Thursday, December 28, 2006

Back to work

Okay so its been a while..a long while. It was nice to be back to work, but totally different. I didn't wanna answer to many questions, and I'm grateful for all the people who knew the situation and just didn't ask.

I have a great supervisor as well as great other resources, like Dennis. They have been great and understanding to me. I totally appreciate their patience and support.
Anyways, so yea, I took a good amount of phone calls. And I know that its gonna start to get really busy soon, and I'm soo not going to look forward to that. Well, it was an okay day I guess. There were so many new faces. It was wierd!! I was like who are you, well I didn't say it to them, but I just kept looking around and saw someone I've never seen before. I didnt get a chance to look at the OT board which I totally know I should. I will do that on Fri though, fo sho.
Gotta make those ends!! (ghetto i know haha)

Well, gotta get stuff done tomorrow. The faxes, and getting in contact w/ Mike.. is a must do!! Good night!!

The Holidays

It was a great holiday. Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We didn't do much, did the usual as we do each year. We actually went to the bay a day early, cause we were suppose to go w/ tita Teresa to get some king crabs @ Costco..we came late and when we arrived they weren't even there. This was on Sat the 23rd, so we went to Macy's at Serramonte, got a grab bag and chilled at home. Played a lil Mad Gab w/ DJ.

Sun: Christmas Eve
The day started pretty early for me. I had Alvin take me to the store to get a gift for DJ. I tried to do it before Bubba woke up and DJ got up, plus we went to church @ 11:30. Went to mass at Holy Angels at 11:30 and I wore my red xmas dress (didnt wanna wear it at night so just wore it there.) So that was accomplished..then had a lil breakfast. Ate Aileen came and wanted to do her last min Christmas shopping so we went to Tanfran..didnt really get much there except a purse from Old Navy, Thanks Lynn!! and some Cinnabon for the next morning. And we discovered a cool dollar store place. It's called Daiso Japan. We were on our way to Serramonte, and there were just way to many people there!! Which figures cause it was the day before Xmas. And we got some cool stuff there. ALMOST everything was $ we found a dog bed for Simba, and some sponges and I got a knife for $1.50 can you believe it!! of course everything was in Japanese!! haha..

Jason and Ay-ay came over around 8ish and I got to see big cute cheeks Brandon. He had on a Santa outfit it was soo adorable.
Then everyone started coming over around 6ish i think and Lisa and Rob didn't arrive until like 9ish. I guess it worked out cause we only had a few hours left for opening gifts. We had our grab bag. There were some nice things. I got what I wanted so that worked out. There's always the luggage, but this year there was an electronic stainless steel trashcan, some walkie talkies, 25 piece set of stainless steel grill set, the Kone vaccuum, a Liz Claiborne luggage, Cars backpack w/ $20 bucks, a set of pillows, 22 piece tools of the trade knife set, boom box, a massager, dirt devil cordless hand vac, and can't think of the other stuff. But some cool stuff this year. Me and Ate Aileen traded. She had the knives and I had the Kone Vaccuum. Either which way those were some cool gifts. Then we all just hung out after that. There was the traditional black jack @ the dining table. And me, Aileen and Eileen were just talkin about things that were new, old, and whatever. Just playin catch-up. Glo's friends sang karaoke for a lil bit. I sang one song, my fav Colors of the Wind. Then there came opening gifts. We got some cool stuff. I got an apron, and we got the Turbo..time to cook Liempo and krispy pata yum!!! AJ got some clothes and a few toys. and a cool Cars pillow.

Mon: Christmas Day
Okay woke up late. Packed things up. Bubba and I were pretty grumpy, i think from the lack of sleep and just trying to get to moms and stuff. Went to Pinole to pick up some food from auntie Este and then went to moms. Stayed there until like 6ish. Lisa beat us home this time. And we scared the crap out of the kids cause the gifts were gone when we came in. They got a note from Santa that they were on the "naughty" list. hahaha. it was hilaire..i know kinda mean. but they were being pouty and bratty before xmas so it was nice of them to see that they need to appreciate what they have. that's that. Lisa got me as her secret santa and I got my Coach clutch purse haaaaeeeey!!so here's the breakdown:

- spent time w/ friends and family
- got a new set of knives from grab bag; Bubba got us a set of 4 king size pillows
- got to watch the kids appreciate the gifts they got from Santa
- saw my Godson Brandon (he's soooo cute!!!)
- played some Mad Gab w/ the was totally hilaire!!
-Bubba got a new phone thru Verizon, as well as Ning and Glo
- I got my jacket for riding (at a great price too)

- the loss of a loved one, always hard on the Holidays, RIP u. Ed
- certain people who dont realize that they have it easy need to stop pouting..oh my that's so another blogg..more on that later
-traveling, it took 3 1/2 hours to get to the city.. but all worth it at the end
- my brother just not willing to mingle when people are over, it sucks cause I feel it reflects on me

Well, that's the holidays for ya. It was great, and so short. Another year to come. I hope its a good one. Gotta think of other things for grab bag next year...pots and pans hmmm???

Pictures to come soon!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Copy and Paste..From Glo

>>1.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you..
>>2. No man or woman is worth your tears, & the one who is, won't make you cry.
>> 3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
>> 4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand & touches your heart.
>> 5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can' t have them
>> 6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
>> 7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
>> 8. Don't waste your time on someone, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. (this is one u should ponder) ^_~
>> 9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong peo ple before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.
>> 10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
>> 11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting & just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
>> 12. Make yourself a better person & know who you are before you try & know someone else & expect them to know you.
>> 13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

Blogger Initiation

Woohoo!! Ning is now a blogger on the "cool" blogger website...haha..
Well, okay so she couldn't access the other site, plus this one is much easier. I know I get them into these things. But its grrrrreeeeat! First Mina..who's next?!?

First off gotta send some Bday shouts..some for this weekend and some belated (better late then never)
Happy 3rd Birthday Madison..
and Happy Belated Nina!!

Ok, so we haven't gotten DJ anything yet for Xmas and I dont know if Tuan's gonna get a grab bag. I have mine already but I still have the $25 gift certificate to Macy's its just the whole dread of going to the mall. I mean, I know we'll be going to DC on Sat so we can always just go then. Man I sooo don't know what to get DJ. I know it should be easy, but really its not. Okay so what to do you get a college student who just turned 20. I mean, we can get alcohol, but that wouldn't be good in front of the fam..hmm..clothes, what kind. We usually see him in jeans and, out of our budget forreal! something for the appt in davis? dont know his style. ugggh!
Well we'll see. I'm not sure what the plans are today except for later on tonight.
I know its Glo's bday gathering/dinner at Lisas so we'll be eating there cause Bubba's cooking. I hope he gets Jason's car done so he doesnt have to worry about it tomorrow. I believe we're getting her cake, I dont know yet, haven't talked to Lisa. Yesterday was okay, got to relax and get things done at home. I had to put some stuff away cause didn't want the house messy for Xmas. Oh mun, can you believe it's like in 3 days!!!! The only thing I did that was exciting, was drop off gifts to Lisa's house, and man the kids eyes were bulging out!! Hella gifts!! just cause we won't be able to fit all the gifts on Sat when we're on our way to the city.
Okay so on Sat..we gotta drop off gifts to Ian and Jaymi on the way cause there on I-5 north then to DC. Gotta go to Costco w/ tita Teresa..hmm and Bubba has to prepare for the next day.
So really I have until the 24th to get DJ something.
Everyone traveling: be safe, be patient cause everybody and there mama's on the road!! Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Xmas Cards

Okay, so I didnt do Xmas cards this year. I know I usually do them, but there's just been so much that's been going on. To everyone:

I wish you all a Happy Holiday Season!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

With Love: Lanie, Anthony and AJ

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

DVD Movies Gallore

okay, so I thought about collecting DVDs. We already do now, but there are a bunch of movies that we've seen that we dont own. So I figured, we can just look for the good old movies that we really like (or even what I really like, cause theres the chick flicks) and get them. I mean, they have some good deals at Walmart and even sometimes at Target. Here are some that I thought about getting that we dont yet have:

-The Wedding Date
-The Notebook
-Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
-King Kong
-Fight Club
-Grey's Anatomy Season 1
-All Fresh Prince (all 4 Seasons)
-Million Dollar Baby
-In her Shoes
-Mission Impossible 1, 2, and 3
-Xmen 1, 2, 3 ( I seriously thought we had them, but I have to recheck)
-Just Friends
-Mr and Mrs Smith
-Man on Fire
-Just Friends
-Interview with the Vampire
-Oceans 12 ( I think we have Oceans 11 already; and did you know Oceans 13 is bout to come out)
-Romeo Must Die
-A Beautiful Mind
-Jamie Foxx; I need Security (I think that's what its called)
-Eric Brockovich
-I am Sam
-Grease 2
-Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Mans Chest
-Dirty Dancing

I know that there's some more but I can't remember all of them. haha. okay and there are also some disney ones I really want like ( i think i have them on VHS) but would love to have it on DVD:

-Beauty and the Beast
-Eight Below

Just some I'd love to own. I'm looking forward to my DVD purchases next year. haha..
Well, so far everythings okay. I've just been taking it easy. I've been gathering up a lot of paperwork to get things done. I gotta fax it all tomorrow, or I might have to talk to Mike first.
It was nice to get stuff done today without AJ. Although I miss him like crazy. We're suppose to pick him up tonight, but Bubba wants me to get him in the morning. We'll see. I have to wait to see what his agenda is, cause I know that he has to send a final draft of the bus plan to Noel.

Oh, and Bubba said that we'll be looking for office supplies at Ikea sometime before the end of the year just to get an idea of what to get. I think Noel and his wife will be coming too. But that will have to be sometime next week or the week after. I know we'll be getting phones though, I believe we're gonna stick w/ Nextel. So Glo, look forward to my Metro phone :)

Monday, December 18, 2006

AND...can you also Believe

that there's is only:

Free Countdown Clocks at

Time flys by quick!! To quick sometimes. Enjoy the moments w/ your loved ones. Your friends, your family, your coworkers, your pets, your significant others..Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Countdown..there are only:

Free Countdown Clocks at


I never really felt like I had sisters until now. There are my two sister in laws, Fermina (Ning) and Gloria (Glo) who I never realized how fun it is to have them as my sisters. Although I've only been in the Luchico fam for 4 yrs, I've gotten really close to them. We've had ups and downs, and even disagreements on things. But in the end, we're alright.

There's been some drama goin and there are two turn outs on how things can end. One, there's a lot of hate and bitterness and you just don't talk anymore. Or two, things work out for the better, w/ some sacrifices and compromises but all things said are worth it. So far its in the middle.

Well, Nings been here and we had a lot of fun the other night. We were playing a new game that will introduced to our Xmas Eve tradition, Mad Gabb.. It's totally hilarious, if you haven't played it yet! You have to state what's on the card and its really saying a name, place, thing, saying, etc.
For example: Canoe key a sea grit. Answer: Can you keep a secret? We were up until 3 in the morning, just laughing away and trying to figure out this verbal puzzles. We talked about so much, from the frustrations we had w/ the world and things that were going on around us to making decisions in our lives that benefit us in the end. Corny stuff I know but, important things.

Then there's Glo..her and I have gotten close too within the past few years. The long drive to Vegas for the funeral while she kept me company. (thanks Glo!) to just other times that we've talked. I've noticed w/ her that she's much more open minded now and that she's growing. Its great to see, cause I don't have that w/ my brother but thats okay. She's been really good to AJ too. Glo is AJ's favorite, its funny...he even looks at Ning and says "Goooo" or "Gloooo" and Ning always says back "I'm not Glo!"

Well, it's great to know that I have a great relationship w/ them. I'm glad I can talk to them about things and complain about certain stuff. I didnt have the opportunity w/ Philip growing up. So to anyone whose married or will be getting married.. Its okay to get along w/ the inlaws. If anything it makes everything so much easier. Plus the joy of watching your kids grow together and be close as cousins is always a great memory to have growing old.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Enough said

"Stress is the body and mind's response to any stressful pressure that disrupts the balance in the mind or body. It occurs when our perceptions of events don't meet our expectations and we don't manage our reaction to the disappointment. As a response, stress expresses itself as resistance, tension, strain or frustration, that throws off our physiological and psychological equilibrium, keeping us out-of-sync and stressed-out."

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Well Rested

AJ slept over Katie's yesterday and it was nice to feel well rested last night. It was a rough night but it was a relaxing morning so far. I actually have to get him soon because of his OT and PT appt.
To get through the night Bubba and I watched the movie "Accepted." It was alright. It was stupid funny but it was alright. I wouldn't buy it full price though. I'd buy it when its in the Walmart pile of $5.50 or $7.50. I think today I'm gonna take it easy. Its my day off and the only thing that needs to be done is vacuum and to put away clean laundry. I know that can be done later. Other than that I think I'm gonna kick back and relax and watch Pirates of the Caribbean. (my boot leg version) yup yup. Maybe even watch Oprah haha. I know I need to start reading again. I may even start reading the book that Glo gave me Willa Cather My Antonia.
Just some thoughts to do for the day. I think this day is worth being able to just take it easy. Plus it's raining and cold.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Well, its been really overwhelming for me the past few days. Trying to figure out what the heck I'mma do w/ funds and stuff. I'm trying not to burst. I'm slowly trying to get by day by day. Its been a really rough week. With the loss of a relative, to being sick and just tired. I know it just seems like I'm complaining..but when you're overwhelmed what else can you do.

Anyways, good thing is that most of Xmas shopping is done. We used my gift card from Sears that I got from all my aims for the grab bag and gifts to lil Eileen and big Aileen, Jo, and our secret Santas. Its cool cause Bubba had an extra card and it still had a balance of $12.73 when we thought it only had $4. We still have 4 something left after all the shopping. We were also able to get something for tita Teresa. Now the only other people to get something for is DJ and my parents. I know all I'm doing is printing out pictures for mom and dad, and DJ dont know yet. Bubba has to get his grab bag and I know I have a gift certificate at Macy's. Then after that we're done. I was looking to getting Rob a wallet for his stocking stuffer, so we'll see. Gotta go back to Ross for that. I love Ross!!!

Well, I know I missed the annual luncheon at the NBBC, but that's okay. There's always next year. I know I'll be at Wells for a while even after the business starts. I have to because of medical benefits. I mean, unless I can find something that had the hours that I needed and that was closer, but I think that Wells will do for now, plus I have my differential. I really wanna finish all my school but I have to wait on Tuan. I have to see how everything plays out and then get our schedules straight.

Part of me just wants the holidays to be over, but at the same time I can't wait till Christmas. I dont know. Being overwhelmed kinda sucks. But I know things will play out and everything will be okay.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Eulogy to you..

A man of his word
A strong willed individual
One who was strict but fair
Who always wanted his way regardless of who complained
Understanding his discipline is appreciated as you grew
One who questioned your actions, and expected you to know why
Whose car was clean almost all the time
Who had a list of chores for you before he left to do errands
The one who showed you the important things many take for granted
One who fought for what was right
The man who knew to scold you but made sure you understood why and what for
The man who showed you why it was important to know the right from wrong
A man who felt strongly about family
The one whom kept in touch with everyone no matter what other issues were occuring
He kept family together
One with great manners and values, and it showed
He emphasized the importance on how to represent yourself
Why being shy wasn't the way to live, but to speak out would make you be noticed and be respected
A man who believed in the word "can't" did NOT exist
A man who worked hard to being successful
The one to learn from
One who was knowledgable in all he did, whether it was fixing things around the house all the way to managing your money
The one to be afraid of, no matter the age
The one to look up to
A man in whom you had to earn his trust and respect
An individual who helped in so many ways
Ways in which money nor material things can pay him back
A man who accepted you and took you in
The one who set up rules in which you must follow
A believer in hard work pays off in the end
A man who welcomed you even if you were just a friend of the family
The man who knew many people
A great Uncle, Brother, and father to many
Most importantly a great companion to Jim and Steve
A friend
He touched many peoples lives whether it was for a second or even more
A successful individual who enjoyed every moment of his life
He has accomplished so much in such short time that many would dream to do what he's done
The one whose traveled near and far
We thank you for all that you have done
A man with a great life at a better resting place now
One who will be truly missed
One to not forget and keep in your heart
He is not lost now, he's at rest, he's at peace
You will always be loved
You will never be forgotten
We remember the memories, the laughs, the tears, and the great times
Words could not describe how much we owe you
Thank you
May you rest in Peace

Merry Christmas From Heaven- E.Azzolino

I still hear the songs
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
On Cold wintry nights
I still share your hopes
And all of your cares
I'll even remind you
To please say your prayers
I just want to tell you
You still make me proud
You stand head & shoulders
Above all the crowd
Keep trying each moment
To stay in his grace
I came here before you
To help set your place
You dont have to be
Perfect all the time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue to climb
To my family and friends
Please be thankful today
I'm still close beside you
In a new special way
I love you all dearly
Now don't shed a tear
Cause I'm spending my Christmas
With Jesus this year!

Lay Me Down-G. Luchico

Lay Me Down
lay me down for i am weak
lay me down for i am tired
lay me down for i am sick
lay me down for i am dying,
i can no longer stay awake.
lay me down so i can dream
my few seconds left away.

The Dash Poem -by Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning to the end
He noted that first came her date of her birth
And spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years
For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth.
And now only those who love her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own;
The cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And know how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard.
Are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what's true and real
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect,
And more often were a smile
Remembering that this special dash
Might ony last a little while.
So, when your eulogy is being read
With your lifes actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunflower seeds + Mountain Dew = Long Drive ahead

Well, its been a good three days being home after the long trip to Vegas and I'm still exhausted. That drive never seemed so long since on the way back. On the way there we stop a lot too. Rob just got off work, and when we hit the 15 Bubba noticed that he was falling behind a lot. So he volunteered to drive since Ate was working on Bubs business plan. There was like no one on the road, and thank goodness it wasn't raining. Glo and I were hella chatting on the way there.
We got scared though cause on 15 and it was like only our two cars on the road (like no one else) you couldn't even see the other car behind it cause they were so far. Bubba and Lisa called us and were like there's a blue light in the car dashing back and forth. At first Glo and I were like that's the cell phone. And then they were like unplug everything..then we did and they kept saying that it was moving. I got scared and Glo said "its Ed" ohh man!! But as soon as I said I was scared they said the light was gone.

We left around 9ish and arrived around 5 in the morning. Then woke up around 8ish to get ready to go to Uncle Jim and Steves house since the viewing was at noon. I was sooo tired and I know everyone else was too.

The viewing was sad as would any viewing would be. Bubba broke down when we were leaving. I know that its hard for him, Lisa and the ones most close to him. He was a great man. I actually have a eulougy that i'll post shortly. I cried also, since it was wierd cause we just saw him about three weeks ago. When you see someone alive so recent then suddenly the same person you see lying in a coffin was very emotional for me.

Then the drive home...oh muuun! Bubba drove first and I was so tired that I tried my best to stay awake with him. I of course had to ask if it was okay for me to close my eyes cause I know that he was tired too. I shut my eyes after the 15 on the 58 and remember waking up a lil bit cause he stopped to stand up and walk around at Bakersfield Harley Davidson. He said he was still okay to drive, then he woke me up. The thing is I was struggling to stay awake. You know how you're in a deep sleep, I felt like that but I mean, if I had to drive I had to drive. AJ got up for a lil bit too then he started watching his Cars DVD. As if he's never seen it, I swear he watched that movie like 2 1/2 times on the way there and on the way back! No other movies. Although we brought Backyardigans and Finding Nemo, nope watched Cars.

What sucked the most is around 5ish there was an area where there was just mad people on 99. I knew it was commute time but dayam! Hecca folks then it cleared up again. I was hecca singing to myself (haha) just to stay awake, had my mountain dew or my water. Yup yup! You know that when you have a long drive you have to have that!! It keeps you awake and busy other then the radio and cds. We were playin some old skool too!! RBL Posse, Tupac, Serenade (some from the CD), Xmas songs..all kindsa stuff.

Until now though I'm sooo tired! Back to work tomorrow..not something I'm looking forward too.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Stocking Stuffers

I found some very intersting ideas for stocking stuffers. I think there are few that I will actually be looking for within these next couple of weeks. Since my theme this year are stockings. There were some that were like "wow I would've never thought of that" but others like: a hammer hmmm I dont know about that one

I like this list the most Ultimate list FIRST PLACE:101 Easy Stocking Stuffers
SECOND Best List:Stocking Stuffer Idea List
THIRD best list: Stocking Stuffers for Adults and Stocking Stuffers for Kids

Stuffers for Kids
1. Fun Stocking Stuffers Kids
2. Toddler Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Stuffer ideas for both Men and Women
1. Favs for Men & Women
2. 55 Items

These were rated TOP stocking stuffers:
1. TOP Stuffer Ideas
2.Breakdown of Items
3. TOP 10
4. Favorite stuffers received

Exhausting..but Almost done

Okay so I'm almost finished with shopping for gifts. So far I think I've been doing pretty good. Man, I'm usually done by now but the past two years, its been like totally doing the shopping after Thanksgiving. Well, the kids are pretty much done. This year we're only going to be giving gifts to the kids. Cause Xmas is really about them and watching them open up boxes that and saying their "wows" and "cool" and just the reaction that they have. So all our nieces are done and we're only doing gifts for kids friends too. Usually I'm totally about getting gifts for everyone, but with the business opening up and the expenses for it we really have to think about that. Its been pretty exhausting with all this shopping to do, but I'm almost (key word) done..just a few more people.

I mean, yeah the business will be open in or around late Feb or March but that's just around the corner. All I know is that Ange and Katie got mad gifts to open. I've been doing a lil shopping here and there for stocking stuffers too. So far I've just gotten a lot of candy and a few things here and there for Ning, Glo and Lisa. Katie and Angelique's I think are pretty full but I might squeeze a lil something else. We'll see. . I am hand making all our christmas cards this year. Speaking of which I gotta get those going. I'm hoping I'll finish by next Wed.

I wanna give myself a week cause we'll be going out of town.
Ed's funeral is this Fri so I'll be on bereavement until Fri and will be returning to work on Sat. I'm going to use the other days for his 40 day rosary prayer. It's gonna be a long ride but I'll be driving half way there and Bubba will drive the rest of the way. Thank you to all those who have given their support, it is greatly appreciated.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Labor Rate

We just got home from having dinner at Lisa's house. It was pretty yum this evening, had some tilapia w/ rice, some korean style bbq ribs and some pecan pie. You can never go wrong w/ pecan pie. We also did a lil prayer and prayed the rosary for uncle Ed. Its really sad. I know that it'll be much more sad when we actually go to the viewing.

On the way to Lisa's house Bubba gets a call to do Walid's brothers car. I think his name is Hassem or something. I dont know its an egyptian name. Anyways, they are so freggin cheap!! OMG! well, I guess there's something wrong w/ his car and everytime they ask help from Anthony they expect it to be free. Ummm NO! Hello, you are asking him to fix it out of his time. They were expecting the car back tonight..and he just go off like at 7ish. He was saying like "oh well, can you fix it tonight cause I dont have a car tomorrow" well first off, that's not our problem. you know what i mean...I understand that you're having car problems, but if you bring it anywhere its not going to be done in an hour unless you're getting like an oil change. I mean, what do you expect you bring your car in you push a button and its done..and not only that its at a hecca cheap labor rate. I think they think it can be done for free..mind you you're asking someone to do your car during his time ( I mean yea, its extra money..but if you're going to complain about the labor rate he provides then bring your car to a shop) and ask for it to be done in an hour. And I would totally love to see that.

I mean seriously, dont you understand the man has to eat and spend time w/ his family too. He did just get off work!! AAGggghhh! Some people.

You'll be missed

Sun: well, it started off okay. We were able to sleep in, we didn't go to church cause Tuan had to work on two cars. Walid's car and Ali's sister's car. Then I picked up the kids and we went to Ross for a lil bit. I had to look for something for Mia-Mae and it took forever to find something. Its so easy to shop for Ange and Katie but for Mia-Mae it seemed like forever to find something. Anyways, when we got back we heard news on Ed that he was on his way to the hospital.
We knew from there and assumed that he was gonna be there until he passed. Then we got another call from Lisa that he had already passed when he arrived.

I think he knew that it was his time. He had a great life. To my understanding he was very strict before in raising Lisa and Anthony. If anything that's Anthony and Lisa's dad. Bubba always said that he wondered why he was so strict and why he was a certain way and now being older and an adult you realize why lil things that probably many take for granted are so important. For example, when you go into a house or when an adult comes in its important to say "hi" to everyone out of respect. For some people that's not important. In a Filipino household it is. Because now, Tuan and I think it's important for Ange and Katie to say Hi to us when we go over there and when they come over here. Bubba also makes AJ bless him. Its just the whole point of respecting the people there and saying hey I'm here and I see you and not going in and out of the house like a dog. I'm grateful that I was able to meet him. He was very high strong and helped many people. Hearing stories about him, are always interesting He did a lot though. He traveled all throughout the world and invested a lot of money into Real Estate. Just last year he was diagnosed w/ liver cancer..and he's been trying to fight it. I'm glad though we saw him before he passed. He was a great man, a great father to everyone, and knew how to do so many things, he was smart and he always took chances. Very strict but well worth knowing why later.

I guess before Bubba always asked him to clean his car, fix his shoes, clean the house. But that's how it was living w/ him. People feared him when he got angry just like kids should when your parents are mad. I know you'll be missed. The only sad thing about it is that he'll be buried before Xmas.

Well, the good part about Sun was that we all had dinner at my parents house. It was really nice cause Lisa, Rob, Ning, Glo and all the kids were there. It was nice just to spend time w/ Family. Family is so important to have. When things arent going right you always have your family. I noticed lately that we've all gotten really close and I'm grateful for that. Its so important to see the kids grow up together.
Yesterday, I noticed too that Rob said some really nice things about Mama (Tuan's mom). That she was a very sweet lady and she was "cool", and she was soo different from Ed's side of the family. I wish I was able to meet her. She passed when Bubba was only 13. Well, life is soo short that you really have to treasure all our moments w/ our family and close friends. Because in the end, other than God that's all we really have.

Making Stockings

Well, this weekend was a productive one. There were some good and some sad things that occured. First off, Sat we were just home AJ and I and got to clean up a lil bit around the house. Finished some laundry and put things away. I also finished stockings for Lisa, Ning, Glo and Rob. I decorated them myself w/ glitter and snowmen and some ribbon for some. Lisa's has the mot glitter and oh man, all the others just had there name and like a snowflake. I thought it would look hella cute to do an ornament and it turned out good its just pretty messy. I still have to vacuum underneath the kitchen table since there was so much glitter.

I've been listening to Xmas songs a lot lately just to get into the season. I found Frank Sinatra and my fav is the 98 degrees CD. There's this one song that I totally love "If every day could be Christmas" its so sweet. Hmmm...other than that just stayed home.

All I need to do next are complete the Christmas cards.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


okay so its seems that blogger fixed the whole no posting i can show you some pics w/ decorating the tree. Happy Holidays!!

no post editors toolbar

very frustrating...i've refreshed and everything...uggh! well, i hope its fixed my tomorrow cause its pretty important to have. what's going on blogger??

seems like i'm not the only one experiencing it, so far theres been three people stating they're having the same issue. i really wanted to post pictures up but nope. unable to. can't give you a link either.
well, before i forget cause i know i probably will tomorrow when i'm running around doing errands..
need to go to michaels and get 2 more of those 2.99 bag things for gifts
think of what to get for Mia-Mae
still debating on if what to do for Ian and Jaymi, dont know what we're giving to Lori and Dru. speaking of which i haven't talked to her in forever. i should call her tomorrow.
order the two DVDs for Bubba, but look at Walmart first to see if they have them i know online its available. gotta get both of them too. yup yup
oh, and return blockbuster movies i know they're due on Monday. sounds like another to do list i know.

oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree

okay so the tree is now set weird i want to post pictures up but this looks a lil different..hmmmm

anyways..the tree is up. this year we're using the white faux tree and our color theme is red, gold and white. we're not done decorating around the house yet, cause Bubba's gonna put up some fresh greens hopefully this weekend. soo i'm excited..its soo nice cause we had gifts already wrapped to put underneath the tree and now they're there.
shopping: okay so we're like 70% done. we still need the grab bags, and gifts for some other folks. i was thinking of baking cookies but dont know yet. there were so many ideas that i thought of when i was at Michaels. man i was gonna go nuts. but the kids Katie and Ange are done..Sigh of relief. they both have so many gifts to open not even funny! i know that AJ will have plenty there too.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Books to read

1. Overcoming Life's Disappointments Harold S. Kushner

2. Rachael Ray Express Lane Meals: What to Keep on Hand, What to Buy Fresh for the Easiest-Ever 30-Minute Meals Rachael Ray

3. The Da Vinci Code and Dan Brown Dan Brown

4.The Memory Keeper's DaughterKim Edwards

5. A Million Little PiecesJames Frey

6. Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money -- That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter, Sharon L. Lechter (read this one already but would love to own it)

7. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big DifferenceMalcolm Gladwell

8. Now, Discover Your StrengthsMarcus Buckingham, Donald O. Clifton, Donald O. Clifton, Donald O. Clifton

9. Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and ForgivenessDave Pelzer, Dave Pelzer

10.The Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a FamilyDave Pelzer, Dave Pelzer

11.The Good EarthPearl S. Buck

12.Where the Heart Is (Oprah's Book Club #20)Billie Letts

13. Blink: The Power of Thinking without ThinkingMalcolm Gladwell

14. How Full Is Your Bucket?: Positive Strategies for Work and LifeTom Rath, Donald O. Clifton

15. What to Say when You Talk to Your SelfShad Helmstetter

these are some books i am looking to purchase the upcoming year to keep my mind going. some i've already read but would just love to own. happy reading!

"People come into your life for a reason" great blog from Kristin

I got this email a few days ago and even sent it out...but something about tonight has got me into thinking about it. I truly believe that people's lives cross paths for a reason...even if you never met them before. Who knows, a person you cross paths with on the street could change the direction of the wind of what's to can happen into your life. Imagine yourself bumping into a stranger on the street, this takes you off your path of where you need to delays you a few seconds. In a lifetime, a few seconds could add up to you being at the right place and the right time to meet the right people. I know this may be deep and yet 'unrealistic' to a certain extent, but bare the simple concept of thought with me.
Can you keep up with my thoughts? Will you understand my mind? Will you stimulate my brain to think? What's my purpose in YOUR life?
I started to think about the people that have come and gone in my life. I always wondered why did I meet that person if they were going to hurt me, irritate me, argue with me, hate on me, or be my friend but to leave me or for me to move away...but it all comes down to them molding the person I have come today. If someone isn't in my life any longer, it's because they have servce their purpose in my life whether it was a positive or negative experience. A person is a result of their experiences and how they decide to react to these situations. Every hardship, every arguement, every lost friend, every lost love, every laughter, every tear all for a purpose. We all have miltiple purposes, we just don't know when we have fulfilled those purposes because it could come directly or indirectly. I say...Learn from it. Grow from it.
"People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.!
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant."

My wish list to Secret Santa

1. ADOBE Photoshop..$89.99 From Staples since I loooove to take pics and I do scrapbooking
2. Zen Garden Bed-in-a-bag Exclusively ours collection $59.99 from BedBath & Beyond

3. Dirt Devil Green Broom Vac - MBV2030 $49.99 From Target or Sears
or just a Gift card from Sears $50 for that Dyson Vaccuum i've been saving on
Happy Shopping!!!
*** I really want #1 Santa
well that's my wish took me a while to think one up cause there were so many things I wanted...
like I was thinking of a coffee maker since we dont have the 10-12 cup maker one..we have the one that makes it into your on-the go coffee cup. i was also thinking of a rice dispenser cause we havent got on for the house yet, insane since we eat rice almost daily. other things were related to my scrapbooking. like from Ikea or i actually saw some at Walgreens..these cases that hold 12 X 12 paper..i really wanna start organizing all my scrapbook things cause i'm starting to think i have a lot which i probably really dont. or i was thinking of asking for a gift card from sears since i'm still aiming for that expensive vaccum. its the one by Dyson..i know its like 3 bills. so far i have GCs up to $160.00 so i'm half way there. well i can always wait on it and get more gcs from work.
now all i have to think about are things to give away for a grab bag. i know we have to bring two cause thats only fair. i was thinking of a foundue but i dont know. i know i have a really good one in mind already but for the other dont know yet. well that's for Bubba to figure out.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Arlynn and Sonny

we werent able to make it but Arlynn looked stunning..heres the pics forwarded from Eileen

Alberto wedding
I think we'll do a renewing our vows during fall time. but that'll be in a two years we're aiming for the 5th year wedding, possibly Eileen and Joe?!? on blogger

okay so i'm gonna try it...w/ help from a fellow blogger Joy. here goes..

Thanksgiving 2006

it totally worked!!! Thanks JOY!!! i swear this blogging thing haha..i straight published the post to make sure it showed up and it did!! (sigh)i read forever about how to do it and each time on the bottom it asked was this info helpful i kept clicking "no". hahaha what a joy it is now that i know how to put pics on this thing!

to do list

okay so theres lots to do with so many things coming up other than the holidays.

holiday stuff:
other than shopping (its almost all the time the best part)
-get the tree up
-get stockings ready to give away
each year i have a theme on what i'm doing for others. this year it'll be stockings. last year, we gave away baskets to our friends that had a bunch of stuff in them that was for their family. like we gave to ian and jaymi a big hard back book w/ choppers on it (since Ian's a rider), and a bunch of knitting stuff cause Jaymi likes to knitt, and a bottle of wine w/ some chocolates cause they're wine drinkers.
this year, i'm doing something a lil different. i'm going to give out stockings. yea stockings can be small but depends on how big you get em and what you put in them.
-possibly put lights up (we're still debating on putting them on the house, its been pretty cold lately) in the mornings all week its been like in the 30s yup!! and even during the day its like in the 50s, and its a different cold then from the bay
-figure out AJ's gift from Santa
-get my secret Santa gift
-finish making Xmas cards..and i totally gotta make the list for people i'm giving them too!
last year i hand made all my cards, this year, i'm doing the same but just using different card stock. such a housewife type of thing to do! haha
-family picture
-pick a weekend or a weekday to take AJ to take his first picture w/ Santa

okay bus stuff
-figure out office equipment needed for the business, printer, comp, all the good stuff
(possibly an espresso maker??) gotta ask the husband bus owner
-pick out colors for the stickers on the window if we'll have any
-get additional software needed for billing
-get an appt book

well, gotta jam..bubba just called time to go eat! can't turn down food!! lunch time!

oh..and thanks JOY in advance for taking the time to show me how to do the photo thingy..blogging i tell you, who ever thought of it is ingenius (makes me say why didnt i think of that!)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

going to far

seriously! okay so theres times when its okay to just joke around but there are other times when you just have to watch what you say...
some people crave for too much attention and that can soo be totally annoying. i mean, its reallyb not all about you all the time! seriously! there are other people who have issues and problems and life's not perfect. if you think that its just about you and your prissy self then grow up!! agggh!
okay much anger coming out i know..but i just dont understand some people. there are times when we need to be sensitive about what we say. for sick, not feeling well, mind you i'm getting over the flu.. friend: aww hope you feel better..not a right response: whatever! seriously!!! agggh!
i have to vent you know! before i just explode, plus i dont want to start drama at work, thats soo unecessary. i'm not a child. so i must be the adult about it.
(sigh) thank you Jamie, Amina, Elisa and everyone else who heard me vent today. i appreciate you!

Monday, November 27, 2006


Thanksgiving was great!! lots of food, spent time w/ family at Lisa's house. Not to many people but enough..

The tradition is that Tuan cooks the turkey and the prime rib..this year he deep friend the turkey like he did last year. then cooked the prime rib, the sweet potatoes (and they were sooo yum!) good job bubba! the stuffing, and he made pork w/ tofu i dont know what the dish is called. sounds like a lot and it is..then Lisa cooks the pasta, tita Teresa cooked the pancit palabok (plus it was DJ's 20th Bday) and then there were the extra stuff, mashed potatoes, was great..i know i still owe pictures from disney and soon to come the pics from thanksgiving. i didnt take that many pictures.

i realized though that thanskgiving is about spending time w/ people you love. not just about the eating. but just being thankful for all the people around us. we totally keep the tradition especially with the kids growing up soo fast!
speaking of which its monday and dinner at Lisa's house! wondering what we're

Monday, November 20, 2006

missing my AJ..(sigh) being a mom

okay okay, so yea he's only sleeping over at mom and dad's house and i'll see him in 24 hours. but i mean, seriously...i really miss him. i miss him looking around and making lil noises all over the place. counting his fingers..he can count to twenty!! yep yep!

heres how it goes:
me: "AJ lets count"
AJ: "one, thwo, thwee, poor, five, six, sheven, eight, nine, ten, "
"eweven, twel, chircheen, porcheen, fifchen, sestenn, sennenten, eighteen, nineteen, twenty"

i love it!
just him and his little accent! its this is how it feels to be a mom. its just moments like this were yea, he may be w/ grandma and grandpa but i really miss him. he's my teddy bear at night..although tuan should be..but AJ keeps me warm.
speaking of which, okay so just called mom to give him his meds...he'll be sleeping good soon since he has his antibiotics and his suction. well i'll see you tomorrow "day-day" mommy and daddy love you!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

my cousin, my sister, my best friend

i missed my cousin today..and speaking of which i just got off the phone w/ her.
i totally love her! she may be like 400 miles away and we may not see each other on a daily basis, but she's like a younger sister that i never had. i'm soo thankful that we kept our vow as family..that no matter what whether when we get old and weak, that we'll always be there for each other.
her name is Theresa and she's my sidekick. we tell each other stupid stuff too. what we ate that day, what we wore to a bbq, how our hair was. just things that people dont even think about. and i love the fact that she's one of AJs ninangs. although she's miles away she makes the effort to call and see how AJ's doing and she comes to visit. i know i can count on her w/ big and lil stuff...just to call and cry to and complain about stuff...or just to call and see how she's doing. we may not talk on a daily basis but we talk every week. (girl i know i gotta get cingular haha)
well, i can't wait till we hang out again. the last time we saw each other was the wedding and you know we took some cute ass pics haaaaeeey!!! haha...and it was just plain ol fun. even the night of the wedding. what i love about her is that fam is important to her, like she's not one of those cousins who just comes to see you to go out and meet people she actually wants to spend time w/you. i love you theresa you're the greatest sister i could have! remember i'm always here for you if ever you need me. and i thank god, cause i asked for a sister..and he totally answered!

thanksgiving just around the corner

yes, its in like 4 days!! unbelievable..another year gone by. cause after thanksgiving it will be xmas then new years!!
well, just a quick update..a lot has happened within the past few week.
i've been very sick w/ the flu and AJ got an ear infection. it totally sucked! i'm still coughing away. we were suppose to go to the city today for the baptism of Alex and Madison and we didnt get a chance to. i didnt wanna get their guests sick, plus we had to get better. especially with the holiday coming up.
okay so quick update..

last week:
anaheim here we came. it was soo fun! it was the first family outing, and pictures to come yup yup! it was great to see the kids have a blast..then went to see uncle ed in NV. he's not doing so well. i hope he makes it to thanksgiving since everyone will be there.
also met one of the other luchicos. her name is jennie. she's from Canada and she hella looks like little Eileen..forreal!

okay..then just been at home sick and trying to fight off this cold really sucks! i had chills the other night and i got a fever up to 103 it was totally scary. i just hope i dont get sick again.

things w/ the business are almost done. gotta finish up the business plan, prolly gonna type things up tomorrow w/ the questionaire that needs to be answered. get in contact w/ tommy tomorrow.

hmmm....other news..oh Nina asked me to be a bridesmaid! wow! i'm so thrilled...i'm honored too! speaking of weddings Congrats to Sonny and Arlynn Alberto married on the 18th at Hawaii. i know they had a blast! wish we could be there but no ends right now and gotta get ready for the holidays.
okay things to do: email everyone for the secret santa...and get my secret santa gift. i have a great gift exchange for tita theresas house. more later!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"we now introduce you to Mr and Mrs Donald Niven Jr"

pictures are up!!!

Disney*Pixar CARS out on DVD today!

WAL-MART: $15.87..there was a special edition one but nah dont need it. so yup get the DVD its great!

Thanx Kathleen for the giftcard it's in good use now! awkay peace!

Lightening McQueen: Ka-chow!

fun with the fam

what a great weekend!! seriously! well, first off...
(pictures to come shortly..)
that wedding was soooo much fun! got to see family..and people that i missed so much such as Theresa, Pat, Melissa, Precy and Pearl and all the uncles and aunties. well it started off as waiting for Theresa and Patrick and auntie Precy and Uncle Teddy at like 6:30 in the morning. i was so excited to see them that i woke up before my alarm came off. then cooked breakfast, you know we had to do the corned beef, fried rice, and eggs..typical filipino breakfast
then it was getting ready..had to get the makeup right, and theresa curled her hair, it was totally cute..i'm so gonna look for that curling iron. i think she said from wal-mart or target..i just remember it was 15.99. okay then the wedding came..i totally cried or hella blinked my eyes haha..i love weddings..
then the reception was hella good and then came the dancing..dude that DJ was totally hella good. his name is Charlie Ramos and i guess he plays from 102.5 and hes good friends w/ DJ so he's so about to be our DJ when we renew our vows. hey!!! it was soo fun! and we straight had Sponti yum! never had it before but it was hella good! and anyways, other than that just had a great old time dancing w/ the cousins. melissa danced w/ Philip and they had fun..and we danced w/ Phat. it was great!
then in the evening hung out w/ Ian, Junk, Jason, and just Theresa, Bubba and me. it was great to just hang out and chill you know. i think i needed that..totally!
well more for later...

Friday, November 03, 2006


AJ took his nap and uncle Edong, and auntie Helen are here now..they flew in and i'm assuming they're at Agana and DJs because i think the rehersal is later.
not sure if i have to take ning to downtown because she's working this weekend.

well things to do:
-clean up people are coming over
-go to CandG#513
-possibly Ross or Crossroads maybe even Target gotta get AJ some socks
(for some reason can't find any)
-get AJs fit ready for tomorrow still debating on the whole pants thing, dont really want him in jeans at a wedding you know
-go to the bank
-decide on the makeup issue already w/ a black and white dress what color to wear
i played w/ makeup yesterday and Tuan liked the greyish affect

OH: and Grey's Anatomy was new was great! the thing is Christina is so busted! she erased Bailey's name on the board. OMG! i know i'm so totally into it..i love thursdays. and McSteamy wants another night w/ big girl ( i so dont even know her name) and there was a girl on the show yesterday who had two uterus' and each baby was conceived at two different times insane!
well, weekend here we come!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

two days and couting

okay so i'm a few days late but:HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
pictures to come shortly, just haven't uploaded them yet..actually Nings gonna print them out first :)it was okay did our yearly thing and went to Lisa's for dinner and went with the kids around a few houses. AJ was pretty scared, i think more scared of the kids yelling "trick or treat!" he would grip my finger and wanna climb up. not to many trick or treaters this year. we finally met Rachel's Randy too..he's a cool guy. he actually watches out for Mia-Mae which is good, she needs a father figure. and me and rachel will be going to a bridal show sometime next year, i have to find out the date so we can go cause i know its in the city. i'mma help her plan her wedding. well, the morning of halloween was good...hung out w/ Elisa and we were on KCRA3, Carter got his hour of fame. Eileen Javora (the weather girl) picked him up. AJ got really scared of Slamson, the Kings mascot. well, i don't blame him, Slamson has no eyes!
but it was okay, and i found my dress for Agana and DJ's wedding! yes, i freakin found one! i was a little hesitant at first cause its zebra print, but i like how its quarter sleeve and it hides my arms.i'm excited. i get to see my cousins this weekend! everyone's gonna be there! folks from Deigo, Vegas, Carson, LA, PI, Guam! insane amount of relatives. so we're gonna have a full house. this sun will be crazy! i have to wake up early in the morning to cook breakfast for everyone, cause you know the wedding is at 11ish and receptions isnt until 1ish. and i know people will be hungry!
well, went to dr yesterday everythings okay..just gotta take it easy and my arm has been hella hurting too. i pinched a nerve cause it was so swollen when i woke up the other day it looked like a big ass bug bit but way scary bigger! but everythings okay. i'll get those pictures soon. two more days and Agana will officially be Mrs. Donald Niven Jr. :)

Monday, October 30, 2006


it was a good weekend i'd have to say.
here's the wrap up:

SAT: went to work, pretty good day, had some great hamburgers (thanx Stephanie), Tuan went to Jason's house and they went to San Rafael to pick up Jay's tires.
went to moms house to pick up AJ. he slept over for the night and spent Sat evening and most of Sun morning w/ her. plus Ning went to work in SF so we got her there at Vacaville. then we went to Vallejo and had some lunch at Chow King (yummy chicken) and had dinner at Lisa's house. great dinner. steak, mongo beans w/ Shrimp, and broiled bbq ribs (yum)
well, woke up pretty late. the whole hour behind thing is messing me up although i know i should be thankful since we get an extra hour of sleep (that's why fall is always better) then had breakfast. bubba wanted corned beef and eggs..and AJ got his cereal and milk. watched the backyardigans, go diego and sesame street. typical routine in the morning except bubba was home. then, went to get the other tires for Jay's back. we went to the Target on Madison they have way more stuff there than they do here, it's insane! and bought Nacho Libre..had dinner here at home and Lisa, Rob, Glo, Ning and the kids came over.

that's pretty much a tradition it seems for us, not bad. its good sometimes, but i know there's times we have weekends to ourselves which is great. but almost all the time its church, breakfast, then dinner at Lisa's and on Mondays..dinner at our house. its really good for the kids too cause they get to play w/ each other. Nacho Libre was okay, funny parts, not worth 20 bucks so i'm glad i got it for like 10is (great to have gift cards :P) well that's the weekend..Halloween tomorrow..some pics to come.
HAPPY TUESDAY...scary, spooky, one..muahahaha!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Great Friday

Okay, although today is my friday..yesterday was great! okay i'm gonna try to make this as short as possible..first off:

Anne Marie!!
Have a great weekend!
Good stuff:
-Jamie Lynn came to visit at work yesterday. she's been out cause of her arm..and i missed her! You totally made my day yesterday Jam-jam! it was like old times great laughs! "someone needs to get some..." uaahahaha "bang bang bang" almost peed in my pants! i totally needed that considering my feverish cold that i have and all things else. (now start blogging)
-Tuan met w/ the owner of the building we'll be leasing from. he's the owner of Maita Chevrolet..and it went great!
-great to see everyone..
Sad but Good stuff:
-Stephanie B. who left to go to Citi and then came back and is right now sitting next to me will no longer be in the same dept. She'll be goin to PAL CONGRATS! but aww i'll totally miss her energy she's so great! that's okay as long as she's still in the same building :)
-Elisa (okay this is MAJOR news) after 16 years later will also be leaving me aaaggh! she'll also be going to PAL but she'll still be at nights (woohoo) she'll be 5-10 so i can't be too mad but still i totally confide in her w/ silly and important matters. that's okay. i'm happy for her.
-craziness: on highway 99 at 12:30 am mad CHP, Sherriff, and COPs flyin thru the freeway. at first i saw like 4 which is already not normal unless there's like a police chase. then there were 3, 4, 5, 2, it was insane! there was like 18 total from the time i got onto 99s to Laguna blvd. probably related to the sherriff who died yesterday.
this weekend:
-sat: work, aj's sleeping at grandparents house
tuan going on a ride to placerville w/ Ryan (first time w/ Ian not there)
-sun: mom and dad's house, possibly San Fran we'll see
house chores clean up and do laundry
look for dress for wedding next weekend (so last minute i know)
-mon: excercise day 1
more to come later!

Friday, October 27, 2006

common sense

theres a reason why sometimes you need time to yourself, dont you agree. i mean, when you're not feeling well and just want time to relax and get better. i just want to vent on how others dont seem to understand the concept of not feeling well hello! okay more updates later, gotta get ready for work.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


stress! aggh, i know you're totally like, well you just had a massage. i have so much on my mind though that the massage was for the day moment. sometimes i wish that things would just fall into place but they dont always all the time.

well, hmmm..i've been sick still (i know it sucks) i felt feverish earlier and slept almost all day. i dropped off AJ to Lisa's house cause i dont wanna get him sick. tomorrow he has an appt w/ a pediatrist for his feet. i was ready to cancel it today but i know i need to get a denial letter so we can just through ALTA regional.

mom's is in Chicago. she's there for a conference for work and an awards ceremony i think. she announced our news to everyone. :oT so that's good right. we just havent told everyone yet, i'm waiting. i have my appt on Thursday and maybe..maybe after than you think? keeps calling and I can't talk to them. Anthony has to talk to them which is kinda stressful. things will be okay as anthony always says. he's always almost right though. and if you're reading this hun, i know i know stop being pesimistic. well, i guess that's the great thing about us is you're always very positive when things arent going right in my head at least.
and then the business situation, gotta finish the business plan asap. i dl the software that chris gave us and we need to get started asap.

wanting a Credit card, but i know we dont really need one. i feel hella broke, but we don't really have any debt. weird huh, i think i just wanna go shopping but i know its not a great idea. that's just being selfish i think. well, i wanna win the lotto how's that. although we need to buy the lottery ticket to do that. haha okay that's my update for today.

still awake just have to remember:

when changing background or template of this blog to copy and paste the changes that you made..

I know its a total DUH! okay just have to make sure I remember that for next time..i think i needed to change the background, didn't want to make it look like i was copying anyone. no comment

I figured it out

OMG...I'm so computer illetirate sometimes, makes me wonder how I even have on these blogs haha..i was trying to figure out how the hell to setup a link on my side bar and I finally got it. and it totally worked!

i know its totally mooded for some people, but i'm glad i figured it out all by myself without asking for any help. haha. well, nothing much done today except, bought the dogs dog food from Pet Club. cleaned house, it was both of our days off, so he milked it for a lil bit and then cleaned both bathrooms..then went to my parents house to have dinner. it was a monday, nothing really to watch. i missed my CSI but i dont watch it religiously, unlike Thursday nights. okay time to go to bed, tomorrow is my Monday aggh!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Little Calistoga Day Spa

Best Friends $ 239.00
Includes a package for two with an herbal jet spa, 1 hr treatment including a fully body massage, face pampering and lunch from Ricks' on 2nd

I just came home from our treatment day spa w/ Jaymi. It was absolutely worth the drive and the time!!! I am totally impressed w/ them! It was soooo relaxing and I can't wait for another one. I think I'm planning on taking mom there. Plus we had a really great dinner/lunch.

Well, we started off the day by having some coffee at Its a Grind down the street, and I got my white choc mocha w/ peppermint, non fat milk pls. and then headed to Antioch. We took I-5 and then to 12 and then to 160. Its like right by the water. It's really nice though. Our appt was at noon so we got there a lil early. I kinda wish the shops around there were open, but they werent they were all closed on Sundays. I definetly have to go on a Sat. we went walking around for a lil bit to see if we would see anything open, and all we saw were people waiting for the am-trak.
then the treatment began.

The tubs were right next to each other so we both enjoyed an herbal spa treatment, with bubbles..and a very relaxing eye cooler. then had our facials..and that exfoliation treatment was sooo good! the mask came right off. then came the massage. OMG! i've never had one w/ warmed mineral rocks on my bag, and lemmie tell you! it was sooo relaxing, i was falling asleep.
it was great, she hit all the right points.

after that, had lunch/dinner at Humpries which is down the street. It was pretty pricy considering we got there by the time they started serving dinner (2:30) which was odd because i swear dinner starts around 4ish. all good, Jaymi was irritated w/ the hostess, not a very good one. she kept having deedee moments and didnt' know where to sit us cause we got there around 2: 20 and she didnt give us a menu to look at or offer us water while we were waiting...its okay we were soo full though. the calamari was the BOMB! and clam chowder yum!

and now back to reality. tuan and aj are at the pumpkin patch w/ Lisa and the kids so time for me to take a nap. too relaxed to do anything, yet i'm up enough to type this hehe

Saturday, October 21, 2006

i miss my least saturdays

tomorrow is our day at the spa for me and Jaymi. We'll be going to Antioch to experience a day of pampering. i'm excited!

today, work just got finished getting ready. its 1:30ish and Tuan's gone out riding to Orville to a Toy Run w/ Ian and the guys. we had a great dinner last night. had prime rib yum!
doing my xmas shopping list already..yes i said xmas list..i have a great idea...since we're broke this year, i was thinking of making everyone a stocking and giving out giftcards. inexpensive and sentimental you think?

like i have jo, eileen, and aileen already done as far as what to put in their stocking. and i got an idea on what to give angelique and katie. cause xmas is really about the kids. plus cant spend too much since we're planning on going to disneyland.

i really wanna milk it today but i know i can't. i really miss my weekends though. i miss having sat and sun off and working days. i can't wait until tuan opens up his shop. so then i could stay home or really work part time. i miss shopping to but i know i have to lose mad weight first. give me a few months, i'm gonna try something though.
tuan and i were talking about trying out drinking tea thing and walking everyday. hey asian people stay i'mma start today at work have a cup of tea and each time i eat have some tea and start my walking either tomorrow if not definetly on monday. i need to start somewhere. i saw a few things i want for myself for xmas i looked around online last night.
and i think i'm gonna do most of my shopping at the outlets this year, i think that'll be a good idea. i gotta give myself a plan and a budget or i'll be broke. heck we just got our property tax..(sigh)

okay gotta jam and get aj's bag ready...the experience tomorrow at the spa is such a need right now!

Friday, October 20, 2006

another Friday

well, home today w/ AJ. slept and got some rest and relaxation...although my headache and stomach ache is still there. i'm looking forward to this weekend though. well, on Sunday Jaymi and I are going to a spa treatment in Antioch can't wait for that one! i feel i need one.

well we have a new ops on our team, its Amina..i was ssooo happy to see her! i walked in and she was sitting at Karina's old desk and I'm glad she's back. She was only the Pal Que for like two months. so its great to have her back on our team.


last weekend..
Tuan went to watch the UFC fight in Vegas and got more than an autograph for me. he got a picture w/ Chuck Liddell the Iceman! that totally made his day..well he watch the fight live w/ Franklin vs Silvas and unbelievable but Franklin LOST! can you believe that...everyone was soo for Franklin.
anyways, we had great ass food the day of Sunday. Buffet at the Red their buffet was hella good. lotsa selections! and not bad for breakfast/or brunch. then didnt do much during the day but rest and milk it. i guess that's what you do on Sunday. then went to dinner at the Wynn. Hella yummy! it was quite pricy but thanx to auntie Donna and her was like $35 bucks a head and there was a total of 12 of us! we ate good that weekend.

okay speaking of which gotta get some dinner!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

sum of what a week and half is

well, we had an okay bday..i turned 25 and AJ turned 2. wooohooo..we went to bucca de peppo on howe and arden here in sacramento w/ Lisa's family..and during the day I woke up drove to see my parents and we spent some time w/ them. it was cool cause i got a new purse and some clothes..heeeeaaaayyy..

other than that nothing big..just had dinner got a new purse from Bubba and a movado watch :) that's all i needed. i was surprised about the watch. thanx moms.

and the party was on for AJ on Sunday the 8th. it was a great turn out. had a jumper and had about enough kids. not everyone who rsvpd didn't make it i was kinda bummed out about it but i'm ok now. its just we had lotsa food and good thing we didnt have mad left overs but you know. and it was joannes baby shower the saturday before in san bruno. it was cool not to many folks but it was nice, cake was pretty yummy! it was from copenhagen the frosting was sooo good! and there was a cool as fruit basket that i'm sooo making for thanksgiving.

hmmm other updates not much...maybe tomorrow. i know its been a week though..aj had his yearly assesment and they say he's doing really good which is soo great to hear. i was scared he had audism. and he has no symtoms so i'm very thankful. and tomorrow he has his yearly check up for being 2 wow! can you believe it..okay more tomorrow enough for now.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


today I am now legal to rent a car!! hahaha..and AJ how old are you? AJ responds: "Twho"

Friday, September 29, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

OMG! so it was soooo good! i'm so addicted to that show! well, you'd only be able to understand this blog if you watch it.
well, Mcdreamy so ended it w/ Addison..i kinda want Meredith to choose Fin cause he's sweet, he has "plans" awwww..and at the end, when McDreamy goes to see his wife, he finds her w/ Mark! OMG..and Bailey talked to Izzie to come back..I'm happy. She hella made a whole kitchen full of blueberry muffins, hella hilaire..

well, this weekend not doing anything anymore. kinda sucks but its all good. there's next weekend for aj's bday party. almost forgot mines coming up. wooohoo big 25 and can't do nothin. my bday is on a wednesday what do you do when its on a weekday besides eat! haha..well, we're suppose to be getting up really early tomorrow to go and run and excercise, aj's our alarm clock. the biggest loser is our inspiration, damn makes it sound like we're hella fat! all good..well i was worried about Lori but she's okay. she'll call me if she's gonna have the baby..i'm soooo excited for them

recent updates:
-Dru got his bike...yay they can go riding now.
-we told mom and dad
-planning aj's bday party stuff, mom's gonna buy the party favors to give out to the kids
-already reserved the jumper for AJ
-changed the date for AJ's bday party from Sat to Sun
-Joanne's baby shower coming up
-updated my profile on myspace (so lame i know) but i found a really cool website and cool background

i'm still trying to add that link for ofoto, but dont know how. i wanna know what happened and why someone is suddenly a swinger. more details later. and tomorrow is Karina well actually its on Sat but her last day. boohoo..allgood she's doin big thangs! and its Janie's bday today Happy Birthday finna get hella DRUNK! hahaha

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

poem about love

The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted

i got this from someones page, cant say who, but i hope everything with them is alright.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lori's Bday

Before the white walls and with the white walls

then came the white walls:

LORI turned 30!!! Happy Bday sis!!!

Well, it was yesterday and she did turn 30! i haven't seen her and Dru for a while, so its always nice to see them. She's all baby, I can't wait till Leah comes to this world. Well, we went there around 3ish cause we went to the city first and then bought some Dianda's (best italian cake yum!) and brought them some. Plus, Bubba went to get his fenders..
Then we hung out for about 30 mins or so, and went to dinner at a buffet off of Stevenson Creek Blvd, i think that's the exit. It was pretty good! hella food! I didn't eat rice, aren't you proud of me?!? everything was hella good except this one pork thing. it looked like lechon kawali but it soooo wasn't. i guess that's what you anticipate since its chinese/japenese food. sushi was ahrite, not dry but really small. steak was really yummy!
then we came home around 1230is i felt really bad, cause bubba wanted me to drive and i was soooo sleepy. i was knocked out. so we slept in today.
so that was Sunday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI!!!

got up and watched Backyardigans w/ AJ
he took a nap and did some cleaning, the usual bathroom, kitchen, fed the dogs type of deal
then Tuan went to work for a lil bit, had some PDIs to do..woohoo extra money for me!
(maybe I'll get my Dyson vacuum for my bday) hahaha
and had a great dinner this evening, AJ's at grandmas house

we went for a ride for a lil bit, it was sooooo much fun! the wind in my face, i tried the oshit strap but Tuan didnt like it. he prefers me to hold on to him (time to say awww) I can't wait to get my own gear! gotta wait though, not major priority. so I'm looking forward to getting a jacket, gloves, and my own helmet. A DOT approved and a novelty one. we went down bradshaw and then left on calvine all the way to was great!

other than that had a laxed day...i didn't get to take a nap. oh well, there's always next time. AJ's at mom and dad's house since she's off tomorrow. i'm soo not looking forward to work tomorrow, it'll be hella busy! Kat said that SLA's are like 58 something sooo not good, no exception time forreal!

alright, times a tickin time to sleep! and 8 days and counting I'll be the big 25!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bubba got his white walls

$100 for both rear and front white walls, not bad. got them from concord, also stopped by at concord mall for a lil bit, it has been sooooo long since i've been there..i wanna say almost 5 years now..looks the same, thought i'd run into someone but i guess some people dont work at the mall anymore..haha that was so like five years ago.
well, other than that we might be planning on relocating ajs party to a different park..not sure yet. tuan's gonna check it out tomorrow and we'll make a decision by the end of this week.
so i had a dumb moment today, we drove by pittsburgh and thought of the pittsburgh steelers...what i don't know i thought they were from here..and bubba had to call dru and made me feel really dumb...argghh..that's okay, i'll leave sports to the boys. i'll just do the cooking and other stuff.
well, i think i have my menu down for the bbq for aj's party
so far:
spaghetti (by ay-ay)
lumpia (of course, not a filipino party without it)
hot dogs
fruit salad (fresh fruit)
macaroni salad w/ apples and chicken
bbq chicken on a stick
toron (courtesy of lisa)
bean dip and chips
hmm and i can't think of the others. today went well, it was nice to spend time w/ the fam. bubba has work again tomorrow and so do i. gotta catch some z's.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

i read this made me say awwww

In your life, you'll make note of a lot of people. Ones with whom you shared something special, ones who will always mean something. There's the one you first kissed, the one you first loved the one you lost your virginity to, the one you put on a pedestal, the one you're with... and the one that got away.

Who is the one that got away? I guess it's that person with whom everything was great, everything was perpect, but the timing was just wrong. There was no fault in the person, there was no flaw in the chemistry, but the cards just didn't fall the right way.. I suppose

I believe in the fact that ending up with someone, finding a longtime partner that is, does not lie merely in the other person. I can actually argue that an equal part, or maybe even the greater part, has to do with the matter of timing. It has to do with you being ready to settle down and commit to someone in a way that goes beyond the little niceties of giddy romance.

How often have you gone through it without even realizing it? When you're not ready to commit in that mature manner, it doesn't matter whom you're with , it just doesn't work. Small problems become big; inconsequentials become dealbreakers simply because you're not ready and it shows. It's not that you and the person you're with are no good; it's just that it's not yet right, and little things become the flashpoint of that fact.

Then one day you're ready... You really are. And when this happens you'll be ready to settle down with someone. She may not be the most perfect, she might not be the brightest stars of romance to ever have burned in your life, but it'll work because you're ready. It'll work because it's the right time and you'll make it work. And it will make sense, it really will

So that day comes when you're finally making sense of things, and you find yourself to be a different person. Things are different, your approach is different, you finally understand who you are and what you want, and you've become ready because the time has truly arrived. And mind you, there's no telling when this day will come. Hopefully you're single but you could be in a long-term relationship, you could be married with kids, it doesn't matter. All you know is that you've changed, and for some reason, the one that got away, is the person you think about.

You'll think about her because you'll wonder, "What if she was here today?" You'll wonder,
"What if we were together now, with me as I am and not as I was?" Thats what the one that got away is. The biggest "What if" you'll have in your life.

If you're married, you'll just have to accept the fact that the one that got away, got away!!. Believe me, no matter how fairy tale you think your marriage is, this can happen to the best of us. But hopefully you're mature enough to realize that you're already with the one
you're with and this is just another test of you commitment, one which will just strengthen your marriage when you get past it. Sure you'll think about her every so ofter, but it's alright. It's never nice to live with a "might have been," but it happens.

Maybe the one that got away is the one who is already married. In which case it's the same thing. You just have to accept and know that your memories of that person will probably bring a nice little smile to your lips in the future when you're old and gray and reminiscing.

But if neither of that is the case, then it's different. What do you do if it's not yet too late? Simple.... Find her, find her... Because the very existence of a "one that got away" means that you'll always wonder, what if you got that one?

Ask her out to coffee, ask her out to a movie, it doesn't matter if you've dropped in from nowhere. You'd be surprised, you just might be the "one that got away" as well for the person who is your "the one that got away".

You might drop in from out of nowhere and it wont make a difference. If the timing is finally right, it will all just fall into place somehow and you know...

I'm thinking, it would be a great feeling, in the end, to be able to say to someone, "Hey you, you're the one that almost got away".

we just went to drop off Tuan's food...

Hey hey hey...what a day! well, it started off as really early in the morning, we thought bubba's dad needed a ride, so got up and then found out they didn't need one anymore..went back to sleep...AJ got up and was cranky! then it was the reunion for the NICU for Mercy San Juan..from 10-12..we came late, typical filipino time, plus Tuan was working so had to wait until he could leave to go to lunch..
NICU reunion was nice, saw a few of his nurses well really two. Stacy and Brie..but the highlight of it all was that we saw his two docs Dr. Manalo and Dr. was great! its been a while, and man to see all those preemies turn to be kids is great!
hmm..then came back to elk grove, talked to Kat and had nothing really planned for the day except i wanted some and then went to drop of Tuan's food..and she's been looking for a car...used but a honda...
we were leaving and then he tells us to turn around to check out a car..its a 05 silver Solara V6..pretty clean..only 28k miles..and asking price $ negotiations happen and KAT got her car!!!! i'm so proud of her! we doin big things!
so we totally went from dropping food off to getting a car totally random! i know she's really happy w/ it! its all nice and pretty unstealable..that's for sure and it looks really classy! go head gurl! so i know she feels a lot better knowing she has transportation to do her errands and just go around, the gym etc etc...
then we had dinner at Mimi's Cafe..we got hooked up w/ some raisin bread! yum yum! thanks Kim! then went to Target, bought some mats for the new car (great new car smell) and then went to Kats..not much of a day..i was suppose to clean house and all..

My to do list tomorrow: or is it today already...

1. clean house, bathrooms, vacuum, bedrooms, kitchen
2. mop floors (possibility)
3. mow lawn, clean up after kylie and aibo
most importantly church @ 9 at good shepherd church..
4. COMPLETE THE BUSINESS PLAN!!!!! THIS IS A MUST DO..(if i had the energy i would so do it right now, but getting really sleepy)

okay i can't think anymore..yawns..see ya then!