Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Unneccessary Lady!

OMG! Yesterday we (the kids and I) went to Target to return the camera and I had to get pull ups for AJ cause he ran out. I had already taken them out earlier in the day b/c of Leanna's Dr appt @ the urgent care.

Anyways, we were in the electronics section and some random customer (she's pute) straight said a smart remark to me when AJ started picking up the camera. Tuan had just called me to see where we were I picked up the phone and she said "Why are you letting him play with that?" She was referring to the cameras. I looked at her like "excuse me!" So she was all bitchin that I let AJ touch the display cameras, and she had a smart ass remark saying that "what if I want to purchase one of those" I told her ass to mind her own business. It was soo totally random.
I was so pissed off that my back started to hurt! Ugh! Until now I seriously couldn't believe she straight had something to say. It's not like AJ took the camera and started banging on it, and let alone she doesn't even know me!!

I told Tuan the story and he told me I should have said "Lady, that's why it's a display" and to have asked her "are you going to buy a display camera?" But I was so pissed cause I had just answered the phone, he even heard me talking to her that I just said whatever!

Anyways, STUPID LADY! I hope I never see her in my shop! (Hella wrong, I know) But some people! Okay back to reality...

I gotta go back today around 1ish to get Leanna rechecked and we'll kind of have to keep doing that if her level keeps going up. I hope it doesn't so she won't have to go back to the hospital. Well, it's feeding time. Gotta run!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Polaroid Review

DO NOT purchase a Polaroid digital camera! Well we went to Target yesterday to get her play pen/bassinet and Tuan said we should just look at the cameras and if it's a good price then we'll get one.

We saw a Polaroid which was cheaper, 8.0 megapix, and it was a dark cherry color. Totally didn't do a review on it and didn't look to think it up, so we ended up buying it. We needed a camera for the shop so we figured okay we'll use the broken one and keep the new one. Hey that works for me!

So we started messing around with it when we took pictures of Leanna at the hospital, and ugh, complaints:
Ugly screen
Ugly load to the lap top
And it just isn't very user friendly.

We saw the Nikon there and even a Sony one. They were both the same price and they looked different. The sony was pink and the Nikon was the burgundy color and it was the model I wanted. So of course, we're trying to be cheap and get the Polaroid. BAD decision. So I'm going to return it today like in an hour. I should have figured, but didn't think that it would be that bad! Oh well, like I said before you get what you pay for sometimes.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Songs for my kids...

When AJ was born, I sang him a song at the hospital and made a copy of the lyrics and put it by his bedside. It was "For you I will" by Monica. I figured since I had a song for him, it would be nice to also have one for Leanna. I found one "These are the moments", by Sara Evans. So these are the two songs I've dedicated to my children. I love the meaning of both songs.

When AJ was in the NICU that song by Monica totally made sense to me for him. I know at the time he was weak, and just did what he could do in order to survive. And now he's three and all over the place. He is truly my miracle on my birthday.

Leanna, although she's still in the NICU..I can see her, she wakes up and is alert. I cherish all the moments I have visiting her and just being able to watch her sleep and make silly faces. I soo cannot wait until she's home to be able to dress her, lay her down and feed her.

Andrew John and Leanna Rae, you two are one of the best things that have entered in my life. I love you both..

For You I will-Monica

When you're feeling lost in the night
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waiting
Count on me, I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better
I'll be there to protect you, see you through
I'll be there, and there is nothing, I won't do

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength, anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time, promise you
For you I will, yeah, yeah

I will shield your heart from the rain
I won't let no harm come your way
Oh, these arms will be your shelter
No, these arms won't let you down
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you

I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress tall and strong
I will keep you safe, I'll stand beside you right or wrong

Repeat Chorus

For you I will
Lay my life on the line, for you I will fight, oh
For you I will die, with every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my word, I'll give it all
Put your faith in me, and I'll do anything...oh

Repeat Chorus

I will, I will, I will...ohhhhhhhh
Repeat Chorus

These are the moments-Sara Evans

Lyin here with you
Listenin to the rain
Smilin just to see
A smile upon your face

These are the moments
I thank God that I'm alive
These are the moments
I'll remember all my lilfe
I've found all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more

Lookin in your eyes
Seein all I need
Everything you are
Is everything in me

These are the moments
I know heaven must exist
These are the moments
I know all I need is this
I've found all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more

I could not ask for more then this time together
I could not ask for more then this time with you
Every prayer has been answered
Every dream has come true
Yeah, right here in this moment
Here with you, here with me

These are the moments
I thank God that I'm alive
These are the moments
I'll remember all my life
I've found all I've waited for
And I could not ask for more

I could not ask for more then this time together
I could not ask for more then this time with you
Every prayer has been answered
Every dream has come true
Yeah,right here in this moment
Is right where I'm meant to be
Here with you, here with me

Photo Therapy

The only thing holding Leanna in the hospital is her bilirubin level. She's still getting photo therapy for her jaundice which was caused by the antibodies. She's breathing room air. Her O2 saturations have been great. They even took off her pulse oximeter. She's feeding really well. Her last feeding which was at 8:00 PM prior to us visiting her she ate a little over one whole ounce woohoo! I don't think she'll be home this weekend, but you never know. I'm guessing my Wednesday next week. Unless she pulls a miracle on me.

Here's some more pictures....well it'll be above when you see them.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Deciding on the next camera

I have been wanting to get a new camera since ours is all ugly. I love our camera but the battery cover broke. So there's time when I'm all taking a picture and the battery falls out. Ghetto! I'm still aiming to get a Nikon just gotta decide on the model and the amount of mega pixels. I still want a digital SLR but it's not my main priority. So here's the two I've been debating on..
Nikon Coolpix S210 8.1-Megapixel Digital Camera - Black
This ones a little cheaper. It's 179.99 and I think it'll do its job. So I might aim towards this b/c of price. But the one I currently have is also 8.0 megapix so I gotta see if I want to do more with my camera..
Nikon Coolpix S550 10-Megapixel Digital Camera - Plum
This one costs a little more. $229.99. It's megapix is higher. So that means I can make my photos larger. Something I like to have an option of doing. So I gotta ask Bubba if this will be better for us to use.
Decisions. Decisions.

Medela Review

So I've been pumping because I really want to be able to breast feed as long as possible. It'll save money, and plus it's better for Leanna to get breast milk.

Anyways, I got home yesterday and used my old pump. I remember it worked so much better before. It wasn't very expensive if I remember right. I think Tuan even remembers it was like $64. It did it's job then, but it totally didn't do its job when I got home. Ugh, I was soo disappointed cause anyone whose breast fed before knows it hurts!! (I won't go into any further detail) So I was looking online last night...and made the decision to get the Medela Pump from Target.

It's pretty expensive, but I was using one at the hospital and I figure for it's price it should be worth it. I mean, I calculated the amount of formula I would be buying and it would be 11 cans of Similac Advance from Target. And I know formula goes by quick! I remember having to buy like 2 a week for AJ. So in 5 months the pump will pay for itself. Actually, maybe even before 5 months considering I should be pumping every 3 hours.

I went to Target this morning and picked up the Medela Tote. And man let me tell you! What a big difference! Talk about last night I was only able to get about an ounce to an ounce and a half, versus this morning when I pump using the medela within 15 minutes..I got a total of 5 ounces! Hella milk!

So any new moms/soon to be moms I totally recommend this pump! It's pricy but well worth it! I love my medela pump.

I'm home

So I'm finally home. I got discharged yesterday @ 7:40 PM. I could have gone home earlier but I asked if it was okay that I get to hang around until after 7:00 PM since I didn't have any means of transportation. So yesterday Jason and Ay-Ay came to visit me and Leanna. It was great to see them. Thanks guys for visiting!! Ay Ay was the first one to hold her in regards to our family/friends.

Yesterday, Leanna had no tube down her nose and we got to take our first family picture (which is shown below). She's been doing really well. I hope she can come home this weekend. Man, I'm sooo excited and nervous all at the same time. I can't wait till she's here at home with me and AJ.

I called to check up on her and got a really good update. She moved from the Koala room to the Bear room. Which is a good sign! She did well on her feedings last night @ 5:00 AM and this morning. She took all 4o mLs and bottle fed. Woohoo! Good girl! So now she's getting photo therapy, and that's pretty much all we are waiting on. Completing photo therapy and then she'll be able to go home.

Our very first Family Picture...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

More of Leanna Rae

No more nasal canula! Woo hoo! Hope she comes home soon....

Three Steps forward, One Step back

So I woke up at like 4:40 today trying to make it upstairs before her next feeding. I got there in time, but was told that when Leanna tried to be bottle fed at 2 AM she desatted. Meaning her o2 saturations dropped and she's not taking being bottle fed very well. Ugh!

I should have expected it, but man it sucks when it actually happens. So I know for sure she isn't coming home with me today. I'm being discharged today. I asked to go home after 7 this evening because I don't have any other way of transportation other then Anthony. I am hoping she comes home this weekend, so we shall see. I'll find out more after 7 this morning regarding her billie blanket, and status and decisions on what the doctors will make regarding bringing her home and what not.

I just hope she's not here for very long. I'm really excited to bring her home, I know the time will come. I just wasn't expecting it the second time around...I do have to prepare things at home for her. The house, her room, her bed, and her set up at home. I am hoping to get her play pen with the bassinet by this weekend if incase she comes home this weekend. I also have to get the new camera hopefully by this weekend, cause I know they'll be pictures galore!

I'll be praying for her..I know she'll do just fine. We love you Leanna..come home soon...

Welcoming Leanna Rae with love

Anthony, Lanie & big brother AJ welcome Leanna Rae with love
July 22nd 2008 @ 12:48 AM
5 Lbs 10 Oz 18 inches


So I'm wide awake right now, still in the hospital, just finished the whole pumping deal, took pain meds and I should be sleeping..but nope..I'm just excited.

At 11 PM I went up to see her in the NICU to try to breastfeed, and got some progress. But the good thing is when I walked in the nurse talked to me and told me she is now breathing room air! Woohoo! She was on 1 liter of oxygen earlier today and she's been slowly weeined off, and now she's breathing normal...except she's still being monitored for her respiratory. And she's still got her bielly blanket..for the antibodies deal.

But I got to hold her for a whole hour and her O2 stats were good, her HR was good, and her RR was good. So if everything goes well, she may go home this weekend. I'll be crossing my fingers and praying. I'mma wake up in a few hours to check on her, so we'll see how she does these next few hours.

I know she probably won't be able to go home with me tomorrow (although if she did that would be great!!) But as long as she comes home soon. I mean, it would nice even if she didn't come home with me so I can prepare for things at home.

I would like to thank those who have greeted us, came to visit us, and helped us in any way these past few days. Thanks Ning and Glo for taking care of AJ from my dr appt on Monday and until we delivered. Mom for watching him the following day. Joanne for getting me a sandwich for lunch/dinner. Thanks for all the love and support. We'll see you guys all soon, and next time it'll be with our new addition.

Bubba for making sure I didn't get the epidural, and for being there as much as you can with the whole shop having to function. Thank you for doing your best in staying awake and spending the amount of time with me at the hospital and with Leanna. I'm glad we get to share this experience together..what a joyous time in our life. I love you.

Well, I'll keep the update going..till next time. G-nite!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Favorite Snack

So after birth last night, or better yet early this morning, I was given honey graham crackers and peanut butter. Yum! It's my new favorite snack. It's pretty good...

I think that will be my new favorite snack. Thing is I gotta buy the little packets of peanut butter from costco, haha. I've been snacking on it since yesterday. I'm snacking on it right now. Oh yea, here are some pics..


She's a Cancer just like her dad..Cancer is from June 21 to July 22..so I was looking to see what her horoscope would be and it's just the same as her dad! Cool! I so need to figure out her name...forreal!

Baby Girl

So baby Girl Luchico is finally here! She was born today, Tuesday early morning @ 12:48 AM, weighing in at 5 Lbs 10 ounces. And it was natural delivery!!

I can't even believe I'm all online blogging about this. Well, here's some brief details. I did not have an epidural. Yup yup!! I did it! I'm so proud of myself, that it's shocking. I did get something to kick off the edge called ferrenal (I don't think I spelled that right.) It made me feel woopy and loopy. But I pushed her out! I was in active to transitional labor for 2 hours. I pushed for 30 minutes and then she's here!

They broke my water at 10, contractions were kickin my ass that I was delierious, then came the pushing. Craziness! Okay time to go to bed.

She's in the NICU though because of the whole antibodies deal, and they need to monitor here. She has a pap to help her breath cause she just needs a little help with the breathing..and she has a billy blanket to help with her antibodies. Other than that she looks good. Anthony said she looks like me. But I can't really tell. I'll post pictures soon.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tuan's 29th Bday Pics


I love and hate Target all at the same time! So I went the other day to seriously just buy AJ's pull ups and wipes. Tell me why his wipes went to like $150.00!! OMG!
I mean I seriously didn't even go shopping. (Well, technically...)

I ended up getting a basket for the baby's diapers. I didn't get any bottles for our baby shower so I ended up getting some bottles and a bottle cleaner of course. I bought some sensitive wipes cause they were on sale. And then, I of course got some baby Johnson's shampoo cause it was on sale! I also end up buying a freagin purse and wallet OMG that was on sale! Totally bad I know. And I seriously should have just went to the diaper and wipes and section and got what I needed to get but nope. It never seems to happen that way.

I'm just glad the other day Anthony and I finally got her car seat! I had to get the one that matched and fit with the double stroller. Thanks to everyone who gave us a gift card! It was well worth it! The only thing left for me to buy is the play pen for downstairs. Maybe in two weeks. We shall see.

Mapquest @ 4:27 AM

I know it's totally crazy that I'm awake right now. Bubba went fishing w/ John and Jeremy and I just talked to him to remind him something. Well, they're all the way on highway 4 in Contra Costa County! Dang! Determined to get some fish tonight! So he wanted me to look up to make sure they were going the right direction.

All I know is tomorrow they'll be sleeping in or pretty much sleeping all day long. Oh well, at least I know we won't be going anywhere. I know we can't really go far for the next few weeks. Considering I may go into labor before my scheduled enduction.
I want to start working on my scrapbook (as crazy as that sounds this early in the morning) But, I'm too lazy right now and I don't know if I'm tired or awake. I had Glo make me some ice coffee earlier (BAD, I know).

So..now I'm all on blog chatting away. Hahaha. Oh mun, being pregnant at the last trimester.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Massage Envy here we come!

We've been waiting to get our massage for like almost three weeks! I finally scheduled one for yesterday @ 8:00 PM.

I know my body has been pretty tense! What sucks though is certain parts of the body can't be massaged a certain way because it can trigger labor. Ugh. Well, we did an hour and a half. Anthony liked Kwame (whose like hella pregnant) because she massaged the areas where he had knots and actually got rid of them. He even said he felt bad cause she's putting pressure on him and she's pregnant.

I had Erica, whom I had last time. I like her. I just wish I could get a deep tissue, but I can't. So she told me there's 5 sensitive spots that can trigger labor. Two points by my shoulder, one behind my knee, the web of between my thumb and pointer finger, and around my ankle. What sucks is the two points around my neck were hella hurting. Ugh! Well, I'll definetly be back when this baby comes out! I may try a new therapist just to see. But so far I've had Erica cause she's certified in prenatal.

Well, I guess it's pretty cool we signed up for it, cause it's something to look forward to each month.

Scheduled Delivery

So I really have two more weeks until her arrival. I had my dr appt yesterday and was told I will have to be induced at exactly 37 weeks. (Woohoo) I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I have to be induced due to my high red blood antibodies, so if I go full term she can become still born..which of course we don't want.

So next week, I have tests to take from Monday through Thursday along with a final ultrasound. Then I'll find out for sure when she'll be here. Anthony wants me to schedule it on a Friday hahaha, after six. I guess it won't hurt to ask. I can use a few days of recooperating. Well, I'll be up to date for the final day...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So I have approximately two more weeks until her arrival. Ugh! It seems like forever. No I shouldn't say that. Well, all I know is I need to get her car seat and get my bag ready to be packed up. I have to do it soon, cause I'm just getting to the point where I'm restless.

It's soo hard to get up in the morning. I'm literally rolling off the bed.
I'm more tired in the morning then I was my first trimester.
I seem to have gotten a cold and now it won't go away.
I lose my balance every now and then.
It's hard to sleep at night.

(Sigh)What more can I say!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

106+ degree weather + overwhelming paper work=HEADACHE

I am soooooooo HOT! HOT doesn't even describe it anymore. I'm starting to get really exhausted. This weather is just now starting to get to me. What sucks about it is the smoke from the foothills. I guess the heat isn't too bad, but man the air is soo unhealthy.

So the shop. There's so much work and paperwork that I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so busy it's crazy. I know I shouldn't complain, and really I'm not. But it's just overwhelming and challenging all at the same time. I soo am ready for the pool again with a virgin pina colada.
We jumped in the pool yesterday and boy was it nice and warm.

Well, I'm ready for a massage. I wish we could do it this weekend, but we'll be having the party. Hopefully next weekend. Till next time...

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Baby Names

We still haven't completly decided on a name for her yet. But this is an interesting article I came across, Baby Names

So we've thought of Leanna Rae and/or Lauren Paige. I guess I just have to see her when she's here!

Long Weekend

It was nice to have a long weekend. We were open for a little bit on the 4th, but that's alright. We were able to ship out some cars and even take a car in. So on the 4th, we just had the norm come over. Lisa and them, Joce & Oliver and the boys, and Julio (Rob's bro) even came over.
So it was nice to swim for a little bit. We pretty much just hung out in the pool. Waited until it got dark, which seemed like eternity..then did fireworks outside.

I was actually able to use my maternity bathing suit! Haha. I thought I bought it for nothing, but I actually got to wear it in the pool. I felt sooo light in the water. Man it felt good to swim. Especially in this heat.
It's wierd, on the 4th it wasn't that hot. I mean it was like in the high 80s I think it even hit 90 something..but it wasn't like last year where it was 102!

Then we actually got to sleep in on Saturday! Yup, haven't done that in a while. We sooo milked it until it was time to go to the baby shower. We went out to Rancho for Winnie & Joey's baby shower. Man I haven't seen them in like hella long! Well, Winnie Anne at least. And guess who I got to see. Angelito (Jojo)!! I haven't seen him in like over 5 years! So went to the baby shower, and just did a little cleaning. That was Saturday.

Sunday..the plan was to go see John, Vanessa and Cody in the city. We totally forgot it was a long weekend. We left here at 10:30 and got to Vacaville at quarter till noon! Hella traffic. Everyone was trying to go home to beat the traffic..so we ended up visiting mom at the outlet. We then went home, and sat in the pool and rested again! I guess after having a really rough and busy week, to actually relax was really nice!

Well, we'll be having one more party before the baby comes. Tuan's bday this weekend! Woohoo!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Massage Envy

I am sooo ready for our appointment which I need to make for our massage! Tuan wanted me to schedule it today, to just get the massage and then come back home to sleep! haha.. Hella lazy!
Well, we haven't had a long weekend to actually be off in a while. And lately it's been so busy that a massage sounds really good right now.

I need to call and make our appointment soon. The last time we went, it was pretty worth it. We went after work on a Friday knowing we'd be closed the next day. And we knocked out. It was pretty cool getting a prenatal massage. I know I need one more before I pop!

Ten Best Places to Live

So I was reading my email this morning and ran into this article on Yahoo. I would have never figured these places:

California had two places on the list. Pretty interesting...And the article talks about these places are the best places to raise a family. Hmm..maybe we'll move to Hawaii..hahaha.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Driving all day

I'm am sooo freakin tired! Forreal! I had to drive to downtown Sac, pick up a tranny, come back to the shop...then go back towards downtown to go to my dr. appt, come back, go to the bank, come back, and I'm still here!

I was hoping AJ would already be here so I can go straight home, but I gotta pick him up at Lisas house. MORE DRIVING!!! Ugh!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Pools Ready!

I was a tad bit worried about the pool not being ready for this weekend, and most especially for next weekend for Tuan's bday party. But it's pretty much ready. The only thing is our fountain stopped working. Ugh! It kinda sucks, but I think there's a clog somewhere which we can't seem to locate. I think it's Tuan's (or we know) it's his bracelet that fell in the pool.

I'm excited too, cause I seriously bought a maternity bathing suit. I want to wear it at least twice. So there's this weekend and then next! Time to go swimming!

Transmission God

So we haven't gone to church for like 5 weeks. And we usually go every week! Well for the last two weeks we've been going to church. We had a stumble of things as far as how the shop was doing. It was pretty stressful. There was one week we had to send one of the guys home and the other guy was on call. I hate to do that to them too, but if there's no work, I'm sorry I can't pay you.

Anyways, I was just hoping and praying to get busy. So we seriously went from like 6 cars to 23 cars! Woah!!! Hella cars! And believe it or not, most of all of them are transmissions! Woohoo!
Time to pay some bills and get things squared away.
I've learned that having your own business is very challenging! It's stressful when you have very little coming in. Then when you're bombarded with work, the challenge is trying to make sure the promised time provided to our customers is correct. I mean, some customers cars that are in the shop are everyday cars. Other cars just need to be fixed in order for them to start driving it. And I know how that goes when you don't have a car.

Well, thank god for the Transmission prayers I put in. Now I'm hoping it stays consistent. Hopefully before this litte one in me comes out we can get a bigger car. One without monthly payments!

Preterm Labor scare

So last week on Wednesday I went to my appointment as usual, thinking nothing of it. I get an ultrasound ever two weeks to just make sure she's not animic. And then was told I had to hang tight, cause I may have to go to labor and delivery. I was like "what!" I had AJ with me and was thinking well L & D have to wait cause I gotta drop him off.

I was told that my lining was thinning out. It's suppose to be at 3 cm, and it was already at 2.09 cm and got to 1.57 cm. So I may possibly go into preterm labor. Great! Another preemie, but at least I know this one would be bigger then AJ and I'm further along.

So I went back to the shop. Dropped AJ off and waited for Tuan. We ended up at L & D just to get checked for 10 minutes and got sent home. So here I am, still pregnant! I was even able to have my second baby shower :)