Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Unneccessary Lady!

OMG! Yesterday we (the kids and I) went to Target to return the camera and I had to get pull ups for AJ cause he ran out. I had already taken them out earlier in the day b/c of Leanna's Dr appt @ the urgent care.

Anyways, we were in the electronics section and some random customer (she's pute) straight said a smart remark to me when AJ started picking up the camera. Tuan had just called me to see where we were I picked up the phone and she said "Why are you letting him play with that?" She was referring to the cameras. I looked at her like "excuse me!" So she was all bitchin that I let AJ touch the display cameras, and she had a smart ass remark saying that "what if I want to purchase one of those" I told her ass to mind her own business. It was soo totally random.
I was so pissed off that my back started to hurt! Ugh! Until now I seriously couldn't believe she straight had something to say. It's not like AJ took the camera and started banging on it, and let alone she doesn't even know me!!

I told Tuan the story and he told me I should have said "Lady, that's why it's a display" and to have asked her "are you going to buy a display camera?" But I was so pissed cause I had just answered the phone, he even heard me talking to her that I just said whatever!

Anyways, STUPID LADY! I hope I never see her in my shop! (Hella wrong, I know) But some people! Okay back to reality...

I gotta go back today around 1ish to get Leanna rechecked and we'll kind of have to keep doing that if her level keeps going up. I hope it doesn't so she won't have to go back to the hospital. Well, it's feeding time. Gotta run!

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