied. D put in a good word for me and that's sooo appreciated. He mentioned to me that he knows that I work hard when I'm at work and that I put in the extra mile for the customer. Things like that are great to hear :)

Work stuff-I almost didn't make my deadline for the correspondce today, but I completed everything exactly at 11:58 (skills, skills!) I just wanted to get things done and sent out to not affect the customer, plus I won't be back until next Tues. I'm looking forward to this weekend.
Until then, I got a lot of errands to do tomorrow (today). Errands aren't always fun, but I'll be able to relax at home tomorrow night. Movie night maybe..oh wait, Grey's Anatomy!!! Gotta love Thursdays!!

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