Thursday, December 27, 2007

Luchico Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

What matters most

The Mayonnaise Jar and 2 Cups of Coffee

When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full The students responded with an unanimous "yes." The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car. The sand is everything else--the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Great Xmas song..but it's so sad

the gift

Working from home

It was nice to be home pretty much all day today. I was able to work on some things from the shop like inputting stuff into QB and I'm now going to be doing the taxes for this quarter. It's a lot of paperwork to go over, but no one else is gonna do it.
I know I have to challenge myself and get all of these things done. It's tiring and overwhelming to look at all the paperwork in front of me, considering I do want to finish up some stuff in the house. I also have to finish up my scrapbook for Isabella. UGGGH! Xmas is like in 5 days or something. I know I can probably finish it in like a day so I will take care of it hmm..tomorrow maybe.

It was cold and rainy today so I'm glad I didn't have to stay at the shop. I'm just glad this USB flash drive worked! Woohoo! The last time I tried one that Noel had and it didn't want to upload right. Weird, but I figured I'll get one for the shop so I can bring it home and work on it.
Okay break is over. Back to work!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Wreath

So I made the xmas wreath for the shop!! It turned out really good for an 18" one. The one last year didn't seem that big. I'll post a picture of it soon. But all I spent on it was $15.00. The trimmings were free from Home Depot, and since I couldn't find the wreath ring last year then I bought a new one.
What's cool with the wreath I made is I used some of AJ's cars. You know, to make it part of the shop. Auto repair, toy cars. So I still have to do the one for the house, I'll probably be doing that tonight and/or tomorrow night. It's Tuan's dad's bday today so we're having dinner at the house.
I'll see how tired I am.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


So I've been looking for this song for a while. I watch Pinks w/ Tuan every now and then and I finally found it.
It plays at the end of the show when the loser loses their car:

I was wondering how long you wouldwait for me I didn't think I'd berelieved but I'm breathingWalk away from me my love Walkaway from me my loveYou've got me thinking that it has tobe only either you or me and you're slippingWalk away from me my love Walkaway from me my loveYou could be here with me somehowYou could be here with me right nowIf your dreams don't break I'll be gonewhen you awake and anything youwant you can take to save weepingWalk away from me my love Walkaway from me my love

-The Nadas-Walk Away Lyrics

Lame, I know. But I hella like this song haha.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We had a long 4-day weekend, which we were sooo looking forward to. It sucks that now it's all over. But it was nice to just be off and hang out. On Thanksgiving day, actually on thanksgiving eve Tuan smoked a beef brisket, which was pretty good! It took 12 hours, so him and his dad were checking on it throughout the night. Then in the morning, I went running with Kylie for about 30 minutes. We didn't go to far, cause I'm not use to running with a dog. I'm proud of myself for getting up and running. I was just going to sleep in and do nothing. Hahahaa. Just milk it!
Well, I didn't. I also cooked puto. Yup yup. I went to Big Lots to get the small little pans. I have to return the ones I bought from Wal-Mart this week. It turned out pretty good. The only thing is the green ones were too green. I think I put a lil too much food coloring. But it was still good :).
Maybe I'll make some for New Years. We'll see.
But Thanksgiving was good. Went to ate's house and just ate and watched some tv. We finally showed the shop to Tito Sammy and Jojo. It was great to hear them say they were proud of Tuan. I mean, Tuan works hard and busts his butt off, not that no one else does, but to hear that from his relatives is great!
But, we didn't do the Midnight madness on shopping. It was pretty cold, and we ended up falling asleep. I think we just wanted to enjoy the day off and relax with the fam. Which was good too.

Happy Thanksgiving Cards

So I made 160 Thanksgiving cards, to most of our customers. Why thanksgiving cards?? Well, everyone expects a Xmas card, but not a Thanksgiving card from your Auto Repair Shop. Soo...I hand made all of them. Yes. And I re-did the ones that I asked for help on, cause they weren't cut right. I had Tuan help me cut like 50 one night. He was sooo tired. Thanks Bubb! That's why I love him.
So, Tuan made some calls today to follow up on customers, and he was thanked for the Thanksgiving cards. That made me feel really great about making them. For Xmas I'm just ordering cards from IDEA. I figured, thanksgiving cards are worth hand making, but Xmas cards are much easier to order since they come in bulk.
Thank you to all our clients who have made our shop successful thus far!

Several Posts Ahead

So, I have a small break down of my new posts: Thanksgiving, DJ's 21st Bday, Shopping after Thanksgiving, Getting ready for Xmas!

Monday, November 19, 2007

With Every Heartbeat

With Every Heartbeat Lyrics - Robyn Lyrics
Robyn Lyrics - With Every Heartbeat Lyrics

Maybe we could make it all right
We could make it better sometime
Maybe we could make it happen baby
We could keep tryingbut things will never change
So I don’t look back
Still I’m dying with every step I take
But I don’t look backJust a little, little bit better
Good enough to waste some time
Tell me would it make you happy baby
We could keep tryingbut things will never change
So I don’t look back
Still I’m dying with every step I take
But I don’t look back
We could keep tryingbut things will never change
So I don’t look back
Still I’m dying with every step I take
But I don’t look back
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
It hurts wïth every heartbeat

R.I.P Cathalyn Jane Flores-Bantug

She's only 26 years old. She's my cousin, like an older sister, who is loved dearly and will be dearly missed. She's a friend, a mother, a daughter, a wife. She left behind a beautiful daughter, whom I can't wait to see, and a family whom will miss her dearly. She is now at peace and with her father.

Her viewing is today in Belmont, CA. I will be attending by myself. I'm excited to see the other cousins, (cousins from which are on my mom's side) whom I haven't seen in almost 10 years. Its sad that under these circumstances we are reuniting. But it will be nice to see them all.

I will be blogging a little more about this later. Right now, I'm still in shock with the whole thing. It's so wierd, because I know I just talked to her a few months ago. There's so many feelings, that I tried to write on paper, but seemed so hard to express.

Cat, I love you and I will miss you dearly. I'm glad I was able to have lunch with you and was able to keep in touch with you before this incident happened. Thank you for everything that you have done for me. I am very happy you told me you were proud of me. Those words meant more to me than you will ever know. I will see you again.....someday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Weight Loss Here I come!

Okay, so I don't know if I mentioned that I've been walking with my old neighbor Janet three times in the week, and I'm aiming to run for the other two with Anthony. I'm really trying my best to lose weight. I've been thinking about my health and I've been watching way too many reality shows to make sure I soo don't get that fat. I mean I've gained a good amount of weight for being married for almost five years, and for having a three year old. It totally sucks! But I really have to lose it now!
I don't want to be close to 200 Lbs by the time I'm thirty. My goal is to lose at least 30 Lbs min and max of 40-45. I want to get back to 120 Lbs. Right now I'm about 160. YUCK! I know I can't even believe I admitted my own weight. But I just want to be healthy and back in shape. I mean it's painful and hard, but I have to do it. Plus we're really planning on renewing our vows, so I have to start now. Or I'll never lose this weight. So tonight, after Tuan's finished cleaning out his fish tank, we're going on a run. Woohoo. Weight loss here I come. I really hope I lose it all or the amount I want by next spring. Before our bet time.

Winter Season is here

Last night AJ had a slight fever, which sucked cause he woke up a few times in the middle of the night. The first time, he woke up to tell me he was cold, and then the second time he was telling me he was hot. He woke up another time making sure I was hugging him. Cute, I know..but not when you're sleepy.

So all day today, I was pretty much home. I gave him his meds this morning, and he was just out of it. I was trying to encourage him to just sleep it off. Its good he slept from 1 until about 4. I was sleepy too, so I took a nap with him. I wanted to start putting things away in the house, but I have to finish doing the laundry from this past weekend. Speaking of which I gotta run to the store, either Wal-mart tonight or tomorrow to get some more laundry detergent.
Anyways, so I know winter is here, cause AJ getting a fever, and I feel like I'm getting a slight cold. It gets really cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon. I can't even believe that Thanksgiving is like next week!! Then it'll be Xmas then Welcome 2008. Well, gotta get ready for the holidays. This is the only year that I'm NOT prepared for it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Returning from vacation

Ok so we went. We went to Disneyland on Saturday and then we also ended up going to Universal on Sunday. I didn't think we were going to go to Universal cause of funds, but I guess Lisa bought tickets online, she just had to print them...and they were we have a season's pass for next year. That's pretty cool. I have to read into see if it's usable in FL if we really go next year.

So here's a break down:

We left Elk Grove around 8:30 in the evening. Got some Starbucks and arrived in Anaheim at about 2:45 AM. Not bad.
Anthony drove first then I drove for a little bit, then he drove the rest of the way there. The drive wasn't so bad. I was wide awake since I had some starbucks.

It wasn't as crowded as last year. We went last year on Nov 18th. This year, the Xmas tree wasnt up yet, but it seems as most of the decor is already up. We pretty much went on the same things except, Bubba, Glo and I went on Adventure Island and I got to take a picture w/ Jack Sparrow. (pictures to come soon) I felt really bad cause I know Katie has been wanting to see him and this is the 2nd year which she missed him. She was on a ride so we took advantage to killing time by walking around.
AJ was still scared of the characters which I should have expected. We got to ride some rides w/ him. He freaked out when we went on the carousel. SOO embarrasing. He was kicking and screaming and was just afraid for his life. But we didn't take that many pictures this year. I think I'm going to put the pictures taken in a scrapbook. I wasn't in that many pictures cause I was the photographer. I guess that's what happens when you take a good amount of the pictures.
Well, I'll discuss more later. It's dinner time.

Friday, November 09, 2007


I'm am soo not looking forward for this weekend. I really don't want to go anymore. But I guess we're still going. What sucks is that we sooo don't have money to go. It's much more exciting when you go out of town and have a sufficient amount of money. Not like a whole lot, but you know enought to just go and spend some extra money other then the hotel, food, gas, etc.

I guess Lisa's going to help us, but that's just another expense along the line to add. I don't know. Ugh.

I mean I feel bad, cause we can't cancel the rental car, the hotel etc. But I don't think I'll have as much fun as I think.

Well, the only thing I've been really excited about is walking. Janet (our old neighbor) and I are walking 3 miles every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We have the other days off, but I'm aiming to run the Mondays and Wednesdays. We did it all this week, so more to do next week.

I'm still aiming for my goal of 30lbs so we'll see what happens. I've been really good about my food intake too. I'm trying to watch what I eat, and I'm trying to have vegetables daily. Which I know is hard, but I've actually been craving for them.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


OMG! Well, on Sunday Anthony took the filters for the pool out to clean them up, and I guess he forgot to turn off the pump. WOOPS! More like BIG WOOPS!
So he came home last night and there was NO MORE water in the pool. Yes. There's like a small little puddle in the deep end. Sounds great considering it's winter time, but not so great cause that's a whole hellofalot of water. I seriously am soooo sad about it. Can you imagine our next water bill! Oh mun! So I find out today it's not too bad, it'll be like 300 or something, but that's just a scary thought!
So I know we have to put water in the pool very soon. More like tomorrow, cause since the pool is made to have weight of the water in would be smart to put the water in asap then later. I guess if you wait long enough, the concrete can crack and the pool can surge up. Not another headache I'd like to have. But yea, I felt really bad cause I know the water went to our neighbors side. I guess they tried knocking on the door around 5:30 and of course we got in about 7:00. (sigh) And they didn't have the number to call the shop or Anthony's cell phone. Well, just another expense to deal with. We went from just replacing the filters which would be $60 bucks a piece, and there's four. So that's $240.00. Now the filters plus I'm hoping only $300.00 worth of water! Ugh! But I'd rather cough out $600 bucks to take care of the problem, then a thousand plus. I wouldn't know what to do if that happened.

Clean House

So all day today I took advantage of AJ being w/ mom and dad while I cleaned house. I'm pretty tired! I wanted to go shopping earlier but I said nevermind. Plus we have our trip this coming weekend. This weekend we're going to Disneyland!!!
So I wanted to make sure that before we left that the house would be clean. I mean who would want to go on a trip and come back home to a dirty house! I know I wouldn't. So now I'm just finishing laundry. I started packing for this weekend, but I know that I have to rearrange some things before I know I'm completely packed. I got the important stuff ready to go.
I checked the weather for this weekend in Anaheim and it said 60s to 70s. So I know for sure gotta pack a jacket. I debating if I want to go and get a fleece fit from Old Navy. I want to be comfortable while I'm walking around.
Well, I finished cleaning most of the house, except for the vaccuming upstairs. I need to finish cleaning the bathrooms and the rooms. I know, why am I totally blogging about cleaning, I think it's just cause I'm tired. It was nice to clean without any interruptions. Not that AJ is an interruption, but I got to vaccuum without him freaking out and I got to clean the kitchen floor with bleach..etc.

But I have sooo sad news... find out on my next blog!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fog Willow Pumpkin Patch

Well we went to the pumpkin patch today and AJ was sooo scared! It's connected to a farm, so every time the cow mooed he started crying. But he liked the bunnies and the pigs he actually touched the goat. So it was cute to see him try to not be so scared. We purchased his first pumpkin. Last year, I wasn't there when he went to the pumpkin patch. I was working. It's so nice now to just be home with him and enjoy the things like going out on activities.
We also got to ride on the tractor train which goes around the whole pumpkin patch and farm. Maybe next year we'll go to the corn maze. We'll see.
I forgot my camera so I didn't get a chance to take pictures. Ning brought hers so can't wait to upload those and put them online. There was a section where you stick your head out and you're one of the farm animals, and he totally did not want to take that picture. He started crying and screaming. He didn't even want to be put down. AJ is such a cry baby. So I guess until he's 5 he'll be scared of everything.. haha i'm so mean, I know.

Show Me The Money

So I attended a seminar in Newark this past Wednesday and Thursday and it was held by Kelly Bennett. I loved it! It was so informative, and he's such a great speaker. All the info discussed totally made me think about things that need to change slightly about the shop. Think Gross Profit!!
There's three ways to run a business: Hobby, Charity or a Business.
So I'm looking forward to attending more seminars held by WorldPac. It's soo worth it. I need to also purchase a dvd called Trombone Player Wanted. Another speaker by the name of Marc Buckingham discusses the importance on how we should focus on our strengths. I can go on and on about the whole seminar, but it was very much well worth it.

The only thing that sucked was the commute! Oh my goodness! It took me 2.5 hrs from Pinole to get to Newark. Seriously!! I'm sooo glad I don't have to deal w/ that daily. That would kill me! I calculated, I was on the road for a total of 8 hours for two days getting to the seminar and back home. I'm glad we don't have a commute here.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Way to early

I'm sooooo sleepy. I have a training orientation over the phone for our new merchant services at 6AM. This is so early I know. But I prefer to do it early than later. Plus, it's Thursday and I have a lot of running around to do later. It's AJ's appt w/ Martha at 11:30, and I'm hoping Alisha got my message to do his appt at 1:30. So we shall see. But I know I'm probably going to be leaving right after the training, and trying to go back to sleep.

Well, I also have to book my room for a seminar coming up in two weeks at Marriot in Newark. I have a business seminar that's being held thru WorldPac, and I may have to commute that morning. I have to see. Considering I'm really tired now, I may just drive out there the night before. But that's on the 24th, so I don't know how I'll be feeling then.

Well, I've got 5 more minutes. Gotta get to work. (Where's the snooze button).

Monday, October 08, 2007

Motherhood Club

We had a gathering this past weekend for mine and AJ's bday. And there was so many lil kids. TOO cute! Everyone's baby isn't so baby anymore, they're all mobile and walking everywere.

It's great to see all our kids grow up together and just play with one another. We're all in the motherhood club. Corny I know, but I'm glad we get to hang out and see our kids grow up. See there's not only AJ's cousins but AJ now has friends haha. Its cool to see him play with Nathan and run around all over the place. In the beginning, AJ and Nathan were up at the stairs and just yelling to get attention. I know that may sound annoying but it was pretty funny that they were being silly.

I know we'll have so many more gatherings to come, and it's always great to have everyone make it. Wheter it be at our house and/or our friends. I know who AJ and any other kids we may have will grow up with.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happy Birthday, now what kind of ticket do you want?

Yay, so today is mine and AJ's bday. What a day so far.

Well the cops gave me a ticket. Elk Grove's finest! I was driving the mercedes, and since its from Vegas the windows are tinted, theres no front lic plate, and i guess ins expired on 09/11. And so I'm on my way to dropping off a customer (EGAC customer shuttle) and then by Wal-mart, there's a cop bike puts his lights on.

What sucks too is the window doesn't roll down, so I have to open the door. He was like you can stay in the car, and I'm like well, I can't roll the window down. So then he's writing the ticket..and then realizes its my bday. So he says, I hate to give this to you (i'm thinking why give it to me at all) but which ticket do you want? So I choose the insurance one, since i'm just waiting for the paperwork. Uggh! Happy Bday from the cops.
I get a ticket on my bday along w/ a customer in the car. My oh my!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Purse!!

Well, it's been so hectic at the shop that I haven't had a day off. So last Saturday I went with Joanne to the mall to go shopping. Well, I know that Noel was talking about it, but I didn't think that he was forreal. He was going to allow me to get a Coach purse!

I didn't want to just be all like, okay I'll get this one. But he was asking what my budget was and I was teasing him about allowing Joanne and I to have a budget of 2K hahaha.
But, I seriously still can't believe he got a purse for me. I got the limited edition mineral green hobo. I originally wanted the satchel one, but they seriously had no more left.

Well, I guess working hard pays off.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So that's pretty much my life now. I'm at the shop almost all the time. There's been soo much going on that it's crazy!

As of last week, we are now the owners of Transmission Depot, two shops in one. We are keeping the business name as Elk Grove Autocare & Transmission Depot as well as the phone lines, but we will be merging them together maybe next year. The twop shops actual compliment each other very well. Some people automatically assume that it's there transmission, and sometimes it's not. It could be a leak, or simply a loose kink in a hose.

I have so much paperwork now. It's a lil stressful but its so worth it. I mean, I know I may sound like I complain about it but, I know eventually it'll work out great. I can't wait until I only really have to come in two times a week to just check on things. Right now I'm pretty much there six days a week with Tuan and I get to leave though when it's AJ's therapy appointment. It's great to have that. I don't have to call in and say I won't be coming in today, nor do I really have to answer to anyone. I mean, yea there's Noel, but I get to pretty much run the show up front. Anthony's in the back.

Well, the greatest feeling of it is that it's our shop. I write up the invoices and receipts the way I'd like for them to look. I have a certain system when it comes to filing well as banking.
Speaking of banking. I have learned so much from working at Wells Fargo. Other than the whole multi task stuff, just dealing w/ other business customers and running into issues that they had really help me run my day to day routine. I can say that I really appreciate that.
I am hoping and praying that we do really well.

So far, none stop business which is great. We had one down time which was last Saturday. Which was nice to just catch up on paperwork and just fix things around the shop and the office.

I'm gonna call it a night. Till next blog

Thursday, August 23, 2007

blogging at 12:55 am

So it's been a while since I've been on this thing. Hmm can I say a few weeks. so much has happened. Things with the business and then going out of town for a few days.

Okay summary:

Grand Opening Event 08/11/07
GREAT TURN OUT! Thank you to all who came and participated in our raffle. Thank you for all those who made things happen. To all who helped clean up before the event, to all who helped keep the event running smooth. It was so stressful but totally worth it. We had a total of 90 people enter the raffle, and approximately more to just show up. We had a live DJ, the food catered, a monster truck bounce house, and like 8 cars to show.
We raffled out free services. Free oil changes, our BG products that ranged from 89.99 to 139.99 and a FREE i-Pod. SO it was great.

Speaking of which I need to send out those coupons to the customers that won the grand opening event prizes.

Isabella's bday party 08/12/07
We were soooo tired. Well I know I was. I just wanted to sleep all day. We were late to Belly's bday party, which I felt bad for but dude seriously I was pooped. And it was nice to see Oliver and Joce for like the whole weekend. They came to our G/O event and then went to Belly's bday party. I thought i had seen a ghost cause Joe & Eileen were there.

Okay falling asleep goodnight...TO BE CONTINUED.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Tuans bday bash pics

Well here's the pics finally. I know I sooo lagged!

Tuan's 28th Bday


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Non-stop work

What a day! It was busy enough at the shop. We had a walk in today, oil change. And the rest just waiting on parts. But what totally sucked today was the dogs got over the fence. And not with the neighbor who we've had problems with already, but the fence where the indians are. uggh! To think that I can just go home after being at the shop and not have to worry about anything else but dinner. WRONG! So we get a call from DJ saying the dogs jumped the fence..but thank godness he was able to get them back into the garage. Aibo jumped into a guys car who lives down the street. I had to go over and personally apologize. What was nice about it was that he was cool about it cause they have a dog to.
I felt kinda stupid cause when I rang the doorbell, I said "sorry to bother you" and they thought I was solicitating. And then had to explain that I was trying to apologize for my dog. They said it was okay, they were just being dogs.
And then I had to freakin clean up the back yard. So we picked up most of the leaves that were on the side where they broke the fence and the other side where I was suppose to gather all the leaves together. Tuan put up the child proof gate around the pool. And now the dogs are in the crate being punished.
So we had such a late dinner. I'm sooo tired! Man talk about non-stop work. From doing paperwork, accounting, setting up for the grand opening, to trouble with the dogs!

Well, speaking of which I have so many lil projects to do for the grand opening. I found the bounce house for the event and ordered the pens. They're local so I'm glad I was able to find something fast. It's $240 for 500 pens, which pretty much cost the same as other pens if we were to order it outside of CA. They wouldn't have made our deadline though, plus the cost of shipping!
And my other project which I'm aiming to finish by the end of this week are the pictures of three cars that Tuan's worked on and a comment from those customers. I have to purchase frames by the end of this week and print everything out I want to say no later then Sunday. So many things to do! Staying busy busy busy...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Time to breathe

Ever feel like you just need time to breathe. Inhale, exhale, breathe. Not think about anything, not one thought. Clear your mind and just let go. Just be able to close your eyes and just breathe and relax. Enjoy the fresh air, enjoy the silence. Times when you just want to lay there and do absolutely nothing but just stare at the ceiling. Or better yet the stars in the evening. Doing nothing, but just breathing.
Times in life are so short that you have to take time to breathe. Whether it's for a few minutes and or a few seconds. Just being able to sit down and give yourself a few minutes of the day to just relax your mind is probably one of the best things someone can do for themselves. Its not necessarily time for yourself, but just taking everything in but not necessarily taking it in. Makes very little sense, but anyone who gets the concept of just being able to take a moment to breath will understand.

Its time for me to just take a breath. Take some time and just relax. A vacation is way over due, but where should I go? If anything I just want to be able to go for a drive and just relax. Just myself, Is that selfish? I dont think so.

Venti light iced Chai w/ Soy Milk

So I totally have a new drink thanks to Glo! hahaha. I was soo stuck on my tall non fat white peppermint mocha (all throughout the year) that I didn't want to try anything else. Nor did I even think to look at anything else on the menu. So one day, I think it was for Tuan's bday, actually for 4th of July Glo and I had to get some stuff at ate's house and she had mentioned her drink. I was a lil hesitant cause at first, its like well, I always get the same thing, but chai, what's that??

OMG! It's sooo yum! I think it's healthier too cause it has soy milk and it's chai tea! So I have a new drink from Starbucks. Its a dollar cheaper when I go to Java City in Raleys so I'll get it there too. It taste the same, and I think the cup is larger haha. Lite on ice please? So that's been my drink lately.

LAME. So blogging about a new drink haha. Well, I'm still here at the shop waiting to leave. I'm sooo hungry. I feel like I can eat a cow. I was craving for some salad earlier, now I think I want a regular carnitas burrito. Well, I'll have to swim it off later.

The Blowers Daughter

I heard this on a fellow bloggers blog from her wedding clip. What a beautiful song. Just thought I'd share it. Its a great song. I never heard it before. I thought it was called can't take my mind off of you..
If you're interested in the video: Can't take my mind off of you..
"The Blowers Daughter"Damien Raice
And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...
And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...
Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...My mind...'
Til I find somebody new

STAND-Rascal Flatts (Thank you Glo)

You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you’ll be alright
You’ll be alright
Chorus:Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you’ve had enoughYou get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand
2.Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holding on
Chorus:Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you’ve had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand,
Yeah then you stand.
Bridge:Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place
Chorus:Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you’ve had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand
Yeah then you stand.Yeah then you stand.
Yeah babyohhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhohhhhhhhhhooohhhhhhhthen you stand


Regrets? Hmm.. I don't think so, but I do wonder if things were different. Is that bad? or is that just a part of life? Like seriously, part of me wonders that. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE MY FAMILY. AJ is the best thing that's ever happened to me and i love him to death! he makes the day so much brighter and he totally keeps me going when i'm just ready to fall apart.
And Tuan keeps me going. Keeps me positive almost all of the time.

but I just look back and think, man what if I ended up with that guy? or what if I had made a different decision, how would I be now. I know I can never tell, and or find out cause things are different. but part of me just wonders. is thtat bad. Like I know if I ended up w/ Marc, man that would be all weird. He's not very authoritative when it came to Maia and I had a problem with that. I mean, I'm strict when it comes to AJ but I do it so that he respects me when we're out in public. he totally listens which makes me proud. there are days when things aren't perfect. but he's a good kid. a trait born with, i think of it as something learned. its easy to learn bad things, but harder to learn how to not do bad things especially when your mind is a sponge.
Anyways Gerald, I don't know how that would have been. I think probably intersting, but my family would probably not have liked him as much as they love Tuan. Well of course, cause Tuan's my husband now. But I mean, like how would it have been if I didn't make that certain decision. would i have been a bum? probably not, but how would that have effected me.
I dont know. I'll never know.

Insecurity...NO I don't think that's it. But I do wish sometimes Tuan would say certain things that would just be positive and great. things that pertain to our relationship. i know with the whole business just opening i really can't ask for much. cause we have to concentrate on that. am i being selfish? see its things like this that run thru my mind. but I love him dearly and wouldn't trade him for anything else. Sometimes, I just wish it was shown to me more. that's all.

just a Friday night

I don't know why I'm just hella awake on a Friday night or better yet, its now Saturday early morning technically since its after midnight..and just blogging. So it's been a while since I've up to date w/ everything. I guess I've just been busy with the shop and just doing things around the house. Plus, it seems lately the days just go by way to fast. Like I swear it was Sunday last night, and now it's Friday all over again. Man, this whole getting older stuff (even though I'm young haha) seems to be getting to me lately. Is it cause I'm afraid? or is it cause there's so many little things going on around me that I'm trying to put it all together.
Don't get me wrong, life is great. could it be better...well of course. but you learn and i've learned that you be happy with what you have because things can be soooo much worse. Seriously. I know i've read other blogs, quotes and stories about just life....but when you sit down and actually think about your own, its a lot of things to think about. I mean, seriously.
For instance, I would have never thought that I would be considered a part business owner at the age of 25. is that so-real?? I mean, although Tuan is one of the primary owners, and yeah I'm his wife and stuff...but I just realized how much of a big part I actually play in the whole thing. Its kind of amazing! Its a lot of things to do, which is great, cause it keeps my mind busy and working. just like anywhere its always good and better to stay busy rather than be slow. but, its so much stuff. like all the admin paperwork, learning how to be a service advisor (writer) and just getting clients in. I never realized how complicated a vehicle and being able to understand all the diagnostic stuff until now. Hey i'm a girl!

And then there's my life. me myself and i. like with what I want to do. I was talking to a friend of mine over the weekend, Gemma, about how she's an RN and how her and her husband were looking for a car and how she didn't even need her husbands income. It really made me think. Like I know its totally weird how it comes from how our conversations went about to just me thinking about my life. But I want to be able to be set and just financially stable where I don't have to worry about Tuan's income. Not like we're hella broke, but you know just not really have to worry about that. So I was thinking and calculating, okay so I have five more years until I'm thirty, I can still go to school and finish and just pursue nursing..OR should I open up my own day care.

I know way off, not really but...Tuan and I were talking about it on the way to Union City when we went to pick up some parts for the CRX. Like, how it wouldn't take that long to get all the certifications through the county and state..and just get all the education needed for it. I know there's hella kids in Elk Grove! Everyone's looking for a good day care. It pays, and I love kids. But I just need to do more research on it. It's kinda scary cause man, if we both had our own businesses! that would be insane! right?!? I don't know, I have to figure it out very soon. Time seems to be running out. or at least that's how i feel.

Part of me feels like i'm just rambling. But part of me just feels like what I'm saying is really making sense. or is it not? I don't know.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tuan's Bday Bash

It was crazy!! We all had a great time. It was so great to have everyone come. And there are so many kids now. Pretty much all the kids went swimming. Jonathan was crying, I think the water was probably to cold for him. And I can't wait to post the videos of the guys doing there stunts! haha... It was way to funny.
So that was our weekend. I was up hella late on Saturday cleaning, I figured clean up then and not have to worry about it the next day. Which it was really nice to wake up and only have to worry about the dishes from breakfast.
Couple of folks slept over. The guys had a new thing called "Antiquing" It dealt with whomever fell asleep first had baby powder on their faces. IT was great. DJ got "antiqued" first. Then almost all the guys did except Jason and Alonzo.
Anyways, I'll be posting the pictures up shortly. Probably tonight and/or tomorrow I'll be uploading them. So till next time!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jaquay Knowles

I love my worker! She's totally awesome. I was afraid that we would sooo totally get someone who didn't want to help us and would just be all attitude like, but nope, she was totally great!

It was a big sigh of relief..well Transformers is out today, so we'll be there at the theatres tomorrow at 11 AM yup first showing. Cause we're going to be swimming a good amount of the day and cooking lunch/dinner..until fireworks. We haven't bought any, but I think we may go to Elk Grove Park. Not to sure. But till then, Have a happy 4th!

Being the "GOOD" guy can slap you in the face

OH man what a day!!! Well, it was a lil slow today at EGAC. Hopefully tomorrow will be a lil busy. Although the holiday is the day after. So I'm not expecting to many people. I know that we have an appt on Thursday, which is great! Actually we had a call today about a replacement of a transmission, so we'll see how much the actual tranny is tomorrow. We notified her already of the labor cost, but the transmission (used) will be the expensive part.

Anyways, there was unneccessary drama today which totally sucked! I had gotten into an arguement w/ my sis in law over something totally was over the Monsters Inc dvd. Well I took it the wrong way and over reacted which I take FULL responsibility for. But since ate's camera, I felt like anything else that seems to come up missing I haven't returned. So it starts off w/ a text message about the dvd and then after that it just went down hill. I could have responded better about it, by just either calling back and saying I'll double check. But I know I bought AJ his own Monster's Inc dvd cause I bought the double disc one. And when I bought it, I returned theirs. Anyways, I said stupid things like I'll find whatever little thing that belongs to you and return it. And after that it all went downhill! I was at the shop to and there was a customer calling so I had to hang-up.
Already pumped up and just upset about everything I tried to just not cry or not let it get to me. Then she calls Tuan and says not to bring AJ there anymore. Which to me had nothing to do w/ the whole arguement. But, eventually I guess I had to hear it.
So, I tried to get my thoughts together, cause with everything else going on I dont want to have any additional drama. Tuan said I should have never called cause its not going to get anywhere, where it really didn't..but he had mentioned that to me after the fact when I already called. I called to tell her sorry for saying the certain things I said and all I heard back was yelling. It went from her saying "I'm so tired of you" to "you're a liar" and that "you opened up things that didn't make any sense" Which seems, I guess when you try to be the "good guy" it doesn't always work. And that was even slapped in my face. She literally said, " you always try to be the good person, you try to always make it right" Which the last that I remember and was taught and learned that making things right or just trying to squash things was the right thing to do. I don't know if there are additional issues and I'm the one to blame.
But that arguement really made me feel like I got slapped in the face. And hard. I mean, if I didn't care at all about when she was going thru drama then I would have never welcomed her and her husband to our house. But because I cared about my husband's sister and I wanted to treat her like my own, I thought it was "right" for me to have her stay at the house at least Tuan would have a peace of mind knowing she's at our house and not someone elses. And the whole I'm tired of you deal, I wish I knew that sooner. And also the whole watching AJ thing.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the times that she's watched and cared for him. She treated him like her own, which I would do w/ her daughter, my niece. But, with the whole arguement, which like I said was something totally stupid...didn't have to go there. I didn't bring the babysitting up, and if I only knew sooner that AJ was a burden to her then I could have changed things. And of course, she feels its full of drama, but as a mom who puts her own responsibility of watching her child to someone else because of work or sometimes because of personal things..of course it makes me feel like AJ was a burden.
I never thought I would argue with her. I do hope it doesn't effect my relationship w/ the kids and/or the other sisters. They have nothing to do with her getting tired of me. Whatever I did wrong, I apologized for it. Which was: saying certain things that I should not have said and for over reacting.
Moral of the story: I'll still be the bigger person, but if she wants to stay mad that's fine. I'm still hurt about her saying the things that he said, but that will only be realized by the other person. Us helping her may have nothing to do with the stupid issue, but it makes me think of the words that came out of her mouth.
I'm hoping she goes to her brothers bday, cause if she doesn't show then that's not my fault. I wish her the best in what happens next in her life with either getting her own home and or just living her married life.
I've decided I'll just give them AJ's movie and just get another one. A movie is just a movie.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A new day, a positive attitude

Things can really be rough at times, but you always have to remember to be positive. If you're negative it gets you no where and you just fail. It seems that to have that attitude may be impossible to some, but its what you must do to survive. I know that things right now aren't just fabulous, dont get me wrong the business opening is a DREAM COME TRUE!
I am so proud of Anthony for really doing this. I mean, to think he was just talking about it and now its here, for him to go to his OWN shop, he created his OWN was a lot of patience and a lot of work but its really here.

Tuan always stays positive in which I have learned to do. Not to say I'm a negative person, but I always had hesitation and doubt towards certain things in my life. I am very glad to have great friends and close family for just being there. Through good and bad, you guys seem to keep me going.

Well, tomorrow will be a busy day. We've got some appointments lined up so I'm actually excited in putting in the info tomorrow. I just hope we soon get bombarded w/ people. Which I know may sound overwhelming but its so much better to be busy than to be slow. So cross your fingers for us. Till next time!!


Thursday, June 21, 2007


I am hoping to later on blog about overcoming being overwhelmed. There's a lot that I need to do ASAP. I need to first get my resume going and update it. I mean I have the basic stuff, but I need to get things updated as far as things that I've accomplished yada yada..and I need to start looking around. I'm not going to say much here, some already know the situation and others dont. I'll keep it that way for now. And TOMORROW I need to call HR Wells to cash out my 401k...I know I'll get taxed later, but that's something for me to worry about later. Not now. Hmm..I have to get the shop's manual thing going. If I can only create a VL (virtual library) for the shop, that would be great but I know that costly. So I have to print or type up a manual for how to do things up front.
I've learned a lot though, as far as Quickbooks Pro and just doing batching out stuff at the end of the day. I'm hoping it gets busy soon. I know I need to get files going, so I have to be there at the shop early. I have to file the Inc papers and insurance disclosures that were given to us. That's a must!

Well, other than that its different to be home in the evenings. Something I'm soooo not used to. I will eventually cause more than likely my next shift will be during the day. Well, more later. Gotta jam!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Events to come

So Tuan's Bday is this July. It'll be on a Sat here's the evite link:

Tuans Invitation

So it's gonna be a pool party. It'll be pretty hot by then. SO bring your swim trunks. We should have a good amount of food and people. So I'm pretty excited about that.

OH and its Brandon's baptism this Sat. I have my first god child!!! I'm sooo excited. I dont have any god kids, so for him to be the first one is sooo exciting. Can't wait!!!

I know I have to update my photos from the housewarming, to any other events that I missed to upload pics. Ning and Alvins wedding! Oh mun! I'm soo behind. ITs all good that's what happens when you get busy.
Till later...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Internet is back: welcome to Comcast!

Okay so it's been like a hella long time since I've been on this thing. We finally got our internet setup!!! Yay!! In a way its a good thing we didn't get it right away cause there's always wireless internet on the laptop or internet at the shop...either way.

So much to say..mun, so many things have happened within the past few months. I sooo need to update my photos and I will as soon as I get everything uploaded.
Well hmm brief summary is where I will start:

We've moved yup yup...we've been at the new house since March 24th the weekend of Katie's 9th Bday. And the day that Kylie gives birth is of course the day that we move. So it was pretty hard to move from the front door. We tried our best to not bother her. She had a total of 9 pups and 3 died. It was pretty sad, good thing I wasn't there though cause I think I would have freaked out. Instead I was at the hospital that day cause we were scared that AJ may have broke his arm but he just had a swollen muscle.

Alvin and Mina got married..and those photos to come soon. It was fun. Food was great, except I didnt even get to finish my plate, cause I was running around taking pictures and trying to get the slide show ready w/ Joanne. Hehe. Good times. Bubba was sooo tired w/ doing the flowers, I guess when we renew our vows we won't be doing our own flowers.

Cinco De Mayo
Didn't do much. It was Angeliques bday we had her bday party at our house but it was actually on that Sunday. Which was a good thing we waited cause the day of her bday, it was windy and cold. So there was a good amount if kids who came over to go swimming. Not to many people but just enough. I've noticed since we've moved the kids have been enjoying the pool, which is great cause we have much use for it. But on Cinco De Mayo, Oliver and Joce came over and we had taco/burrito dinner. Thanks for the Carnitas Joce it was yummy!! So cliche I know to have mexican food, but it was nice to just chill at home.

House warming. We had our house warming, and not to many people showed up which was okay. There was enough food. If anything no left overs which is like a first. We ordered just enough. Tina and Alonso came thru. Father Suan came all the way from the city to bless the house. Thanks Father Suan. It was a great feeling to have the house blessed cause the old house we didnt have a house warming. And Tuan, Jason and Alex's bikes got blessed to.

Elk Grove Autocare
The shop is going to open on 06/18/07. Not our grand opening but ours doors will be open for business. I'm hoping we can have our grand opening after fourth of July. Things are coming along so far. Its just pretty crazy how you dont realize how many things you have to do. And its a great feeling to say that I'll be the Office Manager. I love my office, better than the one at work. My chair is hella comfy, and I'm loving the Dell computer :)

"Belly" got baptized. Congrats Belles! and same w/ Joshua. So had the party over at Lisa and Robs and just hung out, ate, and chilled. As we do at any family gathering.

hmm..that's it for now that I can remember. I know they'll be more that I'll remember later. I'm just really happy to have my internet back :)
Event to come:

07/14/07: Tuan's Bday Bash..evites to be sent this weekend!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Past Events and Upcoming Events-Main one 03/24

It seems like its been a while since I've blogged, well mainly its cause we've been packing. So word is out, we're moving. We confirmed that the final walk thru is on the 24th of March which is a Saturday. And that's the weekend of our anniversary. That weekend, along with it seems like other weekends coming up are going to be really hectic!

Events coming up:

03/17 St Joseph Prayer at Moreno household
03/22 Happy Anniversary -4 yrs in the making :)
03/24 Alyssa Joy's Bday @ 3:00
Final walk thru
03/25 Kaitlyn's 9th Bday party

So it'll be nice that I have a five day weekend per say, but it'll be a busy one. There's been so many things going on it seems insane! Okay so for work: well, I'm no longer doing mail for the center. SO it totally bugs me, but what can I do. Its wierd cause everyone's dropping it off to me and I HAVE to say, sorry I'm no longer doing it. And what gets to me is there's no one replacing me to do it. There's Tanya, but it was always just Tanya and I doing it. Plus, it's tax season, and its just been busy left and right. I told myself to just relax and not even worry about the phones being in the red, cause we can't do anything about it. Not until April 15 is when it'll slow down a lil bit. But you always have to consider the ones who asked for an extension on their taxes.

Past events:

03/03 Mom's 53rd Bday I haven't uploaded pictures from her camera or mine and will be updating the albums section soon. We took her to Red Lobster in Fairfield, and it was nice, just us w/ Philip. What was cool about it to was that he split the bill. So we just went to dinner and we ended up sleeping over that night. We were all just so tired that we crashed at Mom's house. Next day, it was Rob's surprise bday party. We bought oysters in Vallejo and went back home to Lisa's house. What was cool about it is that he really didn't have any idea. So the first weekend of the month was already hectic.
02/28 (actually 02/29) Rob's 35th Bday-ordered the cake and Lisa planned a party on short notice.

hmm...other than that we went on a ride the other day and it was soooo nice. I was a lil scared, b/c it was the first time I rode w/ just a shirt on. It was like 80 degrees outside and I kept debating on wearing my jacket. So I didn't and we rode along the delta and it was great! I had a blast. It was nice to just be on the bike and just cruise.
Oh, and we watched 300! That movie was SICK! Talk about sexy bodies..wooohooo!!! Soo going to buy that movie when it comes out on DVD.

Oh, and Ning and Alvin's wedding is finalized. It will on at the Foresthill Inn on a Friday April 27th. I'm glad I found someone to switch, cause that weekend, I too will have a five day weekend. Thurs to Monday :) One of the sups, Shawn said that I was swap queen forreal, cause within the past two weeks, I've found people to swap w/ me. Whats nice about it is that one of them will owe me for July so I can ask for it then, and/or I can look for someone to work for me for Brandon's baptism.
That's what's been happening. I still have to look for a dress for the wedding, Plus get AJ's tux cause he's the ring bearer. So I'll end up doing that after the move.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

GREY'S DIAGNOSIS: Which character are you most like?


"You're a perfectionist and you expect nothing less from everyone around you. Even when people complain, they secretly admire you for holding them to your high standards. Your family is your rock, even if you don't get to see them as much as you'd like. But without them, you'd be lost because you can't ever let anyone at work see you're human too."

blog 3: Moving

Yes, we'll be moving in approx three weeks, it could be sooner, but we'll see. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. We haven't mentioned it to anyone yet, so if you guys are reading this well you found out.
This time though I'm looking forward to actually having a house warming and getting the house blessed. We've been looking for some furniture to put in our dinning room, cause now we have a dinning room versus this house we're in now no dinning room. Plus, a couch. We're in so much need of a new couch. We've found a few that we liked..But I think we'll do the move first.

Color scheme: neutral colors and light colors. I know that we'll be painting one of the rooms upstairs, cause its pink. Yup, not cute. Its the guest bedroom and we want it to look nice. And our room, I don't remember if it was painted so gotta paint that. Oh and take out the mirrored closets, not to fond of those.

I have so many ideas that I know I have to wait till we move. I know we should have taken more pictures, maybe we can see the house one more time before we move in.
Sad thing is I'll totally miss our neighbors Chris and Janet. They're the best neighbors ever!!
But we'll totally keep in touch. Maybe even have a lunch thing date thing w/ them once and a while.

So our new neighbors will either love us or hate us. We have two big dogs, a loud harley davidson, and two young people who like to have guests over. :)

blog 2: OT

Oh my!! The night before AJ got hospitalized I worked a 12 hour shift and I was sooooo out of it! I know I'm going to be working more OT soon, but man, its just tiring sometimes. Especially when you have some people at work who just don't make any sense. And Customers..OMG!!

I know its tax season, but seriously, one thing I've learned dealing w/ business customers all day long is the businesses that fail are the ones who don't manage their account. We have people that call in for statements from like 2003, okay that's soooo four years ago...Why? You may ask. Because they're being audited.

Well, last Wednesday I was so out of it and so worn out that I had to get off the phone. I thank Shawn so much for noticing too. I mean, yeah its not to bad w/ being on the phone, but sometimes it just gets to you. I seriously wanted to start looking for another job. I'm just starting to get bored w/ everything. I do mail, I take calls, I sell sell sell, and blah blah blah. I'm not to happy w/ where I'm at so..I guess that can add up to things. But what can I do.

The business should be up and running crossing fingers hopefully in April. So as soon as that's going maybe I can be a stay at home mom. Key word: MAYBE.

blog 1: AJ's hospitalization

So this is the third year that AJ got hospitalized around the same time of the year. He was admitted on the 22nd last Thursday and was diagnosed w/ RSV and pneumonia. I was concerned w/ his breathing the night before, called Dr Maulino and was told to bring him in. Waited it out, cause we were all the way in Fairfield, took him in to his Drs office and was told he should be admitted. He was weazing really bad and had a hard time breathing. He had signs of pneumonia, which totally sucked for him. I felt so bad for the guy. Well, he was put back on oxygen for 3 days and then had to be off for 24 hours in order for him to go home. He's home now, and he's happy. Just gotta continue giving him his breathing treatments.
So NOTE TO SELF around Feb and March, he is to not do anything but stay home! Seriously. I mean, last year we were admitted in the same hospital and coincidentally the same exact room except it was 222A and we were now in 222B.

Soo..although he's already two he will still be very succeptable to getting sick.
It totally took a toll on me especially Sunday night. Man I had the biggest migraine and I couldn't sleep. I know it's due to my BP and the lack of sleep. And what sucks is if you lose sleep you can never get it back.
I had to miss work from Fri, this past MOn and Tues. I lost 6 points so :( frown to that, so the next like three months no calling in for nothing! I have no more PTOK. I have to work up to get my FMLA back and get my points back. I'm now at 11 points which isn't bad cause its still informal, but it's better to be out of informal. I have to sign up for all OT this month in March cause its the last month to get points back.

But I'm really glad he's home. Just gotta be really careful, cause we wouldn't want him to relapse.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Valentine

For Valentines Day I worked. It sucked, but I'm just glad it wasn't busy. I've been doing really good w/ trying to stay on the phone. Gotta get my numbers up and meet compliance.

Well, I was teasing Bubba about how I'm looking forward to my flowers, although I know I wasn't going to get any. He'll be going on a run this weekend, so I didn't expect anything. Plus I got my MotoKrzr. So I'm happy :)

Well, around 9ish..I get a call and I couldn't answer it cause I was on a call w/ a customer. He shows up w/ flowers (one to put on my desk-a plus), a balloon and some candy. Cause I was teasing him how I only got Chinese food for lunch haha. But the security guard told me he dropped it off, and good thing I caught him in time to turn around. I brought AJ in the building for a lil bit and he was shy as usual. He saw Elisa and Shawn, the only two people from my old team that mattered. Well, I was totally surprised, and that made my night. Thanks Bubba, I love you! So that was my Valentines...dinner to come next weekend, or next week. I've really been craving sushi lately, so I'm hoping we can head out to the city and get some reservations.

Hope everyone had a great Valentines day. I know I did, even though I was at work, I'm I was surprised w/ AJ and all the other little things.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

~~>@ To everyone

Myspace Comments

Jason's Bday

Okay so I soo lagged to post these but here ya go-(sorry Jason)


AJ is sooooo smart. It makes me so proud on how he's doing. He knows his letters, we've been working w/ him on his flashcards, and he knows about all of them. He struggles with some, like the M and the T but he only makes mistakes sometimes. I think what's really helped him is his favorite toy, the hot wheels laptop that was given to him for his birthday. He LOVES that thing!
He always comes up to me and says "mommy open open" its soo adorable.

He also knows his numbers from 1 thru 20. There are a few numbers like 14 and 15 where it sounds like he's saying 13 but we're working on it. It amazes me, cause I've talked to a few people and they have kids same age as AJ and they're full term, versus AJ being a preemie...and they still don't know there letters. Or their numbers, and they would rather pay attention to something else then wanting to learn. AJ wants to learn, he wants to sit down, and that's the best thing about it.

This goes back to spending time w/ your kids. It makes me proud that he's doing more then an average two year old. He can be very impulsive, but it comes down to teaching him not to be.
I pat my self on the shoulder for that. Its one step to being a smart kid.

Can you have it "all"?

So I was watching Oprah I think sometime last week, or the week before and there was an issue of if women having it "all"...the degree, the job, the parenting, but at the same time do a great job at all three. It consisted of stay at home moms vs career mothers. Which, was a big debate. Some of them weren't really making any sense. For example, there was a stay at home mom who said that she would rather have her be able to hug and spend time w/ her child then put them in daycare. Okay SERIOUSLY! You can hug your child anytime, its just the time you put into your child. I think people can be great parents as long as theres a balance on things. Mother or Father..regardless of how tired you are from work, spend time w/ your child. Let them know that you're there for them and that you love them.

Like AJ..that's mainly the reason why I work in the evenings so we don't have to put in him day care and that we have an equal amount of time that we spend w/ him. I have him in the morning and Tuan has him at night. Now that he's two, he requires a lot of attention. At this age, he's a sponge. Everything you say and do he trys to mock just cause he's learning. But he knows we're there for him. He calls me when he needs me and lets me know. He's so smart!!! We're very fortunate w/ how he's doing with his development because he was extremely premature.

Well, Tuan and I had a conversation about this the other night the whole having it all thing..and I think its really hard to have it all. I mean, I really really want to go back to school, but its hard cause of work and bills. Plus, being a mom. I give props to people who can do it, but I know that they have a lot of help. Yes, we have the help of Tuan's sisters, BUT they're also in school and they take of not only AJ but our nieces as well. I just want to finish is my point. And the only way is thru online classes. I've learned working at Wells, I love to do paperwork. Sounds weird I know, but I like to do admin stuff. So I figured I major in Business Administration.
There are so many things w/ having it all. Being a parent, spending time w/ the family, cleaning house, maintaining bills, being a wife. Yeah, for some its nothing, but it's really hard! I mean, its not difficult to the point where I feel like I'm going to fall apart, but it can be overwhelming.

For instance, I would love it sometimes if Tuan helps clean house. He does his part but I feel like I have to do it almost all the time. I don't have anyone to clean up after me and for AJ. I wish I could just relax in the morning and do nothing, and I admit I do that sometimes...but it creates a pile of work the next day or on my day off. Like dishes, I hate when there's dishes in the sink; laundry..when its laundry day it seems like theres 4 loads of laundry!!

Then there's work. I'm not happy w/ what I'm doing. Tuan says I just get bored, but answering the phones all day long sometimes can be really stressful. I stick it out cause of the benefits, the money, and the 401k. I would love to work for the state, or the county. I've looked around, and am still looking around, but w/ Tuan's business opening I want to be able to help him. Its hard to open a new business and just hire someone w/out having a backbone. And that's just from what I hear w/ people who have opened there business..heck I talk to business cust all day long!!

Parenting. I do my best to be there for my son. I want him to know Mommy loves him and would do anything for him, but there are boundaries. I want him to be disciplined and respectful towards others, as my parents have taught me. I don't expect him to be perfect, because yes NO ONE is perfect, but expecting that just leads him to fail. I want the best for him and I want him to be known as a "good guy". Even when I get old. Like there's this guy named Andy from BFMC, and when you first see him he's rugged looking but very humble. He was the only one who chatted w/ Tuan and I, and Lori and Dru at Ian and Jaymi's wedding from the club. He didn't have to talk to us, but with his politeness and kindness it makes me think, his mom raised a great man. Even when he came over for a party we had, he asked about the food w/ interest versus just eating it. I want AJ to be like that. I don't expect him to be a hero, but to be helpful towards others. I'm assuming most parents want these simple things from their kids, cause these simple things start at home. And it ALWAYS almost all the time reflects on the parents.

So having it "all" can be accomplished, but not all at the same time. I hope one day I can look back and say "I did it all, and now I have it all".

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Pre-Valentines Gifts

So I got my Valentines day gift!!! :)
Bubba got me a phone. I got the new MotoKrazr, and its soo freakin cute. I love it. It has all the features thats on his LG phone but its way slimmer. He was gonna get the blackberry and just give me his old phone, which I totally would not have minded cause I was getting use to his phone, but he thought of getting me a new one.

I got him his chaps and his skinnys. Not bad for their price. He's happy cause he gets to wear them when he goes on his run for Mardi Gras w/ Ian and the other guys. I know it'll help keep him warm. I'm glad I got the bigger size too. I was originally just gonna get him the top and bottom, but the chaps were a lil cheaper then before so I got both.

I didn't think that he was gonna get me a phone. I told him, if its for his bike and its for me I don't want it haha. But I DL my ringtones and I'm happy. I just went thru Verizon to do it cause it seemed much to complicated to go thru the net.

Well, then there's our anniversary. Its next month, but I already have in mind on what to get him. I gotta check and make a few phone calls tomorrow just to make sure its even something that he can use. I'm glad he liked it. Plus, on V-day we're both working, and I may even be working on the 15th for OT. So we may not even have a chance to do the whole dinner date thing. But we shall see. I really wanna go to Japenese restuarant. Gotta love my sushi. I mean, there's Mikuni's but ehh..I'll look for something downtown. Or maybe even Sushi King.

It has to be for either this Sunday, cause I work mad early on Monday (more OT) and next weekend, he has his run, plus I work on the following Monday for a shift swap. Oh, and I know we'll have a movie date coming up cause Ghostrider is out on the 16th w/ Nicholas Cage. Gotta watch that. I'm hoping its good!!

OG team was better

I drives me mad when people can't stand up for themselves, or can't think for themselves. Seriously!! Oh my, what a day at work! It was going okay until I listened to a QA.
I just hate the fact that things have to go and be referred to by upper mgmt. I'm so not good w/ micro management, and how certain people can't just make a decision for themselves.

I miss the old team 11. I mean to OG team, when like April, Savi, Jamie, and when we had Dennis as the sup. I know things change, and change is good, but sometimes...just sometimes, I wish things were back to the way they were. Enough said.

Well, I don't know if I'll be continuing to do the mail for the center anymore, cause it seems that there may be an issue. I love to do it cause it makes the day go by fast for me. It makes taking the calls fast and it allows me to multitask. But if it creates issues, then I just wont do it.
I'm not happy with where I'm at. I might look around but we'll see. I have to get situated w/ Tuan's business and everything. I know once it gets going and it gets busy I may not even have to work. I can play house mom and office manager all at the same time. Until then, gotta keep my head up and just put a smile on. I know totally fake, but it gets you thru work sometimes.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


okay so I sooooo HAVE TO gather everything for taxes tomorrow so we can submit them. i'm laggin arggh! its been so hectic, its insane! busy at work, tired from work, and just things to do at home.

That's what's on my TO DO list tomorrow. Yesterday was All Hands On Deck, cause I guess now we're one whole NBBC. We have another call center which is at Shoreview, MN and their numbers yesterday were horrible, so we have to pick up the slack for them. It totally sucks.
I'm hoping today won't be to bad.

Well, tomorrow is Thursday and AJ has his two appointments, I have to remember to make sure he'll be fully awake for them and that we don't wake up to early. Cause if we wake up really early then he'll be knocked out when Martha gets here. Oh, and Jen and her hubby and baby are supposedly coming over for dinner at Lisa's house tomorrow. I'll know for sure tonight, or tomorrow. I haven't heard from them so we'll see. Well gotta check and make sure I have everything prepared for what to look for and who to call to get all the paperwork tomorrow. Oh my and I have a Dr appt!! Hectic I tell you!

Monday, February 05, 2007

it's official

Today we announce Fermina and Alvin Adapon!! So it's official, Ning is now in the married club!
Yup, this morning they got married civilly and then now comes the planning of the real wedding. The whole reception and getting remarried in front of the whole family. Congratulations!


Sat: Event J
We were late for reservations, but we left earlier then planned. I mean we did come from Elk Grove, and had to drop off AJ to my moms. I was a lil irritated cause I felt like I heard it the whole time from Jo..uggh! I swear, people work on the weekends out here in the valley. and there is such thing called traffic. But dinner at La Barca was good. Then the only ones from dinner that ended up at the club is me, Bubba, Jason, Ay and Anne. We went to Club Roe whihc is done the street from NV. We made Anne stay out the whole time. Good times :) . Didn't have to much to drink, just enough to be tipsy. Jason's cousins were there and we danced a lil and it was a good vibe. OMG! guess who I saw there, I saw Olivia from High School. It was nice to see her. We're planning on having lunch or something.
After the club we to lucky chances, had some grub and slept over at Ay Ay's in Pinole.

Sun: Super Bowl XLI (I finally figured out that it meant 41, 50-10+1)
I really didn't feel like going cause I wanted to pick AJ up. But we went and they had a lot of food. I was pretty tired. Same folks were there Jo's coworkers and us and Lisa and the kids came after we did. Just ate watched the game and then hung out for a lil bit. We left before the game was over cause we still had to get AJ and the drive to Elk Grove. Then we came home watched Milan (some filipino movie from my parents house) and just knocked out.

So that was our weekend. Hopefully everyone had a good one! Pictures to come soon from Jason's Bday.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Long Blog

Okay, so Event J is tomorrow. Jason so laughed at me that I called it that. haha. Well, I made the reservations for tomorrow at La Barca San Fran. Its a mexican cuisine off of Lombard St. We were originally going to go to Gravity but plans changed. We are now on the guestlist to go to Club Roe which is off of Howard St. Somewhere different. Its suppose to be crackin, so we'll see.
I hope its not too crowded. But hey there's always Gravity.

So there's dinner reservations for 8 @ 8:00 (cute). That way its gives Tuan and I time to get ready and then drive up to the bay. We're also going to pick up Ay Ay. So it totally works out. Then we're going to be heading out for dinner, I think we're going to pick up Jason. Cause I know he's not gonna drive. Jay you're gonna get drunk! I have to double check to see what time we have to be in line for that club. I think it's 11.

Well, I'm looking forward to this weekend. Sooo many things have been happening that I'm looking to consume alcohol. Sounds bad I know, but it'll be good to get away and party. We don't party very often. On Sunday we're suppose to go to Jo and Eileen's for Superbowl Sunday, but we're dropping AJ off to mom's house so we have to pick him up on Sunday before she goest to work. Originally he was going to be at Lisa's house, but talked to mom and said that she can watch him on Saturday. Which is cool, cause she can spend time w/ him. And plus dad can play with him too. So, we'll probably be watching the game here at home.

I gotta clean house tomorrow, before we leave. Never wanna leave the house messy before going out of town. It's just so much nicer to come home to a clean house. Oh, and if I haven't mentioned yet, Ning and Alvin are getting married!! They'll do the civil thing on Monday at City Hall and then they're still looking for a place hopefully for March around Ning's bday. I wanna help plan it, but it's her day so..I'll just give some suggestions and ideas. I just can't wait until Bubba and I renew our vows.

I also finally got my very own helmet. I got the chips one. haha. We went riding on Monday and he took me to work on Tuesday. It's great to have my own helmet. I love it! I got the flat black one and I got it on sale for 25% off. Works for me! Bubba got a leather jacket and Jason used his gift card at Renegade last Sunday. Renegade had a 25% off deal just for that weekend, so we took advantage of it. Oh and I know what to get Bubba for Valentines day already. I just have to make sure to call and see if they have it stock by next friday.

Well, its been like forever since I've blogged on this thing, I guess I've just been tired from work and just had so many things on my mind. I just now am able to since I'm relaxed.

Tax Season has been pretty busy at work. Everyone's wanting their statements, and all other kinds of photocopies. Its not so bad at night, since we now actually have at least 20 people until 10ish when graveyard gets in. But the other night, the aspect phone went in the red..and it was insane!
What gets to me is when they're calling for something they can get thru the automated system like balance info, checks withdrawals, etc. That's why we have BOB and the IVR people!

Well, I hope it doesnt get to bad, like last year. Last year was pretty bad, we were short staffed almost all the time, there was a whole lotta mail..and it was just tiring. My AHT was bad, cause there were times I just put myself on idle cause I needed to take a breath.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Event J

Okay, Event J is coming up! Jason's bday is coming up this coming thursday, and I'm soooo glad I was able to get the day off for next Saturday. I swapped w/ Ignacio, so I work this Monday 3:00 to 11:30, so I have to remember to leave at like 2:00 to make sure I have parking.
I don't know what to plan yet. I know it'll be dinner than a bar/club or something just to hang out and drink.

I'm soo looking forward to this coming weekend. I think its much needed. Just to go out and chill w/ everyone. I don't think everyones going to make it though, I just got confirmation from Lori that she won't be coming. I hoping Dru can come out to hang out, but we'll see. Leia and her are sick, so :(. Hope you guys get better. I still have to look for a restaurant to eat. I know I have to send out the evite by tomorrow or no later than Monday (early morning) just so we can get a head count for dinner. I have to check to if the restaurant has reservations so that I can call on Thursday to reserve the place. I know that Ay-Ay and I (haha that rhymes) talked about sushi and then we would have to figure out what to do from there. Well, Jason's coming over later so we'll get a guest list then. But for now, gotta get an outfit woohoo..can't spend to much but you know gotta look nice!

I still can't believe I'm up right now. I sleep really late last night. For some reason I just couldn't get any sleep. Lotsa things seem to be running in my head lately so that may be the cause. All I know is that in the end things will work out, right? If not, then my mind will go into pieces. (but not literally).

Other events:
*Okay so I have to look at my planner to see when I can set up an appt for Antioch in March for Kat and I, and even Tuan and I. I think I may just do the one for Tuan and I this month for Valentines day because in March things will be hard to schedule for the business. I have to take a look. But I think I should plan it for like a Fri, since his days off change to F, Sat, Sun. So maybe a swap for a weekend or something.
*Valentines day..a day I love, but dont think I have anything planned yet. Its in two weeks so we'll see. Dinner? Movie? any suggestions?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

HV position

So I didn't get the HV position...that's okay. It's not my time yet. It was based on my MPP, so I just have to get that up. My QAs are really good, its just compliance, and ATC. AHT was a lil low, but that wasn't the big deal. I didn't know that I ended the year at a high level 2 uggh!
So next time I know what to say for the interview and what to improve on.
Like I said, this year, I have to get things done and get things right. I have to move on.
Other than that my points haven't been fixed yet, I'm hoping that they'll be taken care of tomorrow or soon.

oh my some people really have the guts to get on TV and just blow!! I mean, who really told you that you can sing. Forreal!! It's pretty hilaire though haha. There was this one girl who was crying cause her dad didn't want her to go on AI and wanted to do something else. She made that's good. I only like watching the tryouts and the ending. I stopped watching the whole season. Oh and this one chick, straight drama..haha they said day's of our american idol lives hahaha..she's hella begging about not understanding why she can't make it!!! (sniff sniff) some people forreals!

AJ's got his appointments w/ his OT and PT. Other than that I gotta jet to the Golden 1 and take care of some things. Oh my..don't ever get a car loan thru them. I have them on straight recurring bill pay and they keep applying my payments to the wrong account. It's soooo frustrating!!! So I have to print out something to show it's been inconvenient!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Busy Weekend

Oh my what a weekend!!! Tiring but well worth it..First off, I wanna say:
"HAPPY 30th BDAY JO!!!"
Well we went down to Tahoe Fri night and then stayed over until Sat night. It was pretty fun!! Not to many people, but enough to have a great time. Pictures have been uploaded. On Sat, we kinda just hung out and chilled, which was good to just relax and not spend money. We didn't go snowboarding, or snow mobiling, just hung out. It's funny cause only 2 people ended up going. Jo and his coworker Rob. Then drank a lil bit, ate a lot (oh mun!! garlic noddle and dungeonus crab, yum!) just had a great time. More details later!!

Sun: Leia's Baptism @ Saint Anne's Church 10AM mass..followed by the reception @ Hilton in Fremont
Lotta food consumed this weekend! That means, more running and movement this week!!
That was pretty cool too. I was soo tired though driving home. And on Sun night..still had time to watch "The Protector". Good movie, bad director!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


So I had my HV interview today w/ Scott and Mike, OPs. I think I did "ok" the end I totally thought I sooo could have done better. But we'll see. **cross your fingers**
I was soooo freagin nervous forreal! I know I shouldn't have, but just the interview thing man. I mean, I can soo talk in front of a group of people but interviews they just make my palms sweat.
I think I got more nervous cause Mike was there. I was so just expecting only Scott..but it's okay. I asked Scott how I did, and he said I did fine.

I got some word from D though. I love D dude..he gets info for me! He said that Scott wants to hire me, they just need to fix the whole points issue. So I'm hoping something gets worked out before the end of next week. There's suppose to be a total of 6 people who applied, and I believe three positions are open. I'm really hoping I get this. If not, then I know that I just have to work harder at it. But, we'll see what happens, gotta stay positive. D said that Scott told him I did real well, but I just thought I kept rambling and I didn't give the "right" answer. The only other thing they have to look over is MPP and compare it with other people who applied. D put in a good word for me and that's sooo appreciated. He mentioned to me that he knows that I work hard when I'm at work and that I put in the extra mile for the customer. Things like that are great to hear :)

Work stuff-I almost didn't make my deadline for the correspondce today, but I completed everything exactly at 11:58 (skills, skills!) I just wanted to get things done and sent out to not affect the customer, plus I won't be back until next Tues. I'm looking forward to this weekend.
Until then, I got a lot of errands to do tomorrow (today). Errands aren't always fun, but I'll be able to relax at home tomorrow night. Movie night maybe..oh wait, Grey's Anatomy!!! Gotta love Thursdays!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Okay, so her blogg is officially created!! i had everything setup but i've been forgetting to get her the info!! so there you go ashely...i hope you like it!! we can soooo gossip on this thing uahahaha!
I really hope you like the template I choose for you..I emailed you all the info.

aww mun, it's freakin 2:54 and i'm still awake. I seriously figured out that i function better at night. I'm such a night owl! i just finished doing bills through BP cause I gotta get that taken care of before this weekend. woohoo..Jo's Bday coming up!!! Can't wait. Pictures to post soon. Speaking of which I have some from this weekend when I went to see my godson Brandon, he is so freagin adorable. Bubba helped Jason move stuff, well I did later on in the afternoon/evening while AJ was w/ grandma and grandpa..and I got to hang out w/ Ay-ay. It was nice to just relax for a bit you know what I mean.

hmm..brief stuff..
I applied for the HV dept and I have an interview tomorrow @ 4:00 w/ Scott. **cross your fingers for me** I think I'll do okay, I'm just nervous. I have to figure out what to wear tomorrow oh my! I gotta make an impression. I just need to get out of complex that's all. I'm hoping to stay nights though. So that's the other issue. Well, I've been a lil stressed at work since things changed to the point system and that time I took off last month is killin me. I just don't want to come to work then have to ask to leave. I know things will work out, but for now I gotta concentrate on the interview tomorrow.
I finished almost all my AIMS. You'll be getting two shortly Ashley..I'm going to start doing one each week for certain people, becaus now I was told there isn't a limit on how many you can give someone because it's recognition. So keep those GC's comin!!!

Happy Belated Bday to Philip (my bro)!

It's been freezing cold!! there's ice on the grass!! The last time I checked we were in Elk Grove!! It's been like 23 degrees overnight..poor pets that sleep outside. Aibo has a heater and everything! Speaking of dogs..Kylie is in heat!! Let's hope this time she gives me a puppy!! Do your thang Duke haha!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


So Monday is the last day to send our AIMS to be counted for 4th quarter. AIMS are recognitions that we send out to either agents or supervisors, and with the AIMS you receive a $25 gift card. They have a list of merchants where you can use the gift cards, and they range from restuarants like Olive Garden, Red Lobster; to bookstores Barnes and Noble, Borders; to just retail stores Coach, Macys, Sears, Target etc. I have like I think 10 people to do tomorrow. I've completed some today but didn't get to finish since I moved to sit next to Elisa.

Here's my list of people:
Elisa-almost completed

I think that's all I have. I have to look at my calendar on my desk tomorrow. I really wanna finish them now, but I'm gonna catch my Zz's tonight cause I have to wake up early to go to the bank and do some errands. So far, I've gotten I think that's what $175.00 woohoo..I'm hoping to get more. I'll have to remind people tomorrow. I know Doug will do another one for me and so will Wayne. Bubba said to just put it all to one place, which I think is a great idea. I was gonna save it all for Xmas shopping this year. I know that's hella long from now, but if you think about it..we won't have to spend any money. Cause lets just say I got a total of $300.00+ then that would totally pay for a lot of friends that we didn't get to give gifts this year. The kids, they're easy so I don't have to worry much about them. I'll try to do them first thing tomorrow. I wanna do them while AJ's asleep cause it'll help me concentrate. I feel a lil brain dead since I didn't get much sleep last night.

I was sooo irritated at work earlier that I just wanted to go home. Well, there's a new guy named Ignacio..and when you're new on the floor, I understand that you have the pressures of making sure you don't put the customer on hold to long and that you provide great service yadayada.
But he asked for my help regarding some miscellaneous adjustment on a cust accnt, so I logged off the phone to help him. I told him to give me a minute so I can try to find out why it happened. I even went to Eric. He looked up and you know when you put your pointer finger up to say wait..he freagin thought I was flipping him off. Seriously! And when I came to tell him what it was he was already calling the 4 queue. I know I thought out loud cause I told him, you have no patience and that's so not good. That was errkin. If you don't want my help, then I won't bother. It's my peet peeve I guess. So I'm soo not helping him anymore, if anything he can ask the 4 queue. He's not getting an AIM from me. uuhahaha!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Mission complete

So I told myself today that for now on Thursdays would be the days where I would do house cleaning and run as many errands as I can before 5. So, its really not my day off. No more naps for me.

Well we started the day off real early. Got up around 7ish and then went back to sleep after Bubba left to go to work. But then woke up at 9:00 to go to my nail appointment. Man, it was frrreeezing this morning. It's suppose to be really cold the next two mornings and especially overnight. It's suppose to be in the mid 20s. Anyway, got my nails done. Thanks Timmy!! Then right after went home and figured out what I needed to get as far as if I was gonna do the groceries today, etc. Well, I didn't cook today cause we ate at Cheesecake Factory.
Not bad I guess. I don't recall eating at the one in the city, I just remember getting some drinks before the club w/ Michelle like hella days ago.

AJ and I ate at Oly's Burger..its soo yum. I kinda like there burger better then Nations. It's not that expensive either for its size. After that went to Staples and got some things for the office/AJ's room. I just completed my project of reorganizing. I know its like really early in the morning, but I'll be okay cause I can sleep in a lil bit tomorrow. I was determined to finish clearing the papers that were on the desk and filing some things. Plus, I wanted to put up my letter trays. I also put some stuff on Bubba's desk in the guest room. Since I reorganized the bed and desk around in the guest room, I wanted to make his desk look more like a work area.
Then, after Staples, went home and cleaned house. Had dinner w/ Rob and Lisa at Cheesecake got home around 10ish and now it's time to catch my Zzzs. Just put the dogs in the laundry room...poor things, they were shivering in the garage. I wish I could give them a bath inside but they move to dang much. Well the next two nights they'll be inside, kinda, sorta but not really.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Verizon Wireless

Okay so there's three phones that I'm comparing. I'm really eyeing the one that's a lil more over-priced but I've never really gotten a nice phone. I've always gotten the low cheap model, cause I wasn't into all the extras until now.

So there's the:
LG VX8300
Which Bubba has. It has the bluetooth feature, Vcast, text to speech enabled, etc.
It's $49.99 (online price) reg $99.99 and it's a pretty cute phone. Not my number 1 choice but I can settle for it. I just dont want the same phone like all three of them have. Glo and Ning have the same phone too.

Nokia 6315i
I would totally get this one. It's different. Bluetooth capable (that's like a really important feature, cause I love having headsets), Vcast, photo cam (well all three have cams) and it allows you to get 25 ring tones. Not like I'm going to DL that many.
It's 129.99 retail and online price its $79.99. Still not bad. I like the look of it too. It's the one I would pick but..

The one I really want is:
LG VX8600
Okay so this one's pricey for me but it's totally cute!! It's 179.99 (i think that's a lot for a cell phone, but that's just me) online price $129.99 not much of a discount. It's black, blue tooth capable, Vcast, photo cam, removable memory (all three have this feature) and its really professional looking. But we'll see.

I think I'll just get the one that's 79.99. I have to see what happens before the trip to Tahoe. All I know is Metro will not be paid for this month. So I'm kinda hoping to get the phone before the trip. I just have to see what the deal is on if Bubba is gonna pay Lisa before we leave or after. Cause he has to pay his first months bill. And you know the first month is always the one that's the most expensive. Cause of the whole activation fees etc. I'm hoping that she can just add a line to Tuan's just so I can be in the same network.

Plan wise:
I dont want to be in the family plan. I would do the $59.99-900 monthly minutes and have the $10.00 unlimited text messaging. I use text a lot cause of communicating w/ folks at work plus w/ other fam. The unlimited text isn't bad, cause I get 500 plus texts to non VW customers. What's nice too is that I can change my plan down to $39.99 if I notice I dont use the phone too often. Which I usually don't but I would start w/ the $59.99 just to be on the safer side.
We'll I hope to get a new phone before gotta work that OT and get paid!