Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Baby Girl

So baby Girl Luchico is finally here! She was born today, Tuesday early morning @ 12:48 AM, weighing in at 5 Lbs 10 ounces. And it was natural delivery!!

I can't even believe I'm all online blogging about this. Well, here's some brief details. I did not have an epidural. Yup yup!! I did it! I'm so proud of myself, that it's shocking. I did get something to kick off the edge called ferrenal (I don't think I spelled that right.) It made me feel woopy and loopy. But I pushed her out! I was in active to transitional labor for 2 hours. I pushed for 30 minutes and then she's here!

They broke my water at 10, contractions were kickin my ass that I was delierious, then came the pushing. Craziness! Okay time to go to bed.

She's in the NICU though because of the whole antibodies deal, and they need to monitor here. She has a pap to help her breath cause she just needs a little help with the breathing..and she has a billy blanket to help with her antibodies. Other than that she looks good. Anthony said she looks like me. But I can't really tell. I'll post pictures soon.

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