Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Preterm Labor scare

So last week on Wednesday I went to my appointment as usual, thinking nothing of it. I get an ultrasound ever two weeks to just make sure she's not animic. And then was told I had to hang tight, cause I may have to go to labor and delivery. I was like "what!" I had AJ with me and was thinking well L & D have to wait cause I gotta drop him off.

I was told that my lining was thinning out. It's suppose to be at 3 cm, and it was already at 2.09 cm and got to 1.57 cm. So I may possibly go into preterm labor. Great! Another preemie, but at least I know this one would be bigger then AJ and I'm further along.

So I went back to the shop. Dropped AJ off and waited for Tuan. We ended up at L & D just to get checked for 10 minutes and got sent home. So here I am, still pregnant! I was even able to have my second baby shower :)

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